Geometry Components

Advanced Animations

The Advanced Animations Component can be used to play complex animation setups. This could be used for controlling the animation of player or npc in the game.

Advanced Animations Settings
TypeDetermines the behavior of the static mesh.
CharacterDetermines the character to load.

Assigns a different material to the character that has been chosen.

Some characters might not support materials.
Rendering Settings
Minimum Shadow GraphicsMinimum graphical setting at which shadows will be cast.
Ignore VisareasWhether this component will ignore Vis Areas placed in the level. For more information about Vis Areas, please refer to the Vis Area page.
Ignore Terrain Layer BlendingControls blending with terrain layers. For more information, please refer to the Terrain Layer Blending into Objects page.
Ignore Decal BlendingControls blending with decals. For more information about Decals, please refer to the Decal page.
View DistanceView distance from 0 to 100 - where 100 = always visible.
LOD DistanceLevel of Detail distance from 0 to 100 0 - where 100 = best LOD.
GI and Usage Mode

Type of SVOGI to use.

  • Disabled - Object is excluded from voxelization and mostly does not affect the GI. (But it receives all GI effects from the rest of the scene).
  • Static Voxelization - Object is voxelized allowing in-directional occlusion effects, large scale AO and more precise light bounce.
  • Analytical Proxy Soft - An occluder applied during the cone tracing stage and used like a true replacement of voxels allowing also light bouncing from it. Occlusion fades with distance allowing softer shadow effects.
  • Analytical Proxy Hard - An occluder applied during cone tracing stage and used like true replacement of voxels allowing also light bouncing from it.
  • Analytical Occluder - An occluder applied in a deferred way after all cone tracing is performed.

Analytical occluders checkbox must be ON in Total Illumination v2 settings (Tools -> Level Editor -> Level Settings -> Total Illumination v2)

  • Integrate into Terrain - Integrates this mesh into the terrain mesh. This allows support for all terrain material features like 3-planar texturing.

Integrate Objects must be ON in Level Settings (Tools -> Level Editor -> Level Settings -> Terrain).

Animation DatabasePath to the Mannequin .adb file.
Controller DefinitionPath to the Mannequin controller definition file
Default Scope Context NameName of the default Mannequin scope context to use.
Default Fragment NameName of the default Mannequin fragment to play.
Animation Driven MotionWhether or not to use root motion in the animations for physical movement.
Use Ground AlignmentEnables adjustment of leg positions to align to the ground surface.
Weight Type

Determines whether to use Mass, Density as the weight type of the mesh. It also allows the user to make the mesh immovable when physicalized.

  • Mass - Mass of the object in kg.
  • Density- Density of the object in Kg/m3.
  • Immovable - Prevents the mesh entity from moving it is physicalized.
Mass (pre-scale)

Appears when Mass is selected on the Weight Type list. It pre-scales the mass of the object in kg.

DensityAppears when Density is selected on the Weight Type list. Results in the mass being calculated based on the volume of the object.

Alembic Mesh

The Alembic Mesh Component let's you add Geom Caches to the entity.

FileThe geom cache file (.abc or .cbc) to load.
SpeedDetermines the play speed of the animation.
MaterialSpecifies the override material for the selected object.

Animated Mesh

The Animated Mesh Component play animation for an animated mesh. This would normally be used for basic geometry with one simple animation like a fan.

Animated Mesh Settings
TypeDetermines the behavior of the mesh.
FileDetermines the animated mesh to load.
MaterialAssigns a material to the object.
Rendering Settings
Minimum Shadow GraphicsMinimum graphical setting at which shadows will be cast.
Ignore VisareasWhether this component will ignore Vis Areas placed in the level. For more information about Vis Areas, please refer to the Vis Area page.
Ignore Terrain Layer BlendingControls blending with terrain layers. For more information, please refer to the Terrain Layer Blending into Objects page.
Ignore Decal BlendingControls blending with decals. For more information about Decals, please refer to the Decal page.
View DistanceView distance from 0 to 100 - where 100 = always visible.
LOD DistanceLevel of Detail distance from 0 to 100 - where 100 = best LOD
GI and Usage Mode

Type of SVOGI to use.

