Camera Object


A camera object is used to define custom views of your level. They can be triggered via the Flow Graph and Track View, and are heavily used within animated sequences.




The field of view of the camera.


The max cut off point of the camera.


The cut off point closest to the camera.

Amplitude A

Vec3, the strength of the effect on each axis.

Amplitude A Mult.

Multiplier for the Amplitude.

Frequency A

Vec3, how off the effect will play in each axis.

Frequency A Mult.

Multiplier for the Frequency.

Noise A Amplitude Mult.

Add some noise to the amplitude value.

Noise A Frequency Mult.

Add some noise to the frequency value.

Time Offset A

Asome time offset.

Amplitude B

Vec3, the strength of the effect on each axis.

Amplitude B Mult.

Multiplier for the Amplitude.

Frequency B

Vec3, how off the effect will play in each axis.

Frequency B Mult.

Multiplier for the Frequency.

Noise B Amp. Mult.

Add some noise to the amplitude value.

Noise B Freq. Mult.

Add some noise to the frequency value.

Time Offset B

A some time offset.

Random Seed

Apply some random variation to the noise.