Set/Unset a specific global scale for the AI perception.
Use this node to define clean-up procedure executed when AI Action is aborted.
Use this node to end the AI Action graph.
Represents the User and the used Object of an AI Action. Use this node to start the AI Action graph.
Counts how many AIs are active.
Counts the number of currently active AIs in a specific faction.
Monitors active AI count against some limit, and outputs periodically the current state. When the condition is met, the monitor loop will stop automatically and it needs to be started manually again if desired.
Generic AI signal.
Outputs AI's attention target.
Controls AutoDisable.
Reset the AI modular behavior tree.
The specified AI plays the given communication.
The highest level of alertness of any agent in the level.
Executes an AI Action.
Simply passes the selected faction to the output port. This is more of a helper node to circumvent manual typing.
Set/Get Faction reaction info.
The highest level of alertness of any agent in the group.
The highest level of alertness of any agent in the group.
Sets and outputs AI's group ID.
Merges AI group 'from' to group 'to'.
Switching species hostility on/off (makes AI ignore enemies/be ignored).
Check which actors of a group are alive.
Sets AI to look at a point, entity or direction.
Set navigation cost factor for traveling through a region.
Drops grabbed object.
Uses an object.
Scales the agent's sensitivity.
Enabling/Disabling or Resetting AI actor's perception.
Triggers recalculation of MNM data for a specified bounding box (leave blank for whole level).
When a reinforcement is spawned in the level, it could be helpful for the player to detect in the scene that one agent is performing some action to communicate the decision of calling backups.
This node has been introduced to allow level designers to request the AI to perform this readability action. An example of how to use the node can be found in the following picture:
The node is currently signaling AI that they are in a good moment to call reinforcement. The Done output is triggered when at least one AI in the specified group is alive and the signaling is performed.
Note that currently, the node doesn't guarantee that the readability action will be performed: this decision is in total control of the AI behavior and it could fail.
While executing a behavior, AI agents will try to communicate their intentions triggering specific VO lines in the relation of the state they are in. Some states could have special variation, for example depending on the level the agent is.
Level designers need to give hints to the Communication Manager about which condition are fulfilled at each specific time. This node can be used to achieve this goal.
The variables are defined into the file: GameSDK\Scripts\AI\Communication\CommunicationVariable.xml
Set the faction an AI character belongs to.
Changes Smart Object State.
Enable or Disable AIShape.
Set AI to shoot at position or entity.
Generic AI action.
Triggers a smart object event.
Outputs AI's attention target parameter.
Body stance controller.