Road Tool


The Road Tool uses a series of points to shape terrain and/or apply a texture on top of the terrain texture. Its use is not limited to designing roads in the traditional sense, but can also be used generally to shape terrain.

After the road is placed, the points in the road can be edited, and the terrain can be aligned to the height and curvature of the road.

Depending on the purpose of the road, it may be useful to first place a vehicle in the level so that the width, curvature, and slope of the road can be tested.

Be sure to also take a look at the Road and Decal Sorting Priority article as it contains helpful information for road setup.

Modifying the Road's Properties

With the road selected, look on the entity's Properties panel to see the road's properties. Here the width of the road and a number of other properties can be adjusted.

After adjusting the width of the road, make sure to re-align the heightmap in order to take into account the additional width of the road. Also note that increasing the width will stretch the texture if it is not designed for the specified width.

Changing the road parameters can make the road look even better.

Road Properties




The width of the road.

Border Width

Only used for the Align Height Map function, this will make a smooth edge on the terrain geometry if the Border Width value is higher than the Width value.

Erase Veg Width

Specifies how far from the road the vegetation will be erased. This only applies to vegetation painted with the Vegetation Editor.

Erase Veg Width Var

Sets in how far the distance of the Erase Veg Width will vary.

Step Size

Smaller Step Size will increase the poly count used for the road surface, so for roads with smooth corners, use a lower value than the default 4.

View Dist Radio

Specifies how far the road entity will be rendered.

Tile Length

The Length of the Road Texture. Tweak this in combination with Step Size to avoid stretching textures.

Spline Properties




The width of the road.

Border Width

Only used for the Align Height Map function, this will make a smooth edge on the terrain geometry if the Border Width value is higher than the Width value.

Erase Veg Width

Specifies how far from the road the vegetation will be erased. This only applies to vegetation painted with the Vegetation Editor.

Erase Veg Width Var

Sets in how far the distance of the Erase Veg Width will vary.

Step Size

Smaller Step Size will increase the poly count used for the road surface, so for roads with smooth corners, use a lower value than the default 4.

Sort Priority

This setting can be used if a specific road should be drawn above another road. For more information, see Road and Decal Sorting Priority.

Ignore Terrain Holes

If set to true, this will allow the road texture to be rendered over terrain holes.


Defines whether the entity is affected by physics elements such as gravity.


  • Align Height Map - Aligns the height map with the road, raising and lowering the terrain to make sure the road rests on it.
  • Erase Vegetation - Erases the terrain around the road according to the Erase Veg Width parameter.