Physics Components


Creates a physical area with a primitive shape with custom gravity/buoyancy settings.

Area Settings
  • Type - The shape of the physics area. This can be a box, sphere, cylinder, capsule, geometry or spline.
Shape properties

Based on the Type selection, following options might appear on the panel:

RadiusRadius of the shape (for sphere, capsule, and cylinder).
HeightHeight of the cylindrical portion of the shape (for cylinders and capsules).
SizeSize (x, y, z) of the box shape.
Custom Gravity

Whether to apply custom gravity in this area.

GravityGravity that overrides global/outer gravity for entities inside the area. This is an acceleration vector in Si.
Buoyancy Parameters

Type of buoyancy to apply.

  • Disabled - Doesn't apply buoyancy.
  • Air - Sets buoyancy type to air. Buoyancy type only affects how overlapping areas are handled: air areas are all applied, while water areas only apply the smallest (i.e. the innermost) one.
  • Water - Sets buoyancy type to water.

The flow of the air or water, in meters per second.

DensityDensity of the medium; reference water is 1000, reference air is about 1.
ResistanceResistance of the medium (reference water is 1000). This is a force that resists the motion (relative to the flow speed).
UniformFlow and/or gravity is uniform rather than based on the position relative to the shape.
Falloff Start

For non-uniform shapes, start of falloff (1 = shape boundary).

Box Collider

Adds a physical box part to the physics only (without any StatObj). It still uses an entity slot

These colliders will not be rendered (except as helpers when the entity is selected in the editor), which can be desirable in some cases, such as ragdoll actors, invisible walls, or general collision adjustments.

Box Collider Settings
  • Size - Size of the box.
Physics Settings
Weight Type

Determines whether to use Mass, Density as the weight type of the mesh. It also allows the user to make the mesh immovable when physicalized.

  • Mass - Mass of the object in kg.
  • Density- Density of the object in Kg/m3.
  • Immovable - Prevents the mesh entity from moving it is physicalized.
Mass (pre-scale)

Appears when Mass is selected on the Weight Type list. It pre-scales the mass of the object in kg.

DensityAppears when Density is selected on the Weight Type list. Results in the mass being calculated based on the volume of the object.
Surface TypeSurface type assigned to this object - determines its physical properties.
React to CollisionsDefines if the collider should send collision events.

Capsule Collider

Adds a physical capsule part to the physics only (without any StatObj). It still uses an entity slot.

These colliders will not be rendered (except as helpers when the entity is selected in the editor), which can be desirable in some cases, such as ragdoll actors, invisible walls, or general collision adjustments.

Capsule Collider Settings
RadiusRadius of the capsule.
HeightHeight of the capsule.
Physics Settings
Weight Type

Determines whether to use Mass, Density as the weight type of the mesh. It also allows the user to make the mesh immovable when physicalized.

  • Mass - Mass of the object in kg.
  • Density - Density of the object in Kg/m3.
  • Immovable - Prevents the mesh entity from moving it is physicalized.
Mass (pre-scale)Appears when Mass is selected on the Weight Type list. It pre-scales the mass of the object in kg.
DensityAppears when Density is selected on the Weight Type list. Results in the mass being calculated based on the volume of the object.
Surface TypeSurface type assigned to this object - determines its physical properties.
React to CollisionsDefines if the collider should send collision events.

Character Controller

Functionality for a standard FPS / TPS style walking character.

Character Controller Setting
  • Networked Synced - Syncs the physical entity over the network and keeps it in sync with the server.
MassMass of the character in kg.
Collider RadiusRadius of the default capsule or cylinder.
Collider HeightHeight of the default capsule or cylinder.
Use Capsule

Whether or not to use a capsule as the main collider. If disabled, will use a cylinder.

Ground Contact EpsilonThe amount of distance that the player needs to move upwards (in meters) before the ground contact is lost.
Send Collision SignalWhether or not this component should listen for collisions and report them.
Air Control RatioIndicates how much the character can move in the air, 0 = no movement, 1 = full control.
Air Resistance

The amount of friction (force opposed to movement) received when airborne.

(dampens velocity when airborne).
Inertia CoefficientSets how fast the character will be able to achieve the desired velocity. Higher values correspond to more responsive movement. 0 is a special value, meaning full control / instant velocity switch.
Inertia Acceleration CoefficientSame as inertia, but used when the character is accelerating (i.e. its desired velocity is non-0).
Maximum Climb Angle

Maximum angle of inclination at which the character can climb.

