FMOD Console Commands


Overview of the CVar's available through the FMOD Studio specific implementation.


The CVars that are utilized in Fmod studio are outlined below:


Defines which lists to show when list filtering is enabled in the debug draw of the audio system.

  • Usage: s_FmodDebugListFilter[0ab...] (flags can be combined)
    0: Draw nothing.
    a: Draw event instances.
    b: Draw active snapshots.
    c: Draw VCA values.
  • Default: abc


Sets the relative distance factor to Fmod's units.

The distance factor is the Fmod 3D engine's relative distance factor, measured in meter (Exactly 1.0 meter). It equates to the number of units per meter in your engine. For example, if you are using feet then scale is set to 3.28.

  • Usage: s_FmodDistanceFactor <0/...>
  • Default values:
    PC: 1 | XboxOne: 1 | PS4: 1 | Mac: 1 | Linux: 1 | iOS: 1 | Android: 1


Sets the scaling factor for Doppler shift.

The Doppler scale is a general scaling factor for the variations in the pitch due to Doppler shifting in 3D sound.

Doppler is a pitch bending effect when a sound travels towards or away the listener or moves away from it. For example, the effect is similar when you hear a train going past you with its horn turned on. With dopplerscale you can increase or decrease the effect.

Fmod's effective speed of sound at a Doppler factor set at 1.0 is 340 meter per second.

  • Usage: s_FmodDopplerScale [0/...]
  • Default values:
    PC: 1 | XboxOne: 1 | PS4: 1 | Mac: 1 | Linux: 1 | iOS: 1 | Android: 1


Lets the Fmod Studio to run with LiveUpdate option enabled. This function requires a restart of the Fmod implementation by restarting the editor/game project.

  • Usage: s_FmodEnableLiveUpdate [0/1]
  • Default values:
    PC: 0 | XboxOne: 0 | PS4: 0 | Mac: 0 | Linux: 0 | iOS: 0 | Android: 0


Enables synchronous processing and performs all the required processing on the thread which has been called instead.

Usage: s_FmodEnableSynchronousUpdate [0/1]

  • Default values:
    PC: 1 | XboxOne: 1 | PS4: 1 | Mac: 1 | Linux: 1 | iOS: 1 | Android: 1


Sets the number of preallocated events.

Usage: s_FmodEventPoolSize [0/...]

  • Default values:
    PC: 256 | XboxOne: 256 | PS4: 256 | Mac: 256 | Linux: 256 | iOS: 256 | Android: 256


Sets the minimum LPF cutoff frequency during full audio object occlusion.

Usage: s_FmodLowpassMinCutoffFrequency [10/...]

  • Default values:
    PC: 10 | XboxOne: 10 | PS4: 10 | Mac: 10 | Linux: 10 | iOS: 10 | Android: 10


Sets the maximum number of channels.

Usage: s_FmodMaxChannels [0/...]

  • Default values:
    PC: 512 | XboxOne: 512 | PS4: 512 | Mac: 512 | Linux: 512 | iOS: 512 | Android: 512


An object's distance to the listener is multiplied by this value to determine the position update threshold.

  • Usage: s_FmodPositionUpdateThreshold [0/...]
  • Default: 0.02


Sets the scaling factor for 3D sound roll off or attenuation only for FMOD_3D_INVERSEROLLOFF based sounds (Default type).

Volume for a sound set to FMOD_3D_INVERSEROLLOFF will scale at min-distance/distance. This gives an inverse attenuation of volume as the source gets further away (or closer).

Setting this value makes the sound drop off faster or slower. The higher the value, the faster volume will attenuate, and similarly, the lower the value, the slower it will attenuate. For example, a roll off factor of 1 will simulate the real world; where as a value of 2 will make sounds attenuate 2 times faster.

  • Usage: s_FmodRolloffScale [0/...]
  • Default values:
    PC: 1 | XboxOne: 1 | PS4: 1 | Mac: 1 | Linux: 1 | iOS: 1 | Android: 1


An object has to change its velocity by at least this amount to issue an absolute_velocity parameter update request to the audio system.

Usage:s_FmodVelocityTrackingThreshold [0/...]

  • Default: 0.1 (10 cm/s)