In the Particle Editor, the features Location: Omni and Motion: Collisions work together to create an omnipresent colliding effect. By setting different parameters appropriately, an omnipresent environmental effect like rain or snow can be created, making sure that the particles are generated far from the viewer and collide with objects before coming into view.
Modifying the features mentioned below and setting them to specific values force a particle effect to stay out of certain areas. It makes sure that physical entities such as roofs, overhangs, walls etc. kill the particles on collision before they can penetrate the surface and enter indoors or other areas.
Rain outside, but not inside
When assigned to a newly created effect, the following features would create a basic effect and wouldn't include the necessary visual properties such as a texture. To achieve the best result, other Particle Effect features should be assigned.
To learn how to create a new particle effect from scratch, please see Creating a Particle Effect.
For more information about functionalities of the Particle Effect Features, please refer to the Particle Effect Features page.
Open the Particle Editor by choosing Tools → Particle Editor. Then, on the Editor, go to File → Open and choose a particle effect to access its features. Alternatively, you can double-click on the particle asset in the Asset Browser to bring up its properties and features.
On the Effect Graph, or the Effect Tree, select the features to fill the Inspector panel with their parameters and adjust the features as shown below:
With these features, users can create the illusion of an omnipresent particle effect like rain or snow. Setting the Motion: Collision feature to these values ensures that particles disappear on collision so that they can't penetrate physical entity surfaces end enter indoor or other specific areas.