Creating and fitting physics proxies is usually a cumbersome and time-consuming process. To speed up the process, we created a maxscript tool that will autonomously create a box-proxy and attempt to fit it to the render-geometry as tightly as possible. The CryToolBox is installed automatically when you select 3dsMax from the menu when running the CryToolsInstaller.exe from the tools folder.
Parameters | Description |
Name | Base name for the proxies to be created. "$physics_proxy" is the current engine-default. |
UDPs | Additional user string for the Proxy's User Defined Properties. Separate by spaces. |
Material ID | Sets the Material ID that will be applied to the Box Proxy. |
Proxy per Element | When enabled, the tool will create a separate Proxy for each Element of the Editable Poly. |
Size Bias | Enlarge created proxy by so many centimeters on each axis. Use to compensate for imprecision, to ensure that the render mesh is fully encapsulated. |
Error Threshold | The script will stop refining the box alignment when the last iteration shrunk the box's diagonal by less than "so" many centimeters. |
Realtime Preview | When on, a semi-transparent box will be displayed to visualize how the script refines its alignment to find the smallest possible box. It can be fun to watch, but will also slow down the process. |