Animation Transition Modes for Interpolation


For improving animation transition quality, you need to introduce blending options globally per CVar or per Animation. This CVar option allows you to find the right style of interpolation in a project.


To activate this functionality, enable the cvar ca_DefaultTransitionInterpolationType from the console.

ca_DefaultTransitionInterpolationTypeChanges transition interpolation method, and allows autocomplete of transition modes. The various types of modes that can be used are listed below:
  • Linear
  • QuadraticIn
  • QuadraticOut
  • QuadraticInOut
  • SineIn
  • SineOut
  • SineInOut

Sample command:
<interpolation mode>

For example, if the project requires more snappy animations, you can choose Linear as interpolation. If you want more smooth interpolation, you can choose SineInOut mode.