Dialog Nodes


Used to play a dialog.


PlayAnyPlays the dialog
StopAnyStops the dialog
DialogStringName of the dialog to play
StartLineIntegerLine to start the dialog from
AI InterruptIntegerAI interrupt behavior; values are Never, Alert, and Combat
AwareDistanceFloatDistance that player is considered as listening at
AwareAngleFloatView angle that player is considered as listening at
AwareTimeoutFloatTime out until non-aware player aborts dialog
FlagsIntegerDialog playback flags
BufferStringStores the dialog. Only one dialog can be played at any time in each buffer
BufferDisplayFloatHow many more seconds the dialog will wait until the previous dialog in its dialog has finished
Actor 1-8AnyActor entity IDs


StartedAnyTriggered when the dialog has started
DoneAnyTriggered when the dialog has finished or aborted
FinishedAnyTriggered when the dialog has finished
AbortedAnyTriggered when the dialog has aborted
PlayerAbortIntegerTriggered when the dialog has aborted because the player is out of range or out of view
AIAbortAnyTriggered when the dialog has aborted because the AI got alerted
ActorDiedAnyTriggered when the dialog has aborted because the Actor died
LastLineIntegerLast line played when the dialog was aborted
CurLineIntegerCurrent line; triggered whenever a line starts