Entity Components (From Engine Version 5.4)


The Components panel contains all of the available Components that can be applied to an Entity. This article details the individual settings for each of the Components.


Many of the components have a Transform setting. This allows their position and orientation to be offset from the entity they are attached to, while still following it.

Translation The positional offset in relation to the entity - for example a value of 0,0,1 will mean an offset of one unit upwards (Z axis).
RotationThe rotation offset in relation to the entity.
ScaleThe scale offset in relation to the entity. The linking symbol locks the scaling so that the values are relative to each other. For e.g. a value of 1,2,3, scaled by 2x would result in 2,4,6. (if unlocked then the scaling cannot be guaranteed).

AI - Pathfinder

Maximum AccelerationMaximum possible physical acceleration that the AI entity can move at.

Audio - Listener

TranslationThe positional offset in relation to the entity - for example a value of 0,0,1 will mean an offset of one unit upwards (Z axis).
RotationThe rotation offset in relation to the entity.
ScaleThe scale offset in relation to the entity. The linking symbol locks the scaling so that the values are relative to each other. For e.g. a value of 1,2,3, scaled by 2x would result in 2,4,6. (if unlocked then the scaling cannot be guaranteed).

Audio - Trigger

PlayTriggerThis trigger gets executed when Play is called.
StopTriggerThis trigger gets executed when Stop is called.
PlayExecutes the PlayTrigger.
StopStops the PlayTrigger if no StopTrigger assigned - otherwise executes the StopTrigger.

Cameras - Camera

ActiveWhether or not this camera should be activated on component creation.
Near PlaneSets the distance from the camera that we will start rendering from (by default 0.25 meters).
Field of ViewThe field of view or angle that the camera will render.
TranslationThe positional offset in relation to the entity - for example a value of 0,0,1 will mean an offset of one unit upwards (Z axis).
RotationThe rotation offset in relation to the entity.
ScaleThe scale offset in relation to the entity. The linking symbol locks the scaling so that the values are relative to each other. For e.g. a value of 1,2,3, scaled by 2x would result in 2,4,6. (if unlocked then the scaling cannot be guaranteed).

Debug - Debug Draw

Draw Persistent TextWhether persistent text will be drawn to the screen.
Persistent TextThe persistent text to draw to the screen.
Persistent Text ColorThe color of the persistent text.
Persistent View DistanceThe maximum view distance for the persistent text.
Persistent Font SizeThe font size of the persistent text.

Effects - Fog Volume

ActiveWhether or not the fog volume is currently active.
TypeThe type of shape to use for rendering the fog volume.
SizeSize of the fog volume.
ColorColor of the fog volume.
Use Global Fog ColorWhether or not to use the global fog color for this fog volume.
Ignore VisAreasWhether the fog volume ignores the use of VisAreas in the level.
Only Affect This AreaWhether the fog volume can only affect the area it is currently in.
Global DensityControls the density of the fog volume.
Density OffsetAdditional controls to the density of the fog volume.
Height Falloff LongitudeDirection of the fall off (longitude). 0 = East (Positive X).
Height Falloff LatitudeDirection of the fall off (latitude). 90 = up.
Height Falloff ShiftControls how much to shift the fog density along the fall off direction.
Height Falloff ScaleScales the density distribution along the fall off direction. Higher values will make the fog fall off more rapidly.

Effects - Decal

Default SpawnWhether or not to automatically spawn the decal.
MaterialThe material we want to use on the decal.
Follow EntityWhether or not the decal follows the entity.
Projection TypeThe method of projection to be used.
Projection DepthThe depth at which the decal should be projected.
Sort PrioritySorting priority - used to resolve depth issues with other decals.

Effects - Particle Emitter

EnabledWhether or not the particle should emit by default.
EffectDetermines the particle effect to load.
Particle Spec Overrides Particle Spec for this emitter.
Uniform ScaleEmitter uniform scale.
Count ScaleParticle count multiplier.
Speed ScaleParticle emission speed multiplier.
Time ScaleEmitter time multiplier.
PrimeAdvances emitter age to its equilibrium state.

General - SensorVolume

ShapeShape of the volume.
Size Determines the size of the shape.
AttributeIdentifiers of this volume.
ListenerDetermines to which attribute we want to listen. You will only receive signals for those specific attributes.

Geometry - Animated Mesh

TypeDetermines the behavior of the mesh.
FileDetermines the animated mesh to load.
Minimum Shadow GraphicsMinimum graphical setting at which shadows will be cast.
Ignore VisareasWhether this component will ignore vis areas placed in the level.
View DistanceView distance from 0 to 100 - where 100 = always visible.
LOD DistanceLevel of Detail distance from 0 to 100 - where 100 = best LOD.
Global IlluminationType of SVOGI to use.
DefaultAnimationSpecifies the animation to play by default.
Loop DefaultWhether or not to loop the default animation.
MassMass of the object in kg. Note: Mass cannot be set at the same time as density.
DensityDensity of the object in Kg/m3 . Note: Density cannot be set at the same time as mass.

