Audio & Cinematics


This section describes how to play sounds in Trackview sequences.

Adding Sounds to Trackview Sequences

Create your sound and its play-event in Wwise.

In CRYENGINE use the ACE (Audio Controls Editor) to connect the Wwise play-event to an audio system Trigger. To learn more about the ACE read here.

Open the Trackview Editor (Tools -> Track View) and select the sequence from the drop-down menu in the Trackview toolbar.

Select the node of the Entity that should play the sound. If that node does not already contain a Sound track, then right-click it and choose Add Track –> Sound.

In the Sound track double-click to add a key. The key can be dragged to another time or the time can be entered manually above the Key properties on the right side.

The Key properties you can edit are:

StartTriggerThe audio system Trigger name that triggers on the key.
StopTriggerThe audio system Trigger name that triggers after the time set in Duration. Also refer to the default Start/StopTrigger behavior here.
DurationThe time after the key position when the StopTrigger is triggered. If the Duration is 0, the StopTrigger will not get triggered.
Custom ColorChanges the color of the duration in the track.
Sound tracks in Director Nodes can only play 2D sounds because no Entity is used in this case. Entity nodes can play 2D and 3D sounds.