1 - Setting Up the Environment

Before we get started, we will need to create a Project to work from for the duration of this guide. In the steps below we will use CRYENGINE V's Launcher to create our project. After completing this step, you will have a Template that you can build onto for your future projects.


This Quick Start assumes that you have the main CRYENGINE programming prerequisites:


  1. Open the CRYENGINE Launcher.

  2. In the Projects window (Library > Projects), click on New (top right corner) and choose a Blank C++ project.

  3. Name the project.

  4. Select where the project should be stored.

The project files are stored separately from the engine. A .cryproject file will be generated for you; this can be right-clicked to reveal helper functionality or opened with a text editor to reveal JSON detailing the project.

When you're done, click Create Project to create your project. You will then be returned to the main Launcher screen. Here, you can launch the Editor or the Game. Creating a project does not automatically open it.

To start, open up the CRYENGINE Launcher and click New in the Projects menu.

End Result

This will then take you to the Create Project screen, in which we can select an engine version, preferred language, a project template, a project filename and path .