

CRYENGINE is able to localize text and sound for different languages. All of the necessary localization data is stored inside pak files, stored in the <root>/Localization folder (example: CRYENGINE_3.5/Localization/English_XML.pak).

Inside of the pak files all files contained in the Languages folder can be directly translated except dialog_recording_list.xml and ai_dialog_recording_list.xml. These two files are used by the dialog system and need further explanation.

The g_language console variable can be used to load a specific language, which is addressed by the name of the language pak file (example: g_language = german for German.pak).

The dialog recording lists as well as translated text are loaded and handled by the LocalizationManager class. Make sure that new files are correctly loaded in the CSystem::OpenLanguagePak() function.

Backwards Compatibility

From CRYENGINE 3.4.3 and on the localization files have moved from <root>/Game/Localized to <root>/Localization. Also note the PAK layout has changed. The dialog folder with the audio files is located in the English.pak and the XML and gfx font files are located in the English_xml.pak.

You can set the sys_localization_folder CVar to "Languages" to use the old system. In 3.4.3 and onwards, it is set to "Localization" by default which will make it use the new structure.


Inside certain scripts shipped with the SDK, you'll find references to localization strings. One example can be found in the InteractiveEntity object: GameSDK/Scripts/Entities/Others/InteractiveEntity.lua

UseMessage = "@use_object",

The localization string for this reference is located inside: <sdk_root>\Localization\English_XML.pak\text_ui_ingame.xml


Original Text

Translated Text


Use object

Use object

This table is used to define strings of text which are then displayed in game. When the player walks up to the InteractiveEntity Entity, "Use object" will be displayed on the screen.

If the string is defined in alternate languages and the player is using an alternate language, it will be displayed as such.

PAK/Folder structure

Using the localization files inside pak files allows you to create multiple language packs. For example, CRYENGINE SDK ships with 3 language packs, English (default), German and Korean. The structure of these pak files is the same for each language.

For testing purposes though, you are not required to use .pak files. You can place .xml files for example in the main Localization folder and the engine will read these by default (similar to extracting objects from pak files, the engine will prioritize external content).






English.pak / English_XML.pak








dialog folder







German.pak / German_XML.pak








dialog folder







Korean.pak / Korean_XML.pak








dialog folder










dialog folder




When you don't use pak files but rather xml files in a folder structure, you need to copy the files of the language of choice to the root folder (not Localization/<language>), example: <root>/Localization/text_ui_warnings.xml

Translating Spoken Text

As the XML files mentioned above contain all the text that is spoken in a game, they can be very large and are best viewed inside spreadsheet software, such as Excel. Inside the files, each line represents sentences spoken by a character. Sentences spoken by different characters can be composed to a dialog by the Dialog Editor* as an additional step, for further use in Track View scenes or Flow Graphs.

The AUDIO_FILENAME row, which is also called sound-key, is a unique identifier for spoken sentences. It directly references the audio file in the dialog folder, with the Languages folder and the file extension being skipped. This sound-key can be copied into the Dialog Editor or any dialog sound field, because it is a valid sound name. There are two different files needed for each line specified in the XML table, which are automatically loaded by the engine; one optional and one mandatory.

  • .FSQ - This file contains the facial animation data, applied to the character that is speaking. It must be generated in the Facial Editor, depending on the audio source. To speed up the translation process, these files may be taken as a basis for lip synchronization and taken over without any change. Dialog lines that are spoken offscreen do not need the FSQ file.
  • .WAV, .MP2, or .MP3 - This file contains the audio source. Its extension must be consistently of only one format as the engine allows for setting up the decoding mechanism globally (by the s_Compression console variable). For example, even if a sound is referenced to use the WAV extension internally, the MP2 file will be loaded if s_Compression is set to 2. Ideally, all dialog references should point to WAV files. If so, the compression of choice can be selected and easily changed.

In the simplest case, translating the audio data is just a matter of translating the audio files contained in the structure described above.

Texture Localization

CryENGINE handles localization by using separate folders for each language, each of which has the exact same structure. The game automatically chooses the folder and textures based on the language setting in the configuration.

General Setup

  • Identify the textures that need to be translated and localized.
  • Copy all textures to be localized into an appropriate file structure within the <root>\Localization folder. i.e; <root>\Localization\Textures or in case you need to localize a lot of textures, mimic the same structure they were in before. i.e; <root>\Localization\Objects\Library\Props\sign. This folder is used for the default language.
  • Copy this folder structure with all included textures to the other languages folders your game will support. They should be located outside the normal Game folder and included only during a build procedure via a build script.
  • Update the material files of the objects that use the localized textures by changing the texture path to the location in the <root>\Localization folder.
  • Remove the original files from the \Game sub-folders (only needed if you decide to localize textures after creating the asset).
  • Create .psd Files with separate layers, containing the text in the localized versions, and update the .tif files in the separate folders accordingly.
  • Test localization from within the game.

Test Localization Settings

In order to test localized versions of the game, you need to update the system.cfg within the root folder of your build. You also need to copy the localized .pak into the appropriate location.

  • Copy additional language .paks from your special PAK folder (the location depends on the build process) into the local <root>\Localization folder. By default there should be an English.pak already.
  • add g_language="english" to the system.cfg - replace "English" with the name of the localized .pak file, i.e; "Turkish" for using the turkish.pak file.