Maximum Jump AngleMaximum angle of inclination at which the character can jump.
Minimum Angle For Slide

Angle below which the player starts sliding down.

Minimum Angle For Fall

Angle below which the character starts falling.

Maximum Surface Velocity

Maximum velocity with which a character can keep walking on a surface, before they are considered airborne and slide off.


Physicalizes mesh as cloth/soft object.




Determines the CGF to load.


Specifies the override material for the selected object.

Cast Shadows

Sets whether the cloth will cast shadows.


Mass of the cloth object (only useful for lighter than air closed objects).


Density of cloth's vertices (only affects floating in water). Unlike rigid bodies, cloth can have independent mass and density settings.


Used for collision detection. Every cloth vertex is surrounded by a colliding sphere with this radius.

Mass Decay

Sets by how much vertex mass decreases at cloth's free ends compared to attached ones. Higher values improve solver and stretch enforcement quality, but it should be 0 for unattached cloth (such as pressurized).


Friction at collision points.

Air Resistance

Sets how strongly cloth is affected by the wind.


Extra wind added to this cloth, on top of the global/physical areas.

Wind Variance

Adds a random variance to the wind to make the cloth more flappy.


Internal pressure for closed cloth.

Density Inside

Density of the medium inside the cloth. Can be used to adjust buoyancy, by having cloth objects filled with lighter-than-air mediums for instance (i.e. <1 density).

Set to -1 to assume the same density as outside.

Impulse Scale

Scales hit impulses applied to the cloth (to avoid excessive reaction)

Explosion Scale

Explosion impulses applied to the cloth (to avoid excessive reaction). This lets you have visible deformations from bullet impacts, but without vastly distorting the object too far with explosions.

Simulation Parameters

Maximum Time Step

The largest time step that the entity can make before splitting. Smaller time steps increase the stability (can be required for long and thin objects, for instance), but are more expensive.

Sleep Speed

An object is considered sleeping if its kinetic energy falls below a limit over several frames. This option defines that limit.

The limit is proportional to Sleep Speed2.


A cheaper alternative/addition to water resistance (applies uniform damping when in water).
Sets the strength of the damping on an object's movement as soon as it is situated underwater. Most objects can work with 0 damping; if an object has trouble coming to rest, try values like 0.2-0.3.
Values of 0.5 and higher appear visually as overdamping. Note that when several objects are in contact, the highest damping is used for the entire group.


Strength of connections between cloth's vertices.

Max Iters

Amount of iterations to solve cloth's constraints (affects the cloth solver speed).


Accuracy (allowed velocity error per frame) of the cloth solver.

Max Stretch

Maximum allowed streching before positional enforcement is activated, in fractions of 1 (i.e. 0.05=5%). Smaller values to be used to remove stretching even with low Max Iters. It's a cheaper, but less physically accurate way.

Bend Stiffness

Stiffness against bending - smaller values indicate less stiffness, larger values indicate stronger stiffness.

Set to 0.0 to disable.

Shear Stiffness

Strength against shearing - smaller values indicate less stiffness, larger values indicate stronger stiffness.

Set to 0.0 to disable.

Terrain Collisions

Enables collisions with the main terrain.

Static Collisions

Enables collisions with static objects.

Dynamic Collisions

Enables collisions with 'normal' physical object, i.e. rigid bodies, ragdolls, vehicles.

Player Collisions

Enables collisions with legacy-style players (PE_LIVING).

Cylinder Collider

Adds a physical cylinder part to the physics only (without any StatObj). It still uses an entity slot.

These colliders will not be rendered (except as helpers when the entity is selected in the editor), which can be desirable in some cases, such as ragdoll actors, invisible walls, or general collision adjustments.

Cylinder Collider Settings
RadiusRadius of the cylinder.
HeightHeight of the cylinder.
Physics Settings
Weight Type

Determines whether to use Mass, Density as the weight type of the mesh. It also allows the user to make the mesh immovable when physicalized.

  • Mass - Mass of the object in kg.
  • Density - Density of the object in Kg/m3.
  • Immovable - Prevents the mesh entity from moving it is physicalized.
Mass (pre-scale)Appears when Mass is selected on the Weight Type list. It pre-scales the mass of the object in kg.
DensityAppears when Density is selected on the Weight Type list. Results in the mass being calculated based on the volume of the object.
Surface TypeSurface type assigned to this object - determines its physical properties.
React to CollisionsDefines if the collider should send collision events.

Local Grid

Local Grid allows entities to be attached to larger hosts and be physically simulated within its local environment at the same time. An interior of a moving train or a spaceship are some of the examples where a Local Grid can be used to define a local environment.

More related information can be found on the Local Simulation Grids Technical Documentation page.

Number Of Cells XNumber of cells that appear on the X axis.
Number Of Cells YNumber of cells that appear on the Y axis.
Cell SizeEach field in this option defines the size of the cells on the X and Y axes respectively.
HeightSets the height of the grid area.
Acceleration ThresholdMinimal host acceleration that is applied to objects inside the grid.


Physicalizes the entity as a particle.


Mass of the entity in kg.

Size'Size' in the direction of movement. If the particle is imagined as a sphere, 'size' is its diameter.
ThicknessSize along the normal when lying (can be different from size in the direction of movement)

Direction in the entity space that gets aligned with the surface normal when lying.

Roll AxisRoll axis in the entity space.
ThrustAcceleration in the direction movement.
LiftAcceleration along the entity 'up' direction.
Gravity Scale

Particle's acceleration due to gravity = world gravity * this scale.

A value of 0 will disable gravity completely, while a value of 1 means full gravity acceleration.

Water Gravity ScaleWorld gravity scaling coefficient when in water.
Air Resistance Scale

Scale to the global air resistance coefficient.

Water Resistance ScaleScale to the global water resistance coefficient.
Bounce Speed ThresholdMinimal approach velocity (along the normal) that results in a bounce.
Sleep ThresholdSends the particle to sleep if its speed falls below this threshold.

By default, the object is in a sleep mode so that it doesn't use any resources from the physics engine until it is required to do so. You can make the object to be "awake" by default when the game starts by checking this parameter.

Network Synced

Syncs the physical entity over the network and keeps it in sync with the server.

Send Collision Signal

Whether or not this component should listen for collisions to generate a signal.

TraceableParticle is registered in the entity grid and can be seen by raytracing end entities-in-box queries.
Single Contact

Stops the particle after its first contact.

Constant Orientation

The particle never changes rotation on its own.

No RollThe particle slides on the ground instead of rolling (which also triggers ground alignment along 'normal').
No Spin

The particle doesn't spin when flying.

No Path Alignment

The particle doesn't align its (0,1,0) axis with the movement direction.

No Self Collisions

The particle doesn't collide with other particles with the same flag.

No ImpulseThe particle doesn't add impulse on contact.
Surface Type

The particle's surface type (used for bounciness, friction, and particle effects).


Physicalizes a single animated mesh or advanced animation component as a ragdoll, or a set of static meshes as an articulation.

Ragdoll Settings
Network SyncedSyncs the physical entity over the network and keeps it in sync with the server.
RestingIf the entity is resting it only starts to simulate on interaction with other physical entities. For example a barrel which normally is just static in the level but as soon as the player starts to shoot it, starts to be simulated by physics.
Buoyancy Parameters

Fluid behavior related to this entity.

DampingA cheaper alternative/addition to water resistance (applies uniform damping when in water).
Sets the strength of the damping on an object's movement as soon as it is situated underwater. Most objects can work with 0 damping; if an object has trouble coming to rest, try values like 0.2-0.3.
Values of 0.5 and higher appear visually as overdamping. Note that when several objects are in contact, the highest damping is used for the entire group.

(= Volume / Mass) Density affects the way objects interact with other objects and float in the water (they sink if their density is more than that of the water).
Note that both density and mass can be overridden in the asset file.

Density of the medium; reference water is 1000, reference air is about 1.

ResistanceResistance of the medium (reference water is 1000). This is a force that resists the motion (relative to the flow speed).
Simulation Parameters

Parameters related to the simulation of this entity.

Maximum Time StepThe largest time step that the entity can make before splitting. Smaller time steps increase the stability (can be required for long and thin objects, for instance), but are more expensive.
Sleep Speed

An object is considered sleeping if its kinetic energy falls below a limit over several frames. This option defines that limit.

