Setting Up Plugin Definitions for Platform Services


Before you can use any of the platform services, you will need to tell the Engine to load the corresponding plugins.

By specifying the platforms you wish to load the plugins on, you only need a single project file to load the required plugins for each respective platform.


Here is an example of plugin definitions in the FirstPersonShooter.cryproject template project file

  "require": {
    "engine": "engine-5.7",
    "plugins": [
      { "guid": "", "type": "EType::Native", "path": "CryDefaultEntities" },
      { "guid": "", "type": "EType::Native", "path": "CrySensorSystem" },
      { "guid": "", "type": "EType::Native", "path": "CryScaleformSchematyc" },
      { "guid": "", "type": "EType::Native", "path": "CryPerceptionSystem" },
      { "guid": "", "type": "EType::Native", "path": "CryGamePlatform", "platforms": [ "PC", "PS4", "XboxOne" ] },
      { "guid": "", "type": "EType::Native", "path": "CryGamePlatformSteam", "platforms": [ "PC" ] },
      { "guid": "", "type": "EType::Native", "path": "CryGamePlatformDiscord", "platforms": [ "PC" ] },
      { "guid": "", "type": "EType::Native", "path": "CryGamePlatformPSN", "platforms": [ "PS4" ] },
      { "guid": "", "type": "EType::Native", "path": "CryGamePlatformXbox", "platforms": [ "XboxOne" ] },
      { "guid": "", "type": "EType::Native", "path": "CryGamePlatformNodes", "platforms": [ "PC", "PS4", "XboxOne" ] },
      { "guid": "", "type": "EType::Native", "path": "bin/win_x64/Game.dll" }