

The Selection section of the Designer tool lets you edit the basic shapes that you made with the tools in the Shapes section.

As shown above, this section contains several different tools to chose from.


The Vertex/Edge/Polygon tools provide easy ways not only to select vertices, edges and polygons but also to move those elements. A vertex, an edge or a polygon is usually called an element.

More than two buttons among Vertex, Edge and Polygon buttons can be selected at the same time by pressing the each button holding Ctrl and clicking the buttons.

There are 3 ways to select elements:

  1. By clicking LMB on an element.
    This way allows you to select an element and deselect any currently selected elements.
  2. By clicking LMB + Ctrl on an element or dragging LMB + Ctrl from an element.
    This way allows you to select an element keeping the existing elements.
  3. By dragging the mouse holding LMB or LMB + Ctrl from no element.
    This way allows you to select elements within a selection box.
    If you are holding Ctrl, the existing selected polygons will remain selected. If not, they will be deselected.


You can transform Designer objects by using the Vertex, Edge and Polygon tools in different ways:

  1. By clicking on and element and dragging LMB.
    The selected elements will follow the mouse cursor on the screen without the help of the gizmos.

    Holding SHIFT, the selected polygons will be detached from the adjacent polygons when they are moved.

  2. By manipulating Gizmos.
    For fine-tuning, you can use View, Local, Parent, World and Custom coordinates. For more information on the Coordinate System, please see this page.

    Holding SHIFT, the selected polygons will be detached from the adjacent polygons when they are moved.

Move mode - moves the elements:

Rotate mode - rotates the elements:

Scale mode - scales the elements:


This tool provides a convenient way to change the pivot position to where you want it to be.

How it Works

First, choose if you want the pivot to be positioned on a vertex of the bound box or the mesh. You do this in the Pivot properties:


You can select a pivot among 27 vertices consisting of the bound box:


This mode allows you to select a pivot among all vertices of the designer object:

You can then click on any of the points shown to move the pivot point:


Using this tool, you will be able to select or deselect all elements with just one click.

How it Works

When no elements are selected and you press the AllNone button, all elements will be selected:

Vertex mode

No vs. all vertices selected

Edge mode

No vs. all edges selected

Polygon mode

No vs. all polygons selected

When not all elements are selected, all the selected elements will be deselected when clicking the AllNone button.


This selection tool is useful if you want to select all faces connecting one another from the selected face.

How it Works

The sphere and the other shape in the following image is in one designer object but they are not connected with each other.

With a polygon of the sphere selected, if you press the Connected button, all the polygons of the sphere will be selected, but the polygons in the other shape won't be, because the other shape isn't connected to the sphere with any edges:


This tool provides a easy way of expanding a selection based on the current selected polygons.

How it Works

Select a polygon and click the Grow button. Every time you click the button, the adjacent polygons will be selected as well as the already selected ones:


With the Loop tool, you can select serial linked edges or faces which form a loop from selected edges or faces.

How it Works

Edge Loop Selection

Select an edge and click the Loop button to select successive edges from the selected edges as follows.

The left image shows selected edges or selected edges and the right images is the results after clicking Loop button:

Of course, this does not only work for horizontal edges, but also for vertical ones:

You can even select different horizontal and vertical edges and it will loop around the shape when you click the Loop button:

Polygon Loop Selection

This loop function also works for Polygons, however, this requires two polygons to be selected (by holding Ctrl while selecting two polygons) before clicking the Loop button to determine the direction of the loop:

As with Edge loops, this also works vertically:


The Ring tool is similar to the Loop tool, but differs in that it selects edges or polygons in a loop which are not connected.

How it Works

Edge Ring Selection

Select an edge or edges and click the Ring button:

As before, this also works with vertical edges:

And you can also select multiple edges and create several rings by clicking the Ring button:

Polygon Ring Selection

As with the Loop tool, you can select two or more polygons as follows and click the Ring button. As the Ring button makes a ring with polygons that are not connected, it will have the opposite effect to the Loop tool:

And again, you can make more than one ring:


With the Invert tool you can invert the selection of polygons.

This will not work when selecting Edges. If you select a number of Edges and then click Invert, it will simply select all edges and therefore work like the AllNone tool.

How it Works

Select the polygons you want to invert and click the Invert button: