Entity Components (From Engine Version 5.5)


The Components panel contains all of the available Components that can be applied to an Entity. This article details the individual settings for each of the Components.

When these Entity Components have been applied to an Entity, a new subsection appears in the Properties of that Entity:

It can be removed from the entity by clicking the button in the top-right corner and choosing Remove.


Many of the components have a Transform setting. This allows their position and orientation to be offset from the entity they are attached to, while still following it.

TranslationThe positional offset in relation to the entity - for example a value of 0,0,1 will mean an offset of one unit upwards (Z axis).
RotationThe rotation offset in relation to the entity.
ScaleThe scale offset in relation to the entity. The linking symbol locks the scaling so that the values are relative to each other. For e.g. a value of 1,2,3, scaled by 2x would result in 2,4,6. (if unlocked then the scaling cannot be guaranteed).



See this page for more information.

ShapeShape of the volume.
Size Determines the size of the shape.
AttributeIdentifiers of this volume.
ListenerDetermines to which attribute we want to listen. You will only receive signals for those specific attributes.


AI Observer

The observer component registers the entity to VisionMap and makes it able to see other entities that are registered as 'Observables'.

Vision Map Type

Combination of flags to identify the type of the observer.


Configuration of the vision sensor with which the entity can observe the world.

Field of ViewField of view in degrees.
Sight Range The maximum sight distance from the 'eye' point to an observable location on an entity.

Location of the eye sensor (offset from pivot or bone position).

Location typeWhether the eye sensor is attached to a bone or the pivot.
OffsetFixed offset from position.
Bone Name(if Location Type is 'Bone') The name of the bone/joint from which to take the position.
Vision Blocking
Blocked By SolidsIf enabled, vision ray-casts cannot pass through colliders that are part of solid objects (sometimes also denoted as 'hard cover').
Blocked By Soft CoverIf enabled, vision ray-casts cannot pass through colliders marked as 'soft cover'. These are colliders that only block vision but you can still sit 'inside' them (examples are: bushes, tall grass, etc).
Types To Observe

Only entities that belong to these vision map types will be processed for sight.

Factions To Observe

Only entities that belong to these factions will be processed for sight.

Use Custom Filter

Whether the custom condition filter should be used (Schematyc 'ObserverCustomFilter' signal)

AI Observable

The observable component registers the entity to VisionMap and makes it able to be 'seen' by other entities that are registered as 'Observers'.

Vision Map Type

Combination of flags to identify the type of the observable.

Observable Locations

Positions (offset from the pivot or bones) that are checked for visibilty by Observers.

Location typePivot or Bone.
OffsetX, Y and Z coordinates for fixed offset from position.
Bone Name(if Location type is 'Bone') The name of the bone/joint from which to take the position.

AI Listener

The Listener component registers the entity to AuditionMap and makes it able to perceive sound stimuli. The component is notified when any interesting stimuli is heard.

Factions To Listen To

Only sound stimuli whose source entities belong to these factions will be processed.

Listening Distance Scale

An optional scale that can be applied to increase or reduce the listening distance.

Ear Locations

A collection of locations that will determine if the entity is within hearing range of sound stimuli. Can also be used to cast rays to these locations to determine sound obstruction fall-offs and such.

Location typePivot or Bone.
OffsetX, Y and Z coordinates for fixed offset from position.
Bone Name(if Location type is 'Bone') The name of the bone/joint from which to take the position.
Use Custom Filter

Whether the custom condition filter should be used (Schematyc 'ListenerCustomFilter' signal)

AI Navigation Markup Shape

The Navigation Markup Shape component is used to create markup shapes, allowing to 'mark' triangles in the NavMesh with various annotations (area types and flags). Annotations can be set in the Scripts/AI/Navigation.xml config file.

Affected Agent TypesWhat agent types' NavMeshes should be affected.
Area TypeArea type that should be applied to NavMesh. All flags defined for the area type are applied as well.
SizeSize of the rectangular shape in X, Y and Z coordinates.
StaticSet to true if the markup shape's triangles' annotation doesn't need to be modified at runtime.
Expand by Agent RadiusTrue if the marked area on NavMesh should be expanded by the agent radius.

AI Navigation Agent

The Navigation Agent component gives the ability to navigate in space, finding paths to desired destinations, following them, and also trying to avoid collisions with other agents.