The limit is proportional to Sleep Speed2.


Sets the strength of damping on an object's movement.

Most objects can work with 0 damping; if an object has trouble coming to rest, try values like 0.2-0.3.

If >0, allows ragdoll to play animations by applying torques at joints.

Extra Stiff ModeMuch more stable with high stiffness values, but uses the same stiffness for playing animation and enforcing locked axes/limits.


Physicalizes the entity as a rigidbody or a static (depending on the type). Adds mesh components and primitive collider components as parts. Note that those components alone will not physicalize the entity, they can only add parts to an entity that is physicalized through other means, such as RigidBody component.

Rigidbody Settings
Networked SyncedSyncs the physical entity over the network and keeps it in sync with the server.
Enabled by Default

Whether the component is enabled by default.

RestingIf the body is resting it only starts to simulate on interaction with other physical entities. For example a barrel which normally is just static in the level but as soon as the player starts to shoot it, starts to be simulated by physics.
TypeType of physicalized object to create.
  • Static - don't move and always have "infinite" mass.
  • Rigid - normal simulated objects. These can have infinite mass as well, but the physics knows that they can move if the velocity is set manually.
Send Collision SignalWhether or not this component should listen for collisions and report them.
Buoyancy Parameters

Physical properties related to the behavior of this entity while submerged in fluid.

DampingA cheaper alternative/addition to water resistance (applies uniform damping when in water).
Sets the strength of the damping on an object's movement as soon as it is situated underwater. Most objects can work with 0 damping; if an object has trouble coming to rest, try values like 0.2-0.3.
Values of 0.5 and higher appear visually as overdamping. Note that when several objects are in contact, the highest damping is used for the entire group.

(= Volume / Mass) Density affects the way objects interact with other objects and float in the water (they sink if their density is more than that of the water).
Note that both density and mass can be overridden in the asset file.

Density of the medium (reference water is 1000, reference air is about 1).

ResistanceResistance of the medium (reference water is 1000). This is a force that resists the motion (relative to the flow speed).
Simulation Parameters

Parameters that can be used to adjust the simulation of this entity.

Maximum Time StepThe largest time step that the entity can make before splitting. Smaller time steps increase the stability (can be required for long and thin objects, for instance), but are more expensive.
Sleep Speed

An object is considered sleeping if its kinetic energy falls below a limit over several frames. This limit is proportional to the square of the sleep speed value. This option defines that limit.

The limit is proportional to Sleep Speed2.

Sets the strength of damping on an object's movement.

Most objects can work with 0 damping; if an object has trouble coming to rest, try values like 0.2-0.3.

Sample Rigidbody Actor

Physicalizes the entity as PE_WALKING_RIGID, which is a suggested replacement for PE_LIVING. It has the same sweep-based main geometry movement, customizable set of ground sampling rays (as opposed to PE_LIVING fixed one at the center), and it's derived from PE_RIGID, meaning that it can seamlessly interact with other physicalized objects (the original PE_LIVINGs are simulated independently from normal physicalized objects, and thus their interactions are not as immediate and responsive). It naturally uses all geometries that were added to the entity, same as a RigidBody would (cgf's, physical colliders).

FrictionFriction of the sampling (leg) ray contacts that's used when the actor is not moving. Useful for standing on slopes (friction 1 can hold an object on a 45 degrees slope).
Minimal Ground MassMinimum mass that the objects must have to collide with the sampling rays (can be used to avoid standing on small debris pieces or props).
Legs StiffnessDefines how strongly the character tries to restore fully upright position if leg ray contacts are compressed.
Skeleton Stiffness Defines stiffness the attached alive skeleton of animated mesh components.

Sphere Collider

Adds a physical sphere part to the physics only (without any StatObj). It still uses an entity slot.

These colliders will not be rendered (except as helpers when the entity is selected in the editor), which can be desirable in some cases, such as ragdoll actors, invisible walls, or general collision adjustments.

Sphere Collider Settings
  • Radius - Sets the radius of the sphere.
Physics Settings
Weight Type

Determines whether to use Mass, Density as the weight type of the mesh. It also allows the user to make the mesh immovable when physicalized.

