Audio & Particles


This section describes how to add Audio in the Particle Editor.
You can find more about the concept of the Particle Editor under Particles as well as more details about the Tool under Particle Editor.

Adding an Audio Trigger

Create a new Effect using the New Effect button in the top-left corner of the toolbar.
This will spawn a new untitled Particle Effect with following Components:

First, you have to add the respective Audio Components by clicking the drop-down list next to the Component field.

There are two options available. Audio Trigger and RTPC. Selecting the Trigger will create an additional Audio: Trigger component. Double-click it to expand and show the Audio Trigger properties.

NameClick to select an Audio Trigger from the Audio Controls
TriggerDefines when the Trigger is executed
OcclusionAllows selecting amount of occlusion Raycast Options
Follow Particle
When checked it will follow the Entity Position

Clicking in the Name field will open the Audio Controls to choose the Audio Trigger from.

Adding an Audio RTPC

Similar to the Audio Trigger we can also add a component named Audio: RTPC to each particle effect via the Dropdown Menu.

Double-click it to expand and show the Audio: RTPC Properties.

NameClick to select a RTPC from the Audio Controls
ValueAllows to set a value or curve for advanced behavior

Clicking the Name field will open the Audio Controls to choose the RTPC.