Navigation Agent TypeType of the navigation agent, specifying which NavMesh will be used by the agent (agent types are defined in Scripts/AI/Navigation.xml).
Update TransformationWhen set to true, the Navigation Component automatically updates the entity's transformation by computed requested velocity (position and rotation). When false, the requested velocity should be passed to other systems.
Normal SpeedNormal entity speed.
Min SpeedMinimal output speed.
Max SpeedMaximal output speed.
Max AccelerationMaximum acceleration of the entity.
Max DecelerationMinimal acceleration of the entity.
Look Ahead DistanceHow far the entity looks ahead along the path.
Stop At EndAim to finish the path by reaching the end position (stationary) or simply overshoot.
Collision Avoidance
  • None - agent doesn't contribute to collision avoidance.
  • Passive - agent isn't trying to avoid obstacles but other agents consider him as an obstacle.
  • Active - agent is actively trying to avoid obstacles.
RadiusRadius of the colliding agent.
Area CostsCosts multipliers set per each of the area types. During path-finding, paths that lead through triangles with lower costs are preferred.
Include FlagsSpecifies which flags are accessible. At least one of these flags must be set in triangle to be accepted.
Exclude FlagsSpecifies which flags are forbidden. None of these flags must be set in triangle to be accepted.

AI Faction

The Faction component stores the faction of the entity. Factions and their relations are defined in the Faction Map (Scripts/AI/Factions.xml)

FactionHere you can choose the faction your entity belongs to.

AI Cover User

The Cover User component works together with movement system and provides an ability to use covers for the entity. Covers are user designed objects (Cover Surface) placed in Sandbox.

Min Effective Cover HeightMinimal effective height for the cover to be usable by the cover user and not to be compromised.
In Cover RadiusRadius of the cover user located in a cover used to determine which cover locations are blocked.
Distance To CoverHow far the cover user can be from the exact cover location.
Blacklist TimeHow long the compromised cover location will be considered as not valid for further cover queries.

AI Behavior Tree

Component providing ability to running a Behavior Tree on the entity. Behavior tree automatically starts after a game is started and stops after game ends.

Behavior Tree Name
NameName of the behavior tree (its file should be located under Scripts/AI/BehaviorTrees folder)



Attach this to an Area (shape, box, solid, sphere, etc) to assign this environment to the Area.

EnvironmentThe environment you want to apply (the environment is created and set up in the Audio Controls Editor).
FadeDistanceDistance between Audio Listener and the Area over which the Environment should fade (in engine units).


Functions similar to a microphone; you listen to the world audio from a Listener position. The most prominent use is to attach it to cameras.

TranslationThe positional offset in relation to the entity - for example a value of 0,0,1 will mean an offset of one unit upwards (Z axis).
RotationThe rotation offset in relation to the entity.
ScaleThe scale offset in relation to the entity. The linking symbol locks the scaling so that the values are relative to each other. For e.g. a value of 1,2,3, scaled by 2x would result in 2,4,6. (if unlocked then the scaling cannot be guaranteed).


Barebone Audio Trigger that handles Audio Triggers created in the Audio Controls Editor.

PlayTriggerThis trigger gets executed when Play is called.
StopTriggerThis trigger gets executed when Stop is called.
PlayExecutes the PlayTrigger.
StopStops the PlayTrigger if no StopTrigger assigned - otherwise executes the StopTrigger.

For more information about Play/Stop behavior, see this page.



This represent a camera in the world from which the level can be rendered. Keep in mind that only one camera can be active at the same time.

Entities with Camera components will then show up in the Camera menu in the Perspective viewport (under Camera Entity).

  • Default - A normal, one-directional camera.
  • Omnidirectional - Renders the full 360 view to screen.
ActiveWhether or not this camera should be activated on component creation.
Near PlaneSets the distance from the camera that the engine will start rendering from (by default 0.25 meters).
Far PlaneSets the distance from the camera that the engine will start rendering to(by default 1024 meters).
Field of ViewThe field of view or angle that the camera will render.

Roomscale VR Camera

Expose a new Entity Component that allows for easily creating a Roomscale VR camera. This works quite simply, in that all the user has to do is drag the component into their Schematyc entity, and it'll activate by its own. Additionally, the component automates asynchronous camera injection, effectively retrieving the headset's coordinates as late as possible to avoid unnecessary lag.

ActiveActivates the Roomscale VR Camera.
Near PlaneDetermines the minimum distance that the engine will start rendering from. (Example: 0.25 means the engine will render starting at 0.25m fromt he camera and forward)
Far PlaneDetermines the maximum distance that the engine will start rendering from. (Example: 1 means the engine will render up to 1 m from the camera, so after 1m you will not see anything)


Debug Draw

The Debug Draw component can be used to draw debug text; the text will be drawn at the world position of the parent entity. This component can be useful to mark or highlight specific entities in the world.

Draw Persistent TextWhether persistent text will be drawn to the screen.
Persistent TextThe persistent text to draw to the screen.
Persistent Text ColorThe color of the persistent text.
Persistent View DistanceThe maximum view distance for the persistent text.
Persistent Font SizeThe font size of the persistent text.



The Decal Component will project a texture onto geometry and terrain. A typical use case for a decal would be for example blood splashes.

