Job Profiling


CryEngine features several methods of analyzing job performance at run-time as well as in offline mode.

  • For a quick overview of the current worker load, use the console command Profile 1.
  • For a more detailed overview use the Statoscope tool which can be found in the game_branch/Tools folder.

Profile 1

The console command Profile1 displays information of individual jobs and their execution time.

The feature should be used to get a rough overview. For a more detailed per frame analysis of data please refer to using the Statoscope tool.

(Note: Do not worry about the frame timings in this picture. The screenshot was taken in windowed + out of focus mode on PC)

How to use:
  • In-game console command: Profile 1

Job Types:

  • None-Blocking
  • Blocking
  • SPU (PS3 only)

Job title bar:

  • Count: The number of executions in the sample frame
  • Time_:_ The execution time of the job in the sample frame
  • Function_: The job name_
Note: The execution time of a job is added to the frame it was executed in. A job that is executing over more than 3 frames may lead to incorrect results.


Statoscope offers live as well as offline analysis of data on a per frame basis.

Link to the where more information about the tool can be found.

How to use:

Step 1:

  • In the in game console type: e_StatoscopeLogDestination 1


  • In the console type: e_StatoscopeDataGroups YZ
  • DataGroup Y = Job Information Individual
  • DataGroup Z = Job Information Summary
  • (Note the capital letters)


  • Start Statoscope


  • Click File->Connect


  • Connect to the platform the game is running on

Job Information Individual:

DataGroup: Y

Individual job stats for the various backend types for a given frame.

Backend Types:

  • None-Blocking.
  • Blocking.
  • SPU.

For each job:

  • ExecutionTimeInMs: The total time the job has taken to execute within a frame.
  • NumOfExecutions: The total number of times this job was executed on one or several workers within a frame.

PS3 Example:

PC Example:

Job Information Summary:

DataGroup: Z

Summary of all job activity for the various backend types for a given frame.

Backend Types:

  • None-Blocking
  • Blocking
  • SPU

For each backend:

  • TotalExecutionTimeInMs: Total time spend executing jobs
  • TotalNumberOfJobsExecuted: Total number of jobs executed
  • TotalNumberOfIndividualJobsExecuted: Total number of individual jobs executed


This tool visualizes the job activity spread across the the different threads.

sys_job_system_profiler 1

Its broken down into 3 main sections:

  • Main execution graph at the top that displays through different colours the jobs currently active and on which thread, Render / Main / Worker 0-7.
  • The Main Thread Update in the bottom left
  • Overview of the Jobs bottom middle, detailing the number of executions of the jobs, & time taken, waiting & average time in ms.

As you will notice, the execution time of the jobs is very fast, so you can pause the display at anytime (when in-game) with the Scroll Lock Key.

sys_job_system_profiler 2 is just the execution graph by itself.


You can filter out particular systems from being displayed to clean up the display and make it easier to read.

Eg: So if you were to type... sys_job_system_filter CBrushRender,WaterUpdate

You will remove these from the view. To add them back in, simply remove them from the above line.

More than one job can be filtered by using a comma like the example above.

Note: It is case sensitive!

This sets the number of threads to use for the job system.

  • Defaults to 4 on consoles.
  • Defaults to 8 threads an PC.
  • Set to 0 to create as many threads as cores are available.


Print to the console a list of the available "jobs"