Custom Generators


The purpose of generators is to create a set of "items" that will be evaluated by the query.

Generators can run over multiple frames, if the generation process of those items is expensive or relies on external systems.

Example Generator: PointsOnPureGrid

The generator shown below is actually one from the UQS StdLib.

// - generates points on an imaginary grid
// - the grid is specified by a center, size (of one edge) and a spacing between the points
class CGenerator_PointsOnPureGrid : public UQS::Client::CGeneratorBase<CGenerator_PointsOnPureGrid, Vec3>
    struct SParams
        Vec3   center;   // center of the grid
        float  size;     // length of one edge of the grid
        float  spacing;  // space between individual points on both, the x- and y-axis

            UQS_EXPOSE_PARAM("center", center, "CENT", "Center of the grid.");
            UQS_EXPOSE_PARAM("size", size, "SIZE", "Length of one edge of the grid.");
            UQS_EXPOSE_PARAM("spacing", spacing, "SPAC", "Space between individual points on both the x- and y-axis.");

    explicit CGenerator_PointsOnPureGrid(const SParams& params)
        : m_params(params)
    EUpdateStatus DoUpdate(const SUpdateContext& updateContext, client::CItemListProxy_Writable<Vec3>& itemListToPopulate)
        const float halfSize = (float)m_params.size * 0.5f;

        const float minX = - halfSize;
        const float maxX = + halfSize;

        const float minY = - halfSize;
        const float maxY = + halfSize;

        std::vector<Vec3> tmpItems;

        for (float x = minX; x <= maxX; x += m_params.spacing)
            for (float y = minY; y <= maxY; y += m_params.spacing)
                tmpItems.emplace_back(x, y,;

        for (size_t i = 0; i < tmpItems.size(); ++i)
            itemListToPopulate.GetItemAtIndex(i) = tmpItems[i];

        return EUpdateStatus::FinishedGeneratingItems;

    const SParams m_params;

Each custom generator class must come with an SParams struct. The internal architecture of the UQS expects exactly such an embedded struct.


Notice the DoUpdate() method, which will be called through a base class's method by applying the

Registering Custom Generators

In order for the UQS to be able to instantiate this new generator later on at runtime, it needs a factory that knows about this specific generator class and how to create an instance of it:

UQS::Client::CGeneratorFactory<CGenerator_PointsOnPureGrid>::SCtorParams ctorParams;
ctorParams.szName = "my::PointsOnPureGrid";
ctorParams.guid = "c93c98fa-5241-4db5-9f0e-8a35e782e675"_uqs_guid;
ctorParams.szDescription =
    "Generates points on a grid.\n"
    "The grid is specified by a center, size (of one edge) and a spacing between the points.\n"
    "Notice: this generator is very limited and doesn't work well if you intend to use it for things like uneven terrain.";

// Notice: This instance of CGeneratorFactory<> must _not_ go out of scope for the lifetime of UQS, 
//         since the UQS core will keep a pointer to this particular factory!
static const UQS::Client::CGeneratorFactory<CGenerator_PointsOnPureGrid> generatorFactory_PointsOnPureGrid(ctorParams);

To finally expose your new generator factory to the UQS core, you'd just call this static helper method once receiving the UQS::Core::EHubEvent::RegisterYourFactoriesNow event:


This is the same process as is already done when exposing item factories to the UQS core.