Vegetation Shader


Vegetation shader provides special features for foliage and grass, most notably translucency (light transmittance). To open the material dialog for vegetation objects, right-click on your object in the vegetation list and press "Go To Object Material".

For more information on vegetation, please visit the Vegetation Editor section.

Textures Maps

The Vegetation shader texture setup is very close to Illum with some additional vegetation-specific features.

Texture Slot



RGB contains diffuse color. Alpha should contain opacity (used for alpha test).


RGB contains specular color. Specular is not used with the 'Grass' option enabled.

With PBR, using a constant specular color instead of a map is enough in most cases.


RGB contains normal map. DDNA Alpha contains smoothness map.


See Displacement/Phong/PN Triangles Tesselation - Shader Generation Params for more information.


See Detail Mapping - Shader Generation Params for more information.


Grayscale map that defines the thickness of foliage and how much light can pass through from the backside (transmittance).

Blending Map

See Blend Layer for more information.

Second Gloss Map

See Blend Layer for more information.

Second Height Map

See Blend Layer for more information.

Second Diffuse Map

See Blend Layer for more information.

Second Bump Map

See Blend Layer for more information.

Shader Parameters

Shader Params


Shader Gen Requirement

Bending Branch Amplitude

Defines the movement of blue color in the in the complex bending setup.


Bending Edges Amplitude

Defines the movement of red color in the in the complex bending setup.


Blend Factor

Changes visibility of blending layer. Blendlayer generation parameter must be enabled first. See Blend Layer for more information.

Blend Layer

Blend Falloff

Changes the fall off of blending. See Blend Layer for more information.

Blend Layer

Blend Layer 2 Spec

Changes specular intensity of second blend layer. Blendlayer generation parameter must be enabled first. See Blend Layer for more information.

Blend Layer

Blend Layer 2 Tiling

Changes tiling of second blend layer. Blendlayer generation parameter must be enabled first. See Blend Layer for more information.

Blend Layer

Blend Mask Tiling

Change tiling of blend mask.


Cap Opacity Falloff

Controls how strongly vegetation polygons fade out when looking at them at a steep angle. This helps to disguise the plane shape of vegetation geometry.


Detail Bending Frequency

Defines the bending speed for complex (wind) bending. Always make sure that this is in the right proportion to the wind in your level.


Indirect Bounce Color

Sets the amount of indirectly bounced color. See Illum Shader for more information.


Normal View Dependency

Controls how strongly normals get oriented towards the viewer/camera. This helps to reduce an overly strong specular gain on vegetation planes. (0 = off, 1 = fully on)Leaves / Grass

Terrain Color Blend

Controls how much of the terrain color should be blended into the diffuse color when up close (0 = off, 1 = on).
You have to check "Use Terrain Color" for the specific vegetation object to enable the feature, except when using AutoMerge.


Terrain Color Blend Dist

Controls how much of the terrain color should be blended into the diffuse color at a distance. This helps to make the vegetation merge visually with the terrain to make LOD popping and aliasing less apparent.
You have to check "Use Terrain Color" for the specific vegetation object to enable it, except when using AutoMerge.


Transmittance Color

Color tint for transmitted light.

Leaves / Grass

Transmittance Multiplier

Scale factor for opacity map values.

Leaves / Grass

Vtx Alpha Blend Factor



Shader Generation Parameters

Shader Gen Params



More complex shading for foliage. This will allow you to use an opacity map to control the translucency of the "leaves".


Cheap shading for grass which essentially ignores specular and normal map settings. Use Leaves option when higher shading quality is desired for grass.

Detail Bending

Detail bending simulating the wind on vegetation objects.

Detail Mapping

Enables detail mapping. See Detail Mapping - Shader Generation Params for more information.


Enables normal-mapped diffuse layer blended on top of the base material. See Blend Layer for more information.

Extended Bending

Provides more control over detail bending. It allows not only small micro movement on leaves, but also whole branches of trees or chunks of grass, and also world-space mapped noise texture is used to simulate random breeze to add another variation to the movement.

Make sure, you activate the Receive Wind option in the Object's Properties section before you enable this effect.

Displacement Mapping

Enables displacement mapping. Requires a height map. See Illum Shader for more information.

Phong Tessellation

Enables rough approximation of smooth surface subdivision.. See Illum Shader for more information.

PN Triangles Tessellation

PN (Point-Normal) triangles tessellation enables rough approximation of surface subdivision in a low polygon mesh. See Illum Shader for more information.