FMOD & Time of Day


This tutorial explains on how to create a day and night cycle using FMOD Studio and CRYENGINE.

Setting up Time of Day in FMOD Studio and CRYENGINE

CRYENGINE automatically sends the Time of Day value (in 24hr format) to the audio system. However, in order for CRYENGINE to receive it a corresponding audio system RTPC has to be created in the Audio Controls Editor. Furthermore, this audio system RTPC must be named as time_of_day and needs to be connected to an FMOD Studio parameter.

Setting up the Time of Day in FMOD Studio

To setup the Time of Day in FMOD Studio, add a parameter called time_of_day to the sound event that should be affected by the time. The range should be 0 to 24 so that it matches the same range as the Time of Day inside CRYENGINE.

Connecting the Time of Day in FMOD Studio and CRYENGINE

With the parameter created, you can now open the Audio Controls Editor in CRYENGINE and connect the FMOD Studio Control with an audio system Control.

Create a Dynamic Ambience in FMOD Studio

Now, you need to create a setup in FMOD Studio that makes use of the newly connected time_of_day parameter.

The image below shows an example setup where the birds and insects are audible only during the day using volume automation.

After you have successfully created your Ambient setup in FMOD Studio make sure to regenerate your Soundbanks as explained here.