Default SpawnWhether or not to automatically spawn the decal.
MaterialThe material we want to use on the decal.
Follow EntityWhether or not the decal follows the entity.
Projection TypeThe method of projection to be used.
  • Planar - The decal will be displayed in the exact same position in space as where you placed the center of the object. It is advised to only use this project type on flat surfaces, otherwise you may find the decal "floating" in the air. Planar projection offers the cheapest performance.
  • Static Objects - The decal will be projected onto the geometry of an object in the level. It will be projected along the opposite direction of the blue Z axis. This method is automatically done as a deferred pass.
  • Terrain - The decal will be projected directly on to the terrain of your level, ignoring any assets that might otherwise receive the projection.
  • Terrain and Static Objects - This projection type is a combination of type 2 and 3, and will be displayed on both the terrain and objects. This method is automatically performed as a deferred pass.
Projection DepthThe depth at which the decal should be projected.
Sort PrioritySorting priority - used to resolve depth issues with other decals.

Fog Volume

The Fog Volume Component adds an area of fog around the components position. This can be used to create local areas of fog instead of global fog through the environment editor.

ActiveWhether or not the fog volume is currently active.
TypeThe type of shape to use for rendering the fog volume.
SizeSize of the fog volume.
ColorColor of the fog volume.
EmissionLights up the fog volume (GI / Injects light into the global volumetric fog system.
NOTE: Only works when Volumetric Fog is enabled.
Emission IntensitySpecifies how much luminance (kcd/m2) the fog emits.
Use Global Fog ColorWhether or not to use the global fog color for this fog volume.
Ignore VisAreasWhether the fog volume ignores the use of VisAreas in the level.
Only Affect This AreaWhether the fog volume can only affect the area it is currently in.
Global DensityControls the density of the fog volume.
Density OffsetScales the density inside the fog volume.
Near CutoffStop rendering the object, depending on camera distance to object.
Soft EdgesSpecifies a factor that is used to soften the edges of the fog volume when viewed from outside.
A value of 0.0 produces hard edges. Increasing this value up to 1.0 will gradually soften the edges. This property currently has no effect on Box type Fog Volumes.
Height Falloff LongitudeDirection of the fall off (longitude). 0 = East (Positive X). Determines how strong the fog loses density in the longitude/horizontal direction.
Height Falloff LatitudeDirection of the fall off (latitude). 90 = up.
Height Falloff ShiftControls how much to shift the fog density along the fall off direction.
Height Falloff ScaleScales the density distribution along the fall off direction. Higher values will make the fog fall off more rapidly.
Ramp StartDefines the distance where the fog starts to get denser
NOTE: Only works when volumetric fog is enabled. Also scales with Ramp influence.
HDR DynamicLighting multiplier for when LDR is being used to make lighting fit to HDR lighting manually.
Ramp EndSame as Ramp Start but where the fog stops being dense.
Ramp InfluenceScaler how much Ramp Start / End should influence the fog density.
Wind InfluenceScaler how much wind influences the fog.
NOTE: Only works with volumetric fog enabled. Scales with Density Noise Scale.
Density Noise ScaleScaleron the noise distribution that generates the fog density.
NOTE: Only works with volumetric fog enabled.
Density Noise OffsetOffset on the noise distribution function that generates the fog density.
NOTE: Only works with volumetric fog enabled.
Density Noise Time FreqencyControls the time frequency of the noise for the density. High frequencies produce fast changing fog.
Density Noise FrequencyControls the spatial frequency of the noise for the density. High frequencies produce highly detailed fog.

Particle Emitter

The Particle Emitter Component can emit particles at the position of the parent entity.

EnabledWhether or not the particle should emit by default.
EffectDetermines the particle effect to load.
Emitter AttributesAdjustable values which can be defined in the particle effect itself.
PrimeAdvances emitter age to its equilibrium state.
Uniform ScaleEmitter uniform scale.
Count ScaleParticle count multiplier.
Speed ScaleParticle emission speed multiplier.
Time ScaleEmitter time multiplier.
Particle Spec Overrides Particle Spec for this emitter.
Ignore Vis AreasWhether this component will ignore vis areas placed in the level.
Custom Random SeedControls if the effect should follow a specific seed, which makes the effect deterministic, or if it should be entirely random.


This component is the only way to achieve rain in your level. It creates rain in a radius around the entity that you attach this components to.

EnableEnables rain around the Entity.
AmountSet the overall amount of the rain entity's various effects.
Ignore VisareasContinue to render rain when player is inside a visarea.
Disable OcclusionDon't check if object should be occluded from rain (is under cover).
RadiusThe size of the area around the entity Entity in which the rain will be falling.
Reflection AmountDEPRECATED
Diffuse DarkeningDefines how dark the puddles and rain are.
Rain Drops AmountSet the amount of rain drops that can be seen in the air.
Rain Drops SpeedSet the speed at which the rain drops travel.
Rain Drops LightingSet the brightness or backlighting of the rain drops.
Puddles AmountAmount of puddles the rain creates on the ground
(scaler value, depends on surface normal and puddle mask for location)
Puddles Mask AmountSet the strength of the puddle mask to balance different puddle results.
Puddles Ripple AmountSet the strength and frequency of the puddles generated by the rain (offset PuddlesAmount).
SplashesAmountAmount of splashes the rain creates on the ground (it just scales the amount of splashes)

Water Ripple

Allows to spawn ripples on water surfaces. It is especially useful for cutscenes when non-physicalized entities are moving through a body of water.

