Tutorial - Getting Started With The Behavior Tree Editor


CRYENGINE's Behavior Tree Editor allows users to develop complex, yet realistic AI behavior with ease.

The purpose of this tutorial is to develop a simple behavior tree, that causes AI-driven characters to perform a specific animation when the player is sighted. Along the way, users will also learn how to:

  • Plan and structure sensible behavior trees,
  • Use the Behavior Tree Editor to create events and nodes,
  • Associate behavior trees to AI characters, test and debug.


Since the following tutorial uses assets and Behavior Tree from the GameSDK sample project, it is recommended to download GameSDK from the CRYENGINE Asset Database.

It is also assumed that users have at least a basic understanding of behavior tree concepts, the elements of the Behavior Tree Editor and all its nodes as described in its user documentation. Please note that the GameSDK Behavior Tree nodes are not for use in the development of your game projects. These have been included simply for understanding and testing the Behavior Tree Editor.

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