Geometry - Advanced Animations

TypeDetermines the behavior of the static mesh.
CharacterDetermines the character to load.
Minimum Shadow GraphicsMinimum graphical setting at which shadows will be cast.
Ignore VisareasWhether this component will ignore vis areas placed in the level.
View DistanceView distance from 0 to 100 - where 100 = always visible.
LOD DistanceLevel of Detail distance from 0 to 100 0 - where 100 = best LOD.
Global IlluminationType of SVOGI to use.
Animation DatabasePath to the Mannequin .adb file.
Controller DefinitionPath to the Mannequin controller definition file.
Default Scope Context NameName of the default Mannequin scope context to use.
Default Fragment NameName of the default Mannequin fragment to play.
Animation Driven MotionWhether or not to use root motion in the animations for physical movement.
Use Ground AlignmentEnables adjustment of leg positions to align to the ground surface.
MassMass of the object in kg. Note: Mass cannot be set at the same time as density.
DensityDensity of the object in Kg/m3 . Note: Density cannot be set at the same time as mass.

Geometry - Alembic Mesh

FileThe geom cache file (.abc or .cbc) to load.


TypeDetermines the behavior of the mesh.
FileDetermines the CGF to load.
Minimum Shadow GraphicsMinimum graphical setting at which shadows will be cast for this object.
Ignore VisareasWhether this component will ignore vis areas.
View DistanceView distance from 0 to 100, 100 being always visible.
LOD DistanceLevel of Detail distance from 0 to 100, 100 being always best LOD.
Global IlluminationType of SVOGI to use.
MassMass of the object in kg. Note: Mass cannot be set at the same time as density.
DensityDensity of the object in Kg/m3 . Note: Density cannot be set at the same time as mass.

Lights - Environment Probe

ActiveDetermines whether the environment probe is enabled.
Box SizeSize of the area the probe affects.
IgnoreVisAreasWhether to ignore vis areas placed in the level.
Sort PrioritySorting priority, used to resolve depth issues with other light sources.
Maximum Attenuation FalloffMaximum Attenuation Falloff.
Affect Volumetric FogWhether this probe will affect volumetric fog.
Only Affect Volumetric FogWhether this probe will only affect volumetric fog.
Only Affect This AreaWhether this probe will only affect the area it is currently in.
Use Box ProjectionWhether to use box projection for this environment probe.
ColorColor for the probe.
Diffuse MultiplierDiffuse color multiplier for the probe.
Specular MultiplierSpecular color multiplier for the probe.
Cube Map PathPath to the cube map to load.
Load Texture AutomaticallyWhether to attempt loading a texture when the environment probe is created.
ResolutionResolution of the probe (Editor only).
GenerateGenerates a cube map with the specified resolution (Editor only).

Lights - Point Light

ActiveDetermines whether the point light is enabled.
RadiusDetermines the range of the point light.
ColorColor of the point light.
Diffuse MultiplierDiffuse color multiplier for the point light.
Specular MultiplierSpecular color multiplier for the point light.
Minimum Shadow GraphicsMinimum graphical setting to cast shadows.
Attenuation Bulb SizeControls the falloff exponentially from the origin. A value of 1 means that the light is at full intensity (within a 1 meter ball) before it begins to falloff. See Attenuation and Falloff for more information.
Ignore VisAreasWhether the light source ignores VisAreas in the level.
Affect Volumetric FogWhether the light source should affect volumetric fog.
Only Affect Volumetric FogWhether the light source will only affect volumetric fog.
Only Affect This AreaWhether the light source will only affect the area it is currently in.
AmbientMakes the light behave like an ambient light source, with no point of origin.
Fog Radial LobeAdjusts the blend ratio of the main radial lobe (parallel to the eye ray) and side radial lobe (perpendicular to the eye ray). The direction of the main radial lobe depends on the Anisotropic parameter value used (found in the Time of Day dialog window).
Global IlluminationDetermines how this light interacts with Global Illumination.
StyleThe animation style of the light.
SpeedThe animation speed of the light.

Lights - Projector Light

ActiveDetermines whether the projector light is enabled.
RangeDetermines the range of the projector light.
AngleDetermines the angle/field of view of the projector light.
Near PlaneDetermines the distance from the light itself and where it will start projecting.
Projected TextureThe texture to project.
MaterialThe material to project.
ColorColor of the projector light source.
Diffuse MultiplierDiffuse color multiplier for the projector light source.
Specular MultiplierSpecular color multiplier of the projector light source.
Minimum Shadow GraphicsMinimum graphical setting to cast shadows.
Attenuation Bulb SizeControls the falloff exponentially from the origin. A value of 1 means that the light is at full intensity (within a 1 meter ball) before it begins to falloff. See Attenuation and Falloff for more information.
Ignore VisAreasWhether the light source ignores VisAreas in the level.
Affect Volumetric FogWhether the light source should affect volumetric fog.
Only Affect Volumetric FogWhether the light source will only affect volumetric fog.
Only Affect This AreaWhether the light source will only affect the area it is currently in.
AmbientMakes the light behave like an ambient light source, with no point of origin.
Fog Radial LobeAdjusts the blend ratio of the main radial lobe (parallel to the eye ray) and side radial lobe (perpendicular to the eye ray). The direction of the main radial lobe depends on the Anisotropic parameter value used (found in the Time of Day dialog window).
Global IlluminationDetermines how this light interacts with Global Illumination.
StyleThe animation style of the light.
SpeedThe animation speed of the light.