ScaleSize of the ripple effect.
StrengthStrength of the ripple effect. Also affects size.
The most noticeable changes happen in the range from 0 to 1.
FrequencySets the interval for AutoSpawn in seconds.
Random FrequencyRandomly changes the frequency of the ripple effect. The value specified is the maximum frequency that will occurr.
Random ScaleRandomly sets the scale of the ripple effect. The value specified is the maximum scale that can be set.
Random StrengthSame as Random Scale, but for the Strength value.
EnableTurns the entity on/off.
Auto SpawnIf enabled, water ripples will be spawned regularly even if the entity doesn't move.
The spawn interval is determined by the Frequency and RandomFreq properties.
Spawn On MovementIf enabled, ripples will be spawned when the entity moves.
Random OffsetRandomly spawns ripples at an offset position relative to the entity. These values set the maximum offset on the X and Y axes (local coordinate system).
Only works if AutoSpawn is enabled.


Advanced Animations

The Advanced Animations Component can be used to play complex animation setups. This could be used for controlling the animation of player or npc in the game.

TypeDetermines the behavior of the static mesh.
CharacterDetermines the character to load.
Minimum Shadow GraphicsMinimum graphical setting at which shadows will be cast.
Ignore VisareasWhether this component will ignore vis areas placed in the level.
View DistanceView distance from 0 to 100 - where 100 = always visible.
LOD DistanceLevel of Detail distance from 0 to 100 0 - where 100 = best LOD.
GI and Usage Mode
Type of SVOGI to use.
  • Disabled - Object is excluded from voxelization and mostly does not affect the GI. (But it receives all GI effects from the rest of the scene).
  • Static Voxelization - Object is voxelized allowing in-directional occlusion effects, large scale AO and more precise light bounce.
  • Analytical Proxy Soft - An occluder applied during the cone tracing stage and used like a true replacement of voxels allowing also light bouncing from it. Occlusion fades with distance allowing softer shadow effects.
  • Analytical Proxy Hard - An occluder applied during cone tracing stage and used like true replacement of voxels allowing also light bouncing from it.
  • Analytical Occluder - An occluder applied in a deferred way after all cone tracing is performed.

Analytical occluders checkbox must be ON in Total Illumination v2 settings (Tools -> Level Editor -> Level Settings -> Total Illumination v2)

  • Integrate into Terrain - Integrates this mesh into the terrain mesh. This allows support for all terrain material features like 3-planar texturing.

Integrate Objects must be ON in Level Settings (Tools -> Level Editor -> Level Settings -> Terrain).

Animation DatabasePath to the Mannequin .adb file.
Controller DefinitionPath to the Mannequin controller definition file.
Default Scope Context NameName of the default Mannequin scope context to use.
Default Fragment NameName of the default Mannequin fragment to play.
Animation Driven MotionWhether or not to use root motion in the animations for physical movement.
Use Ground AlignmentEnables adjustment of leg positions to align to the ground surface.
MassMass of the object in kg.
Note: Mass cannot be set at the same time as density.
DensityDensity of the object in Kg/m3.
Note: Density cannot be set at the same time as mass.

Alembic Mesh

The Alembic Mesh Component let's you add Geom Caches to the entity.

FileThe geom cache file (.abc or .cbc) to load.

Animated Mesh

The Animated Mesh Component play animation for an animated mesh. This would normally be used for basic geometry with one simple animation like a fan.

TypeDetermines the behavior of the mesh.
FileDetermines the animated mesh to load.
Minimum Shadow GraphicsMinimum graphical setting at which shadows will be cast.
Ignore VisareasWhether this component will ignore vis areas placed in the level.
View DistanceView distance from 0 to 100 - where 100 = always visible.
LOD DistanceLevel of Detail distance from 0 to 100 - where 100 = best LOD.
Default AnimationSpecifies the animation to play by default.
Loop DefaultWhether or not to loop the default animation.
Default Animation SpeedControls the speed of the animation. Higher value means play the animation faster, smaller value means play the animation slower.
MassMass of the object in kg.
Note: Mass cannot be set at the same time as density.
DensityDensity of the object in Kg/m3.
Note: Density cannot be set at the same time as mass.


The Mesh Component adds static geometry to the entity which can be physicalized with a Rigid-body component.

TypeDetermines the behavior of the mesh.
FileDetermines the CGF to load.
MaterialThe material used for the entity.
Note: changing this will change for example a rock to a bush, but won't change the name. Be careful when changing this!
Rendering Settings
Minimum Shadow GraphicsMinimum graphical setting at which shadows will be cast for this object.
Ignore VisareasWhether this component will ignore vis areas.
View DistanceView distance from 0 to 100, 100 being always visible.
LOD DistanceLevel of Detail distance from 0 to 100, 100 being always best LOD.
GI and Usage Mode
Type of SVOGI to use.
  • Disabled - Object is excluded from voxelization and mostly does not affect the GI. (But it receives all GI effects from the rest of the scene).
  • Static Voxelization - Object is voxelized allowing in-directional occlusion effects, large scale AO and more precise light bounce.
  • Analytical Proxy Soft - An occluder applied during the cone tracing stage and used like a true replacement of voxels allowing also light bouncing from it. Occlusion fades with distance allowing softer shadow effects.
  • Analytical Proxy Hard - An occluder applied during cone tracing stage and used like true replacement of voxels allowing also light bouncing from it.
  • Analytical Occluder - An occluder applied in a deferred way after all cone tracing is performed.

Analytical occluders checkbox must be ON in Total Illumination v2 settings (Tools -> Level Editor -> Level Settings -> Total Illumination v2)

  • Integrate into Terrain - Integrates this mesh into the terrain mesh. This allows support for all terrain material features like 3-planar texturing.

Integrate Objects must be ON in Level Settings (Tools -> Level Editor -> Level Settings -> Terrain)

Physics Settings
MassMass of the object in kg.
Note: Mass cannot be set at the same time as density.
DensityDensity of the object in Kg/m3.
Note: Density
cannot be set at the same time as mass.


Environment Probe

With the Environment Probes Components you have the ability to place cubemaps throughout the level. It is very useful especially with reflective materials because it will automatically assign the cubemap to anything within its radius.

ActiveDetermines whether the environment probe is enabled.
Box SizeSize of the area the probe affects.
IgnoreVisAreasWhether to ignore vis areas placed in the level.
Sort PrioritySorting priority, used to resolve depth issues with other light sources.
Maximum Attenuation FalloffMaximum Attenuation Falloff.
Affect Volumetric FogWhether this probe will affect volumetric fog.
Only Affect Volumetric FogWhether this probe will only affect volumetric fog.
Only Affect This AreaWhether this probe will only affect the area it is currently in.
Use Box ProjectionWhether to use box projection for this environment probe.
ColorColor for the probe.
Diffuse MultiplierDiffuse color multiplier for the probe.
Specular MultiplierSpecular color multiplier for the probe.
Cube Map PathPath to the cube map to load.
Load Texture AutomaticallyWhether to attempt loading a texture when the environment probe is created.
ResolutionResolution of the probe (Editor only).
GenerateGenerates a cube map with the specified resolution (Editor only).

Point Light

The Point Light adds a light source to the entity which emits light in all directions, it behaves light a light bulb in the real world.

ActiveDetermines whether the point light is enabled.
RadiusDetermines the range of the point light.
ColorColor of the point light.
Diffuse MultiplierDiffuse color multiplier for the point light.
Specular MultiplierSpecular color multiplier for the point light.
Minimum Shadow GraphicsMinimum graphical setting to cast shadows.
Attenuation Bulb SizeControls the falloff exponentially from the origin. A value of 1 means that the light is at full intensity (within a 1 meter ball) before it begins to falloff. See Attenuation and Falloff for more information.
Ignore VisAreasWhether the light source ignores VisAreas in the level.
Affect Volumetric FogWhether the light source should affect volumetric fog.
Only Affect Volumetric FogWhether the light source will only affect volumetric fog.
Only Affect This AreaWhether the light source will only affect the area it is currently in.
Link To Sky ColorWhether this light should consider the sky color.
AmbientMakes the light behave like an ambient light source, with no point of origin.
Fog Radial LobeAdjusts the blend ratio of the main radial lobe (parallel to the eye ray) and side radial lobe (perpendicular to the eye ray). The direction of the main radial lobe depends on the Anisotropic parameter value used (found in the Time of Day dialog window).
Global Illumination
  • Disabled - Light does not affect GI.
  • Static - Light produces light bounces and (in modes 1-2) supports multiple bounces.
  • Dynamic - Light produces single completely real-time bounce.
  • Hide if GI is Active - Light is deactivated if GI is active.
StyleThe animation style of the light.
SpeedThe animation speed of the light.

Projector Light

The Projector Light Component adds a light to entity which projects/emits light in a certain direction based on projection texture. Typical used for a flashlight as an example.

ActiveDetermines whether the projector light is enabled.
RangeDetermines the range of the projector light.
AngleDetermines the angle/field of view of the projector light.
Near PlaneDetermines the distance from the light itself and where it will start projecting.
Projected TextureThe texture to project.
MaterialThe material to project.
ColorColor of the projector light source.
Diffuse MultiplierDiffuse color multiplier for the projector light source.
Specular MultiplierSpecular color multiplier of the projector light source.
Minimum Shadow GraphicsMinimum graphical setting to cast shadows.
Attenuation Bulb SizeControls the falloff exponentially from the origin. A value of 1 means that the light is at full intensity (within a 1 meter ball) before it begins to falloff. See Attenuation and Falloff for more information.
Ignore VisAreasWhether the light source ignores VisAreas in the level.
Affect Volumetric FogWhether the light source should affect volumetric fog.
Only Affect Volumetric FogWhether the light source will only affect volumetric fog.
Only Affect This AreaWhether the light source will only affect the area it is currently in.
Link To Sky ColorWhether this light should consider the sky color.
AmbientMakes the light behave like an ambient light source, with no point of origin.
Fog Radial LobeAdjusts the blend ratio of the main radial lobe (parallel to the eye ray) and side radial lobe (perpendicular to the eye ray). The direction of the main radial lobe depends on the Anisotropic parameter value used (found in the Time of Day dialog window).
Global Illumination
  • Disabled - Light does not affect GI.
  • Static - Light produces light bounces and (in modes 1-2) supports multiple bounces.
  • Dynamic - Light produces single completely real-time bounce.
  • Hide if GI is Active - Light is deactivated if GI is active.
StyleThe animation style of the light.
SpeedThe animation speed of the light.



Creates a physical area with a primitive shape with custom gravity/buoyancy settings.

TypeThe shape of the physics area. This can be either a box, sphere, cylinder or capsule.
Shape Properties
RadiusRadius of the shape (for sphere, capsule, and cylinder).
HeightHeight of the cylindrical portion of the shape (for cylinders and capsules).
SizeSize (x, y, z) of the box shape.
Custom Gravity

Tick the box if you want to override gravity in this shape


Gravity that overrides global/outer gravity for entities inside the area. This is an acceleration vector in Si.

Buoyancy Parameters
  • Disabled - Doesn't apply buoyancy.
  • Air - Sets buoyancy type to air. Buoyancy type only affects how overlapping areas are handled: air areas are all applied, while water areas only apply the smallest (i.e. the innermost) one.
  • Water - Sets buoyancy type to water.
FlowFlow speed of the medium (air, water) inside the area.
DensityDensity of the medium (reference water is 1000, reference air is about 1).
ResistanceResistance of the medium (reference water is 1000). This is a force that resists the motion (relative to the flow speed).

Box Collider

Adds a physical box part to the physics only (without any StatObj). It still uses an entity slot.

SizeSize of the box.
MassMass of the object in kg.
Note: Mass cannot be set at the same time as density.
DensityDensity of the object in Kg/m3.
Note: Density cannot be set at the same time as mass.
Surface TypeSurface type assigned to this object - determines its physical properties.
React to CollisionsDefines if the collider should send collision events.

Capsule Collider

Adds a physical capsule part to the physics only (without any StatObj). It still uses an entity slot.

RadiusRadius of the capsule.
HeightHeight of the capsule.
MassMass of the object in kg.
Note: Mass cannot be set at the same time as density.
DensityDensity of the object in Kg/m3.
Note: Density cannot be set at the same time as mass.
Surface TypeSurface type assigned to this object - determines its physical properties.
React to CollisionsDefines if the collider should send collision events.

Character Controller

Creates living entity (PE_LIVING) physics for the entity. As an alternative, consider using Sample Rigidbody Actor.

Maximum Climb Angle

Networked SyncedSyncs the physical entity over the network and keeps it in sync with the server.
MassMass of the character in kg.
Collider RadiusRadius of the default capsule or cylinder.
Collider HeightHeight of the default capsule or cylinder.
Use CapsuleWhether to use a capsule for the default geometry, otherwise a cylinder wil be used.
Send Collision SignalWhether or not this component should listen for collisions and report them.
Air Control RatioIndicates how much the character can move in the air, 0 = no movement, 1 = full control.
Air ResistanceAir resistance for the character (dampens velocity when airborne).
Inertia CoefficientSets how fast the character will be able to achieve the desired velocity. Higher values correspond to more responsive movement. 0 is a special value, meaning full control / instant velocity switch.
Inertia Acceleration CoefficientSame as inertia, but used when the character is accelerating (i.e. its desired velocity is non-0).
Maximum Climb AngleMaximum ground slope angle the character can climb.
Maximum Jump AngleMaximum ground slope angle on which the character can still jump.
Minimum Angle For SlideMinimum ground slope angle before the character starts sliding.
Minimum Angle For FallIf the ground slope angle exeeds this value, the character will be forced to lose ground contact and start falling.
Maximum Surface VelocityMaximum velocity of the surface the character is on before they are considered airborne and slide off.

Cylinder Collider

Adds a physical cylinder part to the physics only (without any StatObj). It still uses an entity slot.

RadiusRadius of the cylinder.
HeightHeight of the cylinder.
MassMass of the object in kg.
Note: Mass cannot be set at the same time as density.
DensityDensity of the object in Kg/m3.
Note: Density cannot be set at the same time as mass.
Surface TypeSurface type assigned to this object - determines its physical properties.
React to CollisionsDefines if the collider should send collision events.


Physicalizes the entity as a rigidbody or a static (depending on the type). Adds mesh components and primitive collider components as parts. Note that those components alone will not physicalize the entity, they can only add parts to an entity that is physicalized through other means, such as RigidBody component.

Networked SyncedSyncs the physical entity over the network and keeps it in sync with the server.
Enabled by DefaultWhether the physics of the entity will be enabled by default.
RestingIf the body is resting it only starts to simulate on interaction with other physical entities. For example a barrel which normally is just static in the level but as soon as the player starts to shoot it, starts to be simulated by physics.
TypeType of physicalized object to create.
  • Static - don't move and always have "infinite" mass.
  • Rigid - normal simulated objects. These can have infinite mass as well, but the physics knows that they can move if the velocity is set manually.
Send Collision SignalWhether or not this component should listen for collisions and report them to Schematyc.
Buoyancy Parameters
DampingA cheaper alternative/addition to water resistance (applies uniform damping when in water).

Sets the strength of the damping on an object's movement as soon as it is situated underwater. Most objects can work with 0 damping; if an object has trouble coming to rest, try values like 0.2-0.3.

Values of 0.5 and higher appear visually as overdamping. Note that when several objects are in contact, the highest damping is used for the entire group.
DensityDensity of the medium (reference water is 1000, reference air is about 1).
ResistanceResistance of the medium (reference water is 1000). This is a force that resists the motion (relative to the flow speed).

Sample Rigidbody Actor

Physicalizes the entity as PE_WALKING_RIGID, which is a suggested replacement for PE_LIVING. It has the same sweep-based main geometry movement, customizable set of ground sampling rays (as opposed to PE_LIVING fixed one at the center), and it's derived from PE_RIGID, meaning that it can seamlessly interact with other physicalized objects (the original PE_LIVINGs are simulated independently from normal physicalized objects, and thus their interactions are not as immediate and responsive). It naturally uses all geometries that were added to the entity, same as a RigidBody would (cgf's, physical colliders).

FrictionFriction of the sampling (leg) ray contacts that's used when the actor is not moving. Useful for standing on slopes (friction 1 can hold an object on a 45 degrees slope)
MinGroundMassMinimum mass that the objects must have to collide with the sampling rays (can be used to avoid standing on small debris pieces or props).
LegStiffnessDefines how strongly the character tries to restore fully upright position if leg ray contacts are compressed.

Sphere Collider

Adds a physical sphere part to the physics only (without any StatObj). It still uses an entity slot.

RadiusRadius of the sphere.
MassMass of the object in kg.
Note: Mass cannot be set at the same time as density.
DensityDensity of the object in Kg/m3.
Note: Density cannot be set at the same time as mass.
Surface TypeSurface type assigned to this object, determines its physical properties.
React to CollisionsDefines if the collider should send collision events.


A simple component that can accelerate the entity by applying constant impulse per frame (which generates a force that accelerates the entity).

ConstantTrue if force is enabled.
Constant ThrustForce that is applied. It's applied at the component's origin and the vector is in the entity space.

VR Interaction

Creates physicalized hand objects and allows holding other physicalized objects with VR controllers by physically constraining them to "hands".

Left Hand ModelModel to use for the left hand. It it has physics, it will physically affect other physicalized objects when moving.
Right Hand ModelSame for the right hand.
Release On Hold ReleaseWhether to release the object when the key used to hold is released.

Vehicle Physics

Physicalizes the entity as PE_WHEELEDVEHICLE (a rigidbody-derived wheeled vehicle)

Engine Parameters
PowerPower of the engine (about 10,000 - 100,000).
Maximum RPMEngine's RPM at reaching which the engine torque decreases to 0.
Minimum RPMThe clutch is disengaged if the engine's RPM falls below this limit.
Idle RPMEngine's RPM for the idle state.
Start RPMSets this RPM when activating the engine.
Gear Parameters

Gears (1, 2, 3, etc)

RatioRatio of the current gear. 0th gear is reverse, must be negative. 1st is reserved for neutral (and is normally unused). 2 and up are forward gears. Typically lower gears have >1 ratios, and upper ones <1.
Shift Up RPMEngine's RPM threshold for for automatically switching to an upper gear.
Shift Down RPMEngine's RPM threshold for for automatically switching to a lower gear.
Direction Switch RPMEngine's RPM threshold for switching between back and forward gears.
Send Collision SignalWhether to listen to and report collision events.

Wheel Collider

Adds a cylindrical wheel geometry with a suspension to the vehicle. The top of the suspension spring is the component's origin.

RadiusWheel's radius.
HeightWheel's height.
MassWheel's mass.
DensityAlternative way of setting mass.
Surface TypeWheel's surface type.
Axle IndexUsed as a hint to group wheels (to align wheels on opposite sides of the same axle if they differ only very slightly). Axle < 0 makes the wheel purely cosmetic, i.e. it will be aligned with the ground, but won't affect the vehicle movement.
Suspension LengthLength of the suspension spring in a fully extended (uncompressed) state.
Ray CastWhether the wheel uses raycast instead of full geometry cast (which is simpler and faster, but less realistic).

Physics Constraint

Internal Breakable Joint

Creates an internal breakable joint between physical entity parts. A joint can either connect two parts, or one part to the 'ground' (connecting parts are determined automatically by checking intersections). When the entity receives impulses (from collisions or other sources), it recomputes internal forces between joints and breaks the ones that have their limits breached. Broken joints can optionally create a dynamic constraint between broken parts instead of fully disconnecting them. If the limit that broke was twist, it creates a 'hinge' (1 DOF) constraint around the joint's z axis, otherwise a bend constraint (2 DOF).

Parts that separate from the main entity are always physicalized as rigid entities (PE_RIGID).

Max Push ForceForce limit for compression along the joint's z axis.
Max Pull ForceForce limit for pulling apart along the joint's z axis.
Max Shift ForceForce limit for shift orthogonal to the joint's z axis.
Max Bend TorqueTorque limit for bending relative to the joint's z axis.
Max Twist TorqueTorque limit for twisting around the joint's z axis.
DefaultDamageAccumUse default damage accumulation and threshold (from CVar).
Damage Accumulation FractionAccumulate this fraction of 'structural damage' each time the joint is affected (this effectively makes each force/torque limit weaker).
Damage Accumulation ThresholdOnly accumulate damage if it exceeds this fraction of the maximum.
BreakableWhether the joint is at all breakable.
Direct Breaks OnlyThe joint will only break if either of the 2 parts it connects receives an impulse.
Sensor SizeSize of the sampling geometry used to find the parts the joint connects. Also used to re-connect the joint if the entity undergoes procedural breakability.
Dynamic Constraint
Min AngleMin angle for the dynamic constraint (for bend assumed to be 0).
Max AngleMax angle for the dynamic constraint.
Force LimitBreak limit for the dynamic constraint (if exceeded, the constraint will be removed).
Ignore CollisionsWhether the entities connected by the constraint will ignore collisions between themselves.
DampingDamping applied along the constraint's allowed degrees of freedom.

Line Constraint

Constrains entity movement to a line, relative to another entity. The other entity is passed to the ConstrainToEntity function, or it can be 'the world' if ConstrainToPoint is used. Rotation can optionally be fully disabled as well.

ActiveWhether or not the constraint should be added when the component is created.
Lock RotationWhether or not the constrained object will be allowed to rotate around the axis (rotation that would steer the entity away from the axis is locked always).
AxisThe direction of the line the entity will be constrained to (in the component's frame).
Minimum LimitMinimum position that the entity can be moved to from the constraint pivot. A unit of -1 indicates that the minimum position is one meter behind the entity.
Maximum LimitMaximum position that the entity can be moved to form the constraint pivot. A unit of +1 indicates that the maximum position is one meter ahead of the entity.
DampingDetermines how much the object loses momentum (as it moves) while the constraint is active.

Plane Constraint

Constrains entity movement to a plane, relative to another entity. The other entity is passed to ConstrainToEntity function, or it can be 'the world' if ConstrainToPoint is used. Rotation can optionally be limited as well.

ActiveWhether or not the constraint should be added when the component is created.
AxisThe normal of the plane the entity will be constrained to (in the component's frame).
Twist rotation min angle
Rotation limits minimum around x axis. (If this value is bigger than the max value the x axis will be locked)
Twist rotation max angleRotation limits maximum around x axis.
Bend max angle
Maximum bend angle of the rotation.
DampingDetermines how much the object loses momentum (as it moves) while the constraint is active.

Point Constraint

Creates a point-to-point constraint between 2 entities. The other entity is passed to ConstrainToEntity function, or it can be 'the world' if ConstrainToPoint is used. Rotation can be constrained in two dimensions: as rotation around the constraint axis and as bending of that axis on one entity's frame relative to it the other entity's frame.

ActiveWhether or not the constraint should be added when the component is created.
AxisAxis that's used to set the rotation limits.
Minimum X AngleMinimum angle for rotation around the axis ('twisting')
Maximum X AngleMaximum angle for rotation around the axis ('twisting')
Maximum YZ AngleMaximum angle for bending of the axis
DampingDetermines how much the object loses momentum (as it moves) while the constraint is active.


Child Entity

Spawns an entity of the specified class at the component's location when the child entity component instance is created.

Entity ClassThe entity class of which we want to create an instance.
Lock TransformationIf checked, the spawned entity will become a child of this entity.
Ignore Collision WithWhether or not the spawned entity should ignore collisions with the entity.