Custom DeferredEvaluators


DeferredEvaluators can be used to do rather expensive computations for evaluating items.

Just like InstantEvaluators, they can either score an item within the [0 .. 1] or discard it.

The main difference to InstantEvaluators from an implementor's view is to be able to execute over multiple frames if needed.

Evaluation Modality and Cost Category

As opposed to InstantEvaluators, DeferredEvaluators are not categorized in terms of cost, and also don't adhere to a specific evaluation modality (tester vs. scorer).

They are implicitly treated as being expensive and therefore run during a query's expensive phase.

Example DeferredEvaluator: TestRaycast

eUnlike Items, Functions, Generators and InstantEvaluators there is no need for a helper base class that ensures type safety and does most of the grunt work for us. We can directly derive from the uqs::client::IDeferredEvaluator interface.

// - a simple DeferredEvaluator that performs a raycast to check for line-of-sight between 2 points
// - the raycast request gets carried out by an external system
class CDeferredEvaluator_TestRaycast : public UQS::Client::IDeferredEvaluator
    struct SParams
        Vec3  from;
        Vec3  to;
          UQS_EXPOSE_PARAM("from", from, "FROM", "Start position of the raycast");
          UQS_EXPOSE_PARAM("to", to, "TO  ", "End position of the raycast");
          UQS_EXPOSE_PARAM("raycastShallSucceed", raycastShallSucceed, "SUCC", "Whether the raycast shall succeed or fail in order for the whole evaluator to accept or discard the item");
    // this is for keeping track of the external system that performs the raycast for us
    enum class ERaycastStatus
    const SParams  m_params;
    ERaycastStatus m_raycastStatus;
    explicit CDeferredEvaluator_TestRaycast(const SParams& params)
        : m_params(params)
        , m_raycastStatus(ERaycastStatus::PendingStart)
    virtual EUpdateStatus Update(const SUpdateContext& updateContext) override
        // make a raycast request on first call
        if (m_raycastStatus == ERaycastStatus::PendingStart)
            // pretend there is something like a global raycaster where we can enqueue requests and get notified once the raycast has been performed
            g_raycaster.QueueRaycast(m_params.from,, &CDeferredEvaluator_TestRaycast::OnRaycastCallback, this);
            // from now on wait until the raycast request has been fulfilled
            m_raycastStatus = ERaycastStatus::WaitingForRaycastResult;
        // has the raycast been performed by now?
        if (m_raycastStatus == ERaycastStatus::RaycastSucceeded || m_raycastStatus == ERaycastStatus::RaycastFailed)
            // discard the item if the raycast failed (e. g. we don't have a line-of-sight to wherever we were trying to look at)
            if (m_raycastStatus == ERaycastStatus::RaycastFailed)
                updateContext.evaluationResult.bDiscardItem = true;
            return EUpdateStatus::Finished;
        // keep waiting for the raycast request to get fulfilled
        return EUpdateStatus::BusyWaitingForExternalSchedulerFeedback;
    void OnRaycastCallback(bool bRaycastSucceeded)
        m_raycastStatus = bRaycastSucceeded ? ERaycastStatus::RaycastSucceeded : ERaycastStatus::RaycastFailed;

Notice that each custom DeferredEvaluator class must come with an SParams struct. The internal architecture of the UQS expects exactly such an embedded struct.

Registering DeferredEvaluators

In order for the UQS to be able to instantiate this new DeferredEvaluator later at runtime, it needs a factory that knows about this specific class and how to create an instance of it:

UQS::Client::CDeferredEvaluatorFactory<CDeferredEvaluator_TestRaycast>::SCtorParams ctorParams;
ctorParams.szName = "my::TestRaycast";
ctorParams.guid = "de510b26-1082-40e7-a83c-8a9083f6b641"_uqs_guid;
ctorParams.szDescription =
    "Tests a raycast between 2 given positions.\n"
    "Whether success or failure of the raycast counts as overall success or failure of the evaluator can be specified by a parameter.\n"
    "NOTICE: The underlying raycaster uses the *renderer* to limit the number of raycasts per frame!\n"
    "As such, it will not work on a dedicated server as there is no renderer (!) (Read: a null-pointer crash would occur!)\n"
    "You should rather consider this evaluator as a reference for your own implementation.";

// Notice: This instance of CDeferredEvaluatorFactory<> must _not_ go out of scope for the lifetime of UQS, 
//         since the UQS core will keep a pointer to this particular factory!
static const UQS::Client::CDeferredEvaluatorFactory<CDeferredEvaluator_TestRaycast> deferredEvaluatorFactory_TestRaycast(ctorParams); 

To finally expose your new DeferredEvaluator factory to the UQS core, you'd just call this static helper method once receiving the UQS::Core::EHubEvent::RegisterYourFactoriesNow event:


This is the same process as is already done when exposing item factories to the UQS core.