AISequence Nodes

AISequence nodes must be executed with the AISequence:Start node.


Commands the AI to move to a location and play an animation.


Allows the AI agent to move to the specified vehicle and to then enter the specified seat.


Defines a bookmark in a sequence of actions, from which the sequence will resume after being interrupted.


Defines the end of a sequence of actions. This frees the AI character to resume typical behaviors in their behavior tree.


Create a formation by setting a formation leader (Entity input) and selecting a formation to hold to. The "Done" output port will output the LeaderID which can be used in the JoinFormation node.

See GameSDK\Scripts\AI\Formations\FormationManager.lua for implementation details.


Join a formation by telling an AI character (Entity input) to join a formation leader (LeaderID input). See image below for a basic 3 man + 1 leader formation setup.


Commands the AI to move to a location.


This node is used to force the AI movement along a path created by level designer.


Commands the AI to shoot at entity or position for a certain amount of time.


Commands the AI to change the stance.


Defines the beginning and the parameters of a sequence of actions. This communicates with the AI characters behavior tree and is needed to interject and temporarily take over certain behaviors.

The "Interruptible" option defines whether the defined AI sequence can be interrupted from external events (such as encountering an enemy). You can also define whether the AI should "ResumeAfterInterruption".

AISequence nodes must be executed with the AISequence:Start node.


Allows an AI agent to align the vehicle's turret to an aiming position.


Commands the AI to wait in place for a certain amount of time.