Light Components

Environment Probe

With the Environment Probes Components you have the ability to place cubemaps throughout the level. It is very useful especially with reflective materials because it will automatically assign the cubemap to anything within its radius.

Environment Probe Settings
ActiveDetermines whether the environment probe is enabled.
Box SizeSize of the area the probe affects.
IgnoreVisAreasWhether to ignore vis areas placed in the level.
Sort PrioritySorting priority, used to resolve depth issues with other light sources.
Maximum Attenuation FalloffMaximum Attenuation Falloff.
Affect Volumetric FogWhether this probe will affect volumetric fog.
Only Affect Volumetric FogWhether this probe will only affect volumetric fog.
Only Affect This AreaWhether this probe will only affect the area it is currently in.
Use Box ProjectionWhether to use box projection for this environment probe.
ColorColor for the probe.
Diffuse MultiplierDiffuse color multiplier for the probe.
Specular MultiplierSpecular color multiplier for the probe.
Generation Parameters
Cube Map PathPath to the cube map to load.
Load Texture AutomaticallyWhether to attempt loading a texture when the environment probe is created.
ResolutionResolution of the probe (Editor only).
GenerateGenerates a cube map with the specified resolution (Editor only).

Point Light

The Point Light adds a light source to the entity which emits light in all directions, it behaves like a light bulb in the real world and ca be used as area lights.

Point Light Settings
ActiveDetermines whether the point light is enabled.
RadiusDetermines the range of the point light.
View DistanceThe maximum view distance of the point light.
EnableEnables the Optics options.
Lens Flare NameDefines the Lens Flare Effect to be used on the entity.
Attach To SunAttaches the Lens Flare Effect to the sun to simulate a sun oriented flare effect.
Flare Field of ViewDefines the field of view of the Lens Flare Effect that has been assigned to the entity.
ColorColor of the point light.
Diffuse MultiplierDiffuse color multiplier for the point light.
Specular MultiplierSpecular color multiplier for the point light.
Minimum Shadow GraphicsMinimum graphical setting to cast shadows.
Shadow BiasMoves the shadow cascade toward or away from the shadow-casting object.
Shadow Slope BiasAdjusts the slope-based gradient bias used to calculate the shadow bias.
Shadow Resolution ScaleAdjusts the shadow resolution. The Radius value is multiplied by this value.
Shadow Min Update RadiusDefines the minimum radius between the light source and the player camera where the Shadow Update Ratio setting will be ignored.
Shadow Min ResolutionSpecifies the percentage of the shadow pool the light should use for its shadows. The default should be used for the best performance, unless a different value is specifically required.
Shadow Update Ratio

Defines the update ratio for shadow maps cast from this light. The lower the value (example 0.01), the less frequent the updates will be and the more the shadow will stutter.

This setting should be enabled or disabled depending on the Shadow Min Update Radius value and how far the player camera is from the light source.

This will not work in very high spec as Shadow Caching is disabled.
Attenuation Bulb SizeControls the falloff exponentially from the origin. A value of 1 means that the light is at full intensity (within a 1 meter ball) before it begins to falloff. See Attenuation and Falloff for more information.
Ignore VisAreasWhether the light source ignores VisAreas in the level.
Affect Volumetric FogWhether the light source should affect volumetric fog.
Only Affect Volumetric FogWhether the light source will only affect volumetric fog.
Only Affect This AreaWhether the light source will only affect the area it is currently in.
Link To Sky Color

Whether this light should consider the sky color.

When enabled, this setting automatically shifts the color value to match the sun color value, and is hence good to provide an ambient fill that seamlessly shifts no matter the time of the scene you are in.

AmbientMakes the light behave like an ambient light source, with no point of origin.
Fog Radial LobeAdjusts the blend ratio of the main radial lobe (parallel to the eye ray) and side radial lobe (perpendicular to the eye ray). The direction of the main radial lobe depends on the Anisotropic parameter value used (found in the Time of Day dialog window).
Global Illumination
  • Disabled - Light does not affect GI.
  • Static - Light produces light bounces and (in modes 1-2) supports multiple bounces.
  • Dynamic - Light produces single completely real-time bounce.
  • Hide if GI is Active - Light is deactivated if GI is active.
StyleThe animation style of the light.
SpeedThe animation speed of the light.

Defines the shape of the light source. The shapes that can be assigned to a light source are as follows;

  • Point
  • Rectangle
  • Disk
Two Sided

When enabled, makes the light shine in two opposite directions instead of one.


File input for the texture to be used to shape the light.

The texture format needs to be BC4 / 512x512 and it is only supported for rectangular lights. A texture can also be used to shape the light in a fog volume.
Width/HeightControls the width and height of the light source shape.

Projector Light

The Projector Light Component adds a light to entity which projects/emits light in a certain direction based on projection texture. Typical used for a flashlight as an example.

Projector Light Settings
ActiveDetermines whether the projector light is enabled.
RangeDetermines the range of the projector light.
AngleDetermines the angle/field of view of the projector light.
Projector Options
Near PlaneDetermines the distance from the light itself and where it will start projecting.
Projected TextureThe texture to project.
MaterialThe material to project.
EnableEnables the Optics options.
Lens Flare NameThe Lens Flare Effect to be used on the entity.
Attach To SunAttaches the Lens Flare Effect to the sun to simulate a sun oriented flare effect.
Flare Field of ViewDefines the field of view of the Lens Flare Effect that has been assigned to the entity.
ColorColor of the projector light source.
Diffuse MultiplierDiffuse color multiplier for the projector light source.
Specular MultiplierSpecular color multiplier of the projector light source.
Minimum Shadow GraphicsMinimum graphical setting to cast shadows
Shadow BiasMoves the shadow cascade toward or away from the shadow-casting object.
Shadow Slope BiasAdjusts the slope-based gradient bias used to calculate the shadow bias.
Shadow Resolution ScaleAdjusts the shadow resolution. The Radius value is multiplied by this value.
Shadow Min Update RadiusDefines the minimum radius between the light source and the player camera where the Shadow Update Ratio setting will be ignored.
Shadow Min ResolutionSpecifies the percentage of the shadow pool the light should use for its shadows. The default should be used for the best performance, unless the otherwise is specifically required.
Shadow Update Ratio

Defines the update ratio for shadow maps cast from this light. The lower the value (example 0.01), the less frequent the updates will be and the more the shadow will stutter.

This setting should be enabled or disabled depending on the Shadow Min Update Radius value and how far the player camera is from the light source.

This will not work in very high spec as Shadow Caching is disabled.
Attenuation Bulb SizeControls the falloff exponentially from the origin. A value of 1 means that the light is at full intensity (within a 1 meter ball) before it begins to falloff. See Attenuation and Falloff for more information.
Ignore VisAreasWhether the light source ignores VisAreas in the level.
Affect Volumetric FogWhether the light source should affect volumetric fog.
Only Affect Volumetric FogWhether the light source will only affect volumetric fog.
Only Affect This AreaWhether the light source will only affect the area it is currently in.
Link To Sky Color

Whether this light should consider the sky color.

When enabled, this setting automatically shifts the color value to match the sun color value, and is hence good to provide an ambient fill that seamlessly shifts no matter the time of the scene you are in.

AmbientMakes the light behave like an ambient light source, with no point of origin.
Fog Radial LobeAdjusts the blend ratio of the main radial lobe (parallel to the eye ray) and side radial lobe (perpendicular to the eye ray). The direction of the main radial lobe depends on the Anisotropic parameter value used (found in the Time of Day dialog window).
Global Illumination
  • Disabled - Light does not affect GI.
  • Static - Light produces light bounces and (in modes 1-2) supports multiple bounces.
  • Dynamic - Light produces single completely real-time bounce.
  • Hide if GI is Active - Light is deactivated if GI is active.
StyleThe animation style of the light.
SpeedThe animation speed of the light.