  • Mass - Mass of the object in kg.
  • Density - Density of the object in Kg/m3.
  • Immovable - Prevents the mesh entity from moving it is physicalized.
Mass (pre-scale)Appears when Mass is selected on the Weight Type list. It pre-scales the mass of the object in kg.
DensityAppears when Density is selected on the Weight Type list. Results in the mass being calculated based on the volume of the object.
Surface TypeSurface type assigned to this object, determines its physical properties.
React to CollisionsDefines if the collider should send collision events.


The Thruster component is basically a way to add constant force to a physicalized object. It adds the force set in Constant Thrust along the component’s z axis, at the component’s origin.

ConstantTrue if force is enabled.
Constant ThrustForce that is applied. It's applied at the component's origin and the vector is in the entity space.

VR Interaction

Creates physicalized hand objects and allows holding other physicalized objects with VR controllers by physically constraining them to "hands".

Left Hand ModelModel to use for the left hand. It it has physics, it will physically affect other physicalized objects when moving.
Right Hand ModelSame for the right hand.
Release On Hold ReleaseWhether to release the object when the key used to hold is released

Vehicle Physics

Physicalizes the entity as PE_WHEELEDVEHICLE (a rigidbody-derived wheeled vehicle).

Engine Parameters
PowerPower of the engine (about 10,000 - 100,000).
Maximum RPM

Engine torque decreases to 0 after reaching this rotation speed.

Minimum RPM

Disengages the clutch when falling behind this limit, if braking with the engine.

Idle RPMEngine's RPM for the idle state.
Start RPMSets this RPM when starting the engine.
Gear Parameters
Gears 1,2,3, etc.

Specifies number of gears.

  • Ratio - Ratio of the current gear. 0th gear is reverse, must be negative. 1st is reserved for neutral (and is normally unused). 2 and up are forward gears. Typically lower gears have >1 ratios, and upper ones <1.
Shift Up RPMEngine's RPM threshold for for automatically switching to an upper gear.
Shift Down RPMEngine's RPM threshold for for automatically switching to a lower gear.
Direction Switch RPMEngine's RPM threshold for switching between back and forward gears.
Send Collision SignalWhether to listen to and report collision events.


This components attaches itself to a physicalized water volume on game start and allows changing some of its parameters dynamically.

This is a very simple and "technical" component. The main way to set up water volumes is via the corresponding built-in editor object. That object is not itself an entity, thus no components can be attached to it directly, but the water volume component can "associate" itself with it by sampling the physics environment in the specified radius, and then be used to change some of the water volume’s properties (such as the total volume) via component functions.

Attachment DistanceDistance around the component's origin that gets sampled for water volume attachment.

Wheel Collider

Adds a cylindrical wheel geometry with a suspension to the vehicle. The top of the suspension spring is the component's origin.


Radius of the cylinder.

WidthWidth of the cylinder.
Physics Settings

Physical properties for the object, only used if a simple physics or character controller is applied to the entity.

Weight Type

Determines whether to use Mass or Density as the weight type of the mesh. It also allows the user to make the mesh immovable when physicalized.

  • Mass - Mass of the object in kg.
  • Density - Density of the object in Kg/m3.
  • Immovable - Prevents the mesh entity from moving when it is physicalized.
Mass (pre-scale)

Appears when Mass is selected on the Weight Type option. It pre-scales the mass of the wheel in kg.

DensityAppears when Density is selected on the Weight Type option. The weight is calculated based on wheel's volume, instead of its mass.
Surface Type

Surface type assigned to this object, determines its physical properties.

Axle IndexUsed as a hint to group wheels; can be used to align wheels on opposite sides of the same axle if they differ only very slightly. An Axle Index value lower than 0 makes the wheel purely cosmetic, i.e. it will be aligned with the ground, but won't affect the vehicle movement.
DrivingWhether the wheel is driving.
Hand BrakeWhether the wheel is locked by hand brake or not.
Suspension LengthLength of the suspension spring in a fully extended (uncompressed) state.
Initial (Compressed) Suspension LengthInitial (compressed) length of the suspension.
Suspension Pivot

Suspension attachment point on the wheel, offset from the wheel's center in the entity space.

Suspension DampingDamping of the suspension spring, normalized to 0..1 range.
Ray CastWhether to cast a ray downwards to find collisions and/or to check for mesh intersections.