In CRYENGINE, it is possible to create a custom Flow Graph node by using C++ to generate a .dll file that can be introduced to CRYENGINE as a plugin. This technique offers