Wwise & Reverb


This section describes how to setup Reverbs in levels. In CRYENGINE reverbs are called Environments. To learn more about audio system Environments in CRYENGINE, please have a look in the chapter Audio & Reverbs*.

Setting up Reverbs in Wwise

You can create an Auxiliary Bus in Wwise and assign an effect to that bus, which in our case will be a Reverb.

After the project has been saved, use the Audio Controls Editor to connect the Wwise Auxiliary Bus to an audio system Environment. You can use an Area Shape and Audio Area Entity or Audio Area Ambience entities as described in the chapter Audio & Ambience.

In the Audio Area Entity or Audio Area Ambience properties, select the Audio Environment Name in the audio system Environment that is connected to the Auxiliary Bus, and set the EnvironmentDistance. This is the distance in meters from the edge of the assigned shape where the fading of the Environment (Reverb) begins.

It is possible to have Environments (Reverbs) without ambient sounds and vice versa. However, in most cases it makes sense to use both in the same entity.
EnvironmentDistance and Rtpc/FadeDistance
The FadeDistance (on the Audio Area Entity) or RtpcDistance (on the Audio Area Ambience) parameters define the maximum distance over which both the fade or RTPC value and the Environment (Reverb) level will be updated.
In order for the Environment (Reverb) values to be updated correctly for the entities approaching and leaving an area, then the EnvironmentDistance parameter should not exceed the FadeDistance or RtpcDistance. For Example, if your EnvironmentDistance is 10 and the RtpcDistance is 5, the EnvironmentDistance will return to zero when the RtpcDistance reaches the value of 5.
In most implementation cases, the EnvironmentDistance is set lower or equal to the RtpcDistance to create realistic Ambiences and Environments (Reverbs).
If it is necessary to create a higher EnvironmentDistance than RtpcDistance, this can be achieved by using two separate audio entities to control the Environment (Reverb) and play the sound in the connected shape.

After setting the Environment (Reverb) in the Audio Area Entitiy or Audio Area Ambience properties, the audio is sent to the auxiliary in Wwise when approaching the attached Area Shape.

However, for this functionality to work, the game-defined auxiliary sends in Wwise have to be enabled (they are disabled by default). By enabling this functionality, it allows you to select which sounds should be affected by the audio system Environments (Reverbs) and to also adjust (separately) the send volume for each sound in Wwise.

The game-defined auxiliaries can be found in the general settings of the Sound Property Editor in Wwise.

You can define different volumes for the game-defined auxiliary sends per sound object in Wwise. These values also can be assigned to a GameParameter which can be controlled via an RTPC Flownode.

Remember that you can also map Game Parameters to an audio system Environment in the Audio Controls Editor.