Python Scripts

Python Scripts

The Python Scripts window lets you find and execute existing Python scripts. Simply search, select and hit Execute.

Depending on what you use as a basis for your project, Python scripts should be saved in different folders.

  • When creating a project from scratch or from a template, save the script in <project folder>/Assets/ or a sub-folder of this folder.
  • When modifying GameSDK, they can be saved in the GameSDK folder or any sub-folder of this folder.

The Menu can be accessed via the icon on the top-right corner of the tool. When clicked, it reveals the following sub-menus:





Opens the toolbar customization window allowing users to customize existing toolbars, and/or create new toolbars within this tool.

Lock Toolbars

When disabled, the positions of toolbars and spacers within this tool can be changed by drag and drop.


The following options allow users to use spacers in positioning their toolbars.

Insert Expanding SpacerAdds an expanding spacer to the toolbar layout; an expanding spacer pushes all elements situated at its ends to the edge of a panel.
Insert Fixed SpacerAdds a fixed spacer, which has a fixed size of one icon.

The Spacers menu options are only available when Toolbars → Lock Toolbars is disabled.

Lists all default and custom toolbars (if any) created for this tool, allowing users to select which toolbar they'd like to hide or display.

When a tool has a toolbar, whether this is a default one or a custom one, the options above are also available when right-clicking in the toolbar area (only when a toolbar is already displayed).


Opens the documentation page for this tool.

Creating Python Plugins

For more information on how to create Python plugins, please see this page.