Located within this overview are topics ranging from how the AI behaves to how it makes a query on the terrain to understand the world against the player. The AI system is a very complex topic that spans from old systems like the TPS located only in GameSDK code to the new UQS which ships as standard with the engine as a modular system. Jump into this section to understand both the high and low-level structure of the CRYENGINE AI implementation.
Pic: Navmesh Exclusion Setup
Typically, the AI system relies on several other generic interfaces in order to compose the look and movement of the character. For this reason we have linked several tools below that should ease you into usage. This will range from the actual attachments, alongside the movement that is driven through Mannequin or the Smart Objects Editor.
Pic: GameSDK Behavior Tree
AI covered in the tutorials section covers the simple drawing of navmeshes to pathfind and complex enough to show how to query cover surfaces. Other systems shown cover off-mesh navigation through the Smart Object implementation. This is especially useful if you want to have your player be at risk of being attacked from behind due to the AI being able to traverse the terrain.