The Achievements abstraction handles statistics and achievements (trophies on PlayStation, for example).
To facilitate a more fluid experience with the interface, a local configuration of achievements by way of an XML file has been opted for; you can populate the XML file with platform-specific achievement and statistical information. This will be read by the Flow Graph and Schematyc (Experimental) systems to create specialized nodes that you can use in your graphs.
The Achievements data XML file (statistics.xml) can be stored anywhere (relative to your project's Assets directory) using the g_PlatformStatsFile CVar.
Lets you specify the path (relative to the Assets directory) where the statistics.xml Achievements data file should be located.
This file is used by the game platform nodes plugin to specify achievements (or trophies) and statistics for each platform.
guid A unique GUID of format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx (0-9 A-F, can be enclosed in curly braces)
platform One of: Steam, Playstation or Xbox.
label A label that can be used to display in-game. (Can be a localization string for example).
description A description that can be used to display in-game. (Can be a localization string for example).
apiid Unique Id number of the achievement.
apiname Unique platform specific name for the achievement. (May be the same as apiid if no name is available).
min The minimum progress of an achievement (used as a lower limit for accumulating progress).
max The maximum progress of an achievement that denotes achieving the challenge and being awarded.
guid A unique GUID of format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx (0-9 A-F, can be enclosed in curly braces)
platform Must be: Steam (Only platform this is implemented for).
label A label that can be used to display in-game. (Can be a localization string for example).
description A description that can be used to display in-game. (Can be a localization string for example).
apiname Unique platform specific name for the achievement.
type One of: Integer or Float.
<!-- STEAM -->
<Statistic guid="{08CCF79F-E894-4440-B08A-9D0437205045}" platform="Steam" label="FeetTravelled" description="Number of feet travelled in game" apiname="feet" type="Float"/>
<Statistic guid="{A43EE317-CDAD-408A-B0F3-3BB123214C77}" platform="Steam" label="GamesWon" description="Number of games won" apiname="gameswon" type="Integer"/>
<Achievement guid="{3766F186-7D46-472F-B0D7-AFA568FFA351}" platform="Steam" label="Win One Game" description="Win a single game" apiid="0" apiname="ACH_WIN_ONE_GAME" min="0" max="1" />
<Achievement guid="{B6781FDF-F519-4882-9F15-A9918AEF1CF9}" platform="Steam" label="Win 100 Games" description="Win 100 games" apiid="1" apiname="ACH_WIN_100_GAMES" min="0" max="100" />
<Achievement guid="{8A86DFF1-6C57-4534-B482-A9A141CA980A}" platform="Steam" label="Travel 1 Mile" description="Travel a single mile (1400 meters)" apiid="2" apiname="ACH_TRAVEL_FAR_ACCUM" min="0" max="5280" />
<Achievement guid="{48DC0FA4-1D0F-409C-B6CC-19C581D5D3C1}" platform="Steam" label="Travel 500ft" description="Travel 500 feet (152 meters)" apiid="3" apiname="ACH_TRAVEL_FAR_SINGLE" min="0" max="500" />
<!-- XBOX -->
<Achievement guid="{D1C06456-9281-494F-BAF8-40B896D9E5A5}" platform="Xbox" label="Achievement 1" description="Description for Achievement 1" apiid="0" apiname="ACH_Test_1" min="0" max="1" />
<Achievement guid="{DA4CC303-59A8-4F4A-A2EC-95393C2EE913}" platform="Xbox" label="Achievement 2" description="Description for Achievement 2" apiid="1" apiname="ACH_Test_2" min="0" max="10" />
<Achievement guid="{41A118D8-FB84-4777-BFEC-AFCB1C7E9AAC}" platform="Playstation" label="Achievement 1" description="Description for Achievement 1" apiid="0" apiname="ACH_Test_1" min="0" max="1" />
<Achievement guid="{AB929FDA-DD87-4C5E-B18B-5B9705D7D0A6}" platform="Playstation" label="Achievement 2" description="Description for Achievement 2" apiid="1" apiname="ACH_Test_2" min="0" max="10" />
As you can see, some platforms like Steam use statistics as a method of recording data; other platforms can have their own implementations and methods of recording statistical data and using this data to trigger achievement unlocks.
On most platforms, achievements can be awarded directly, and in some cases revoked. Usually, it is preferred to only allow achievements to be unlocked by an authoritative server so that a user cannot bypass requirements and unlock achievements that they have not legitimately earned.
Please see the corresponding platform documentation for info. on how to implement this and if it is a viable option.
Attempts to download current statistical data from the remote platform service.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IStatistics::Download |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform::Stats::Download |
Schematyc Nodes | Function::GamePlatform::Service::Statistics::Download |
Retrieves the float or integer value of a statistic using the API name or ID.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IStatistics::Get |
Flow Graph Nodes | N/A |
Schematyc Nodes | N/A |
Retrieves the achievement corresponding to the specified API name or ID.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IStatistics::GetAchievement |
Flow Graph Nodes | N/A (Nodes auto generated from configuration data) |
Schematyc Nodes | N/A (Auto generated data type values for the Achievement Data Type) |
Resets all achievements associated with the local user.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IStatistics::ResetAchievements |
Flow Graph Nodes | N/A |
Schematyc Nodes | N/A |
Resets all statistical data associated with the local user.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IStatistics::ResetStatistics |
Flow Graph Nodes | N/A |
Schematyc Nodes | N/A |
Sets the float or integer value of a statistic using the API name or ID.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IStatistics::Set |
Flow Graph Nodes | N/A |
Schematyc Nodes | N/A |
Attempts to upload current statistical data to the remote platform service.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IStatistics::Upload |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform::Stats::Upload |
Schematyc Nodes | Function::GamePlatform::Service::Statistics::Upload |
Implementation of Achievement specific function differs between the API, Flow Graph and Schematyc:
Awards the achievement on the platform service if not awarded already.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IAchievement::Achieve |
Flow Graph Nodes | Set Achieved (input trigger pin on generated node) |
Schematyc Nodes | Function::GamePlatform::Service::Statistics::SetAchievementCompleted |
Retrieves the name of the achievement.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IAchievement::GetName |
Flow Graph Nodes | Label (output pin on generated node) |
Schematyc Nodes | Function::GamePlatform::DataTypes::Achievement::Expand |
Retrieves the current progress value of the achievement.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IAchievement::GetProgress |
Flow Graph Nodes | Progress (output pin on generated node) |
Schematyc Nodes | Function::GamePlatform::Service::Statistics::GetAchievementProgress |
Returns true if the achievement has been awarded to the local user already.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IAchievement::IsCompleted |
Flow Graph Nodes | Is Achieved (output pin on generated node) |
Schematyc Nodes | Function::GamePlatform::Service::Statistics::GetAchievementProgress |
Resets the achievement, if possible, on the platform service.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IAchievement::Reset |
Flow Graph Nodes | Reset (input trigger pin on generated node) |
Schematyc Nodes | Function::GamePlatform::Service::Statistics::ResetAchievementProgress |
Sets the current progress value of the achievement. The achievement is unlocked if the progress value is above the maximum specified value in the Achievement configuration file.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IAchievement::SetProgress |
Flow Graph Nodes | Set Progress (input trigger pin on generated node) |
Schematyc Nodes | Function::GamePlatform::Service::Statistics::SetAchievementProgress |