Wwise Console Commands


Overview of the CVar's available through the Wwise specific implementation.



Specifies the channel configuration.

  • Usage: s_WwiseCommandQueueMemoryPoolSize [51/...]
    0: Default speaker setup.
    10: 1.0 speaker setup.
    11: 1.1 speaker setup.
    20: 2.0 speaker setup.
    21: 2.1 speaker setup.
    30: 3.0 speaker setup.
    31: 3.1 speaker setup.
    40: 4.0 speaker setup.
    41: 4.1 speaker setup.
    50: 5.0 speaker setup.
    51: 5.1 speaker setup.
    60: 6.0 speaker setup.
    61: 6.1 speaker setup.
    70: 7.0 speaker setup.
    71: 7.1 speaker setup.
  • Default: 0


Specifies the size (in KiB) of the Wwise command queue memory pool.

  • Usage: s_WwiseCommandQueueMemoryPoolSize [0/...]
  • Default values:
    PC: 256 | XboxOne: 256 | PS4: 256 | Mac: 256 | Linux: 256 | iOS: 256 | Android: 256


Defines which lists to show when list filtering is enabled in the debug draw of the audio system.

  • Usage: s_WwiseDebugListFilter [0ab...] (flags can be combined)
    0: Draw nothing.
    a: Draw event instances.
    b: Draw states values.
  • Default: ab


Specifies whether Wwise should initialize using its Comm system or not.

  • Usage: s_WwiseEnableCommSystem [0/1]
  • Default: 0 (off)
Only available for non-release builds.


Specifies whether Wwise should initialize using its EventManager thread or not.

  • Usage: s_WwiseEnableEventManagerThread [0/1]
  • Default: 1 (on)


Allows for capturing the output audio to a wav file.

  • Usage:s_WwiseEnableOutputCapture [0/1]
  • Default: 0 (off)
Only available in non-release builds.


Specifies whether Wwise should initialize using its SoundBankManager thread or not.

  • Usage: s_WwiseEnableSoundBankManagerThread [0/1]
  • Default: 1 (on)


Sets the number of preallocated events.

  • Usage: s_WwiseEventPoolSize [0/...]
  • Default values:
    PC: 256 | Xbox One: 256 | PS4: 256 | Mac: 256 | Linux: 256 | iOS: 256 | Android: 256


Specifies the size (in KiB) of the Wwise lower engine memory pool.

  • Usage: s_WwiseLowerEngineDefaultPoolSize [0/...]
  • Default values:
    PC: 16384 (16 MiB) | Xbox One: 16384 (16 MiB) | PS4: 16384 (16 MiB) | Mac: 16384 (16 MiB) | Linux: 16384 (16 MiB) | iOS: 16384 (16 MiB) | Android: 16384 (16 MiB)


Specifies the size (in KiB) of the Wwise monitor memory pool.

  • Usage: s_WwiseMonitorMemoryPoolSize [0/...]
  • Default values:
    PC: 256 | XboxOne: 256 | PS4: 256 | Mac: 256 | Linux: 256 | iOS: 256 | Android: 256
Only available in non-release builds.


Specifies the size (in KiB) of the Wwise monitor queue memory pool.

  • Usage: s_WwiseMonitorQueueMemoryPoolSize [0/...]
  • Default values:
    PC: 64 | Xbox One: 64 | PS4: 64 | Mac: 64 | Linux: 64 | iOS: 64 | Android: 64
Only available in non-release builds.


Specifies the Wwise panning rule.

  • Usage: s_WwisePanningRule [0/1]
    0: Speakers
    1: Headphones
  • Default values:
    PC: 0 | Xbox One: 0 | PS4: 0 | Mac: 0 | Linux: 0 | iOS: 1 | Android: 1


An object's distance to the listener is multiplied by this value to determine the position update threshold.

  • Usage: s_WwisePositionUpdateThreshold [0/...]
  • Default: 0.02


Specifies the size (in KiB) of the Wwise prepare event memory pool.

  • Usage: s_WwisePrepareEventMemoryPoolSize [0/...]
  • Default values:
    PC: 2048 (2 MiB) | Xbox One: 2048 (2 MiB) | PS4: 2048 (2 MiB) | Mac: 2048 (2 MiB) | Linux: 2048 (2 MiB) | iOS: 2048 (2 MiB) | Android: 2048 (2 MiB)


Specifies the size (in KiB) of the memory pool to be used by the Wwise implementation.

  • Usage: s_WwiseSecondaryPoolSize [0/...]
  • Default values
    PC: 0 | Xbox One: 32768 (32 MiB) | PS4: 0 | Mac: 0 | Linux: 0 | WiiU: 0 | iOS: 0 | Android: 0


Specifies the size (in KiB) of the Wwise sound engine default memory pool.

  • Usage: s_WwiseSoundEngineDefaultMemoryPoolSize [0/...]
  • Default values:
    PC: 8192 (8 MiB) | Xbox One: 8192 (8 MiB) | PS4: 8192 (8 MiB) | Mac: 8192 (8 MiB) | Linux: 8192 (8 MiB) | iOS: 8192 (8 MiB) | Android: 8192 (8 MiB)


Specifies the size (in KiB) of the Wwise stream device memory pool.

  • Usage: s_WwiseStreamDeviceMemoryPoolSize [0/...]
  • Default values:
    PC: 2048 (2 MiB) | Xbox One: 2048 (2 MiB) | PS4: 2048 (2 MiB) | Mac: 2048 (2 MiB) | Linux: 2048 (2 MiB) | iOS: 2048 (2 MiB) | Android: 2048 (2 MiB)


Specifies the size (in KiB) of the Wwise stream manager memory pool.

  • Usage: s_WwiseStreamManagerMemoryPoolSize [0/...]
  • Default values:
    PC: 64 | Xbox One: 64 | PS4: 64 | Mac: 64 | Linux: 64 | iOS: 64 | Android: 64


An object has to change its velocity by at least this amount to issue an absolute_velocity parameter update request to the audio system.

  • Usage:s_WwiseVelocityTrackingThreshold [0/...]
  • Default: 0.1 (10 cm/s)