Physics - Box Collider

SizeSize of the box.
MassMass of the object in kg. Note: Mass cannot be set at the same time as density.
DensityDensity of the object in Kg/m3 . Note: Density cannot be set at the same time as mass.
Surface TypeSurface type assigned to this object - determines its physical properties.

Physics - Character Controller

Networked SyncedSyncs the physical entity over the network and keeps it in sync with the server.
MassMass of the character in kg.
Collider RadiusRadius of the default capsule or cylinder.
Collider HeightHeight of the default capsule or cylinder.
Use CapsuleWhether to use a capsule for the default geometry, otherwise a cylinder.
Send Collision SignalWhether or not this component should listen for collisions and report them.
Air Control RatioIndicates how much the character can move in the air, 0 = no movement, 1 = full control.
Air ResistanceAir resistance for the character.
Inertia CoefficientA larger value gives a greater dampening effect, whereas a value of 0 gives no dampening effect.
Inertia Acceleration CoefficientA larger value gives a greater dampening effect on acceleration, whereas a value of 0 gives no dampening effect.
Maximum Climb AngleMaximum angle the character can climb.
Maximum Jump AngleMaximum angle the character can jump at.
Minimum Angle For SlideMinimum angle before the character starts sliding.
Minimum Angle For FallMinimum angle before the character starts falling.
Maximum Surface VelocityMaximum velocity of the surface the character is on before they are considered airborne and slide off.

Physics - Cylinder Collider

RadiusRadius of the cylinder.
HeightHeight of the cylinder.
MassMass of the object in kg. Note: Mass cannot be set at the same time as density.
DensityDensity of the object in Kg/m3 . Note: Density cannot be set at the same time as mass.
Surface TypeSurface type assigned to this object - determines its physical properties

Physics - Capsule Collider

RadiusRadius of the capsule.
HeightHeight of the capsule.
MassMass of the object in kg. Note: Mass cannot be set at the same time as density.
DensityDensity of the object in Kg/m3 . Note: Density cannot be set at the same time as mass.
Surface TypeSurface type assigned to this object - determines its physical properties.

Physics - RigidBody

Networked SyncedSyncs the physical entity over the network and keeps it in sync with the server.
Enabled by DefaultWhether the physics of the entity will be enabled by default.
TypeType of physicalized object to create.
Send Collision SignalWhether or not this component should listen for collisions and report them to Schematyc.

Physics - Sphere Collider

RadiusRadius of the sphere.
MassMass of the object in kg. Note: Mass cannot be set at the same time as density.
DensityDensity of the object in Kg/m3 . Note: Density cannot be set at the same time as mass.
Surface TypeSurface type assigned to this object, determines its physical properties

Physics Constraint - Point Constraint

ActiveWhether or not the constraint should be added when the component is created.
AxisAxis around which the physical entity is constrained.
Minimum X AngleThe minimum angle for the primary axis that the object will be constrained to.
Maximum X AngleThe maximum angle for the primary axis that the object will be constrained to.
Minimum YZ AngleThe minimum angle for the other axes that the object will be constrained to.
Maximum YZ AngleThe maximum angle for the other axes that the object will be constrained to.
DampingDetermines how much the object loses momentum (as it moves) while the constraint is active.

Physics Constraint - Line Constraint

ActiveWhether or not the constraint should be added when the component is created.
Lock RotationWhether the constrained object will be allowed to rotate.
AxisAxis around which the physical entity is constrained.
Minimum LimitMinimum position that the entity can be moved to form the constraint pivot. A unit of -1 indicates that the minimum position is one meter behind the entity.
Maximum LimitMaximum position that the entity can be moved to form the constraint pivot. A unit of +1 indicates that the maximum position is one meter ahead of the entity.
DampingDetermines how much the object loses momentum (as it moves) while the constraint is active.

Physics Constraint - Plane Constraint

ActiveWhether or not the constraint should be added when the component is created.
AxisAxis around which the physical entity is constrained.
Minimum Limit XDetermines how far the constrained object can move to the left.
Maximum Limit XDetermines how far the constrained object can move to the right.
Minimum Limit YDetermines how far the constrained object can move to the top.
Maximum Limit YDetermines how far the constrained object can move to the bottom.
DampingDetermines how much the object loses momentum (as it moves) while the constraint is active.