  • Disabled - Object is excluded from voxelization and mostly does not affect the GI. (But it receives all GI effects from the rest of the scene).
  • Static Voxelization - Object is voxelized allowing in-directional occlusion effects, large scale AO and more precise light bounce.
  • Analytical Proxy Soft - An occluder applied during the cone tracing stage and used like a true replacement of voxels allowing also light bouncing from it. Occlusion fades with distance allowing softer shadow effects.
  • Analytical Proxy Hard - An occluder applied during cone tracing stage and used like true replacement of voxels allowing also light bouncing from it.
  • Analytical Occluder - An occluder applied in a deferred way after all cone tracing is performed.

Analytical occluders checkbox must be ON in Total Illumination v2 settings (Tools -> Level Editor -> Level Settings -> Total Illumination v2)

  • Integrate into Terrain - Integrates this mesh into the terrain mesh. This allows support for all terrain material features like 3-planar texturing.

Integrate Objects must be ON in Level Settings (Tools -> Level Editor -> Level Settings -> Terrain).

Default AnimationSpecifies the animation to play by default.
Loop DefaultWhether or not to loop the default animation.
Default Animation SpeedControls the speed of the animation. Higher value means play the animation faster, smaller value means play the animation slower.
Weight Type

Determines whether to use Mass, Density as the weight type of the mesh. It also allows the user to make the mesh immovable when physicalized.

  • Mass - Mass of the object in kg.
  • Density- Density of the object in Kg/m3.
  • Immovable - Prevents the mesh entity from moving it is physicalized.
Mass (pre-scale)

Appears when Mass is selected on the Weight Type list. It pre-scales the mass of the object in kg.

DensityAppears when Density is selected on the Weight Type list. Results in the mass being calculated based on the volume of the object.


The Mesh Component adds static geometry to the entity which can be physicalized with a Rigid-body component.

Mesh Settings
TypeDetermines the behavior of the static mesh.
FileDetermines the CGF to load.

The material used for the entity.

Changing this will change for example a rock to a bush, but won't change the name. Be careful when changing this!
Rendering Settings
Minimum Shadow GraphicsMinimum graphical setting at which shadows will be cast for this object.
Ignore VisareasWhether this component will ignore VisAreas.
Ignore Terrain Layer BlendingDefines if this component will ignore Terrain Layer Blending.
Ignore Decal BlendingDefines if this component will ignore Decal Blending.
View DistanceView distance from 0 to 100, 100 being always visible.
LOD DistanceLevel of Detail distance from 0 to 100, 100 being always best LOD.
GI and Usage Mode
Type of SVOGI to use.
  • Disabled - Object is excluded from voxelization and mostly does not affect the GI. (But it receives all GI effects from the rest of the scene).
  • Static Voxelization - Object is voxelized allowing in-directional occlusion effects, large scale AO and more precise light bounce.
  • Analytical Proxy Soft - An occluder applied during the cone tracing stage and used like a true replacement of voxels allowing also light bouncing from it. Occlusion fades with distance allowing softer shadow effects.
  • Analytical Proxy Hard - An occluder applied during cone tracing stage and used like true replacement of voxels allowing also light bouncing from it.
  • Analytical Occluder - An occluder applied in a deferred way after all cone tracing is performed.

Analytical occluders checkbox must be ON in Total Illumination v2 settings (Tools -> Level Editor -> Level Settings -> Total Illumination v2)

  • Integrate into Terrain - Integrates this mesh into the terrain mesh. This allows support for all terrain material features like 3-planar texturing.

Integrate Objects must be ON in Level Settings (Tools -> Level Editor -> Level Settings -> Terrain)

Physics Settings
Weight Type

Determines whether to use Mass, Density as the weight type of the mesh. It also allows the user to make the mesh immovable when physicalized.

  • Mass - Mass of the object in kg.
  • Density - Density of the object in Kg/m3.
  • Immovable - Prevents the mesh entity from moving it is physicalized.
Mass (pre-scale)Appears when Mass is selected on the Weight Type list. It pre-scales the mass of the object in kg.
DensityAppears when Density is selected on the Weight Type list. Results in the mass being calculated based on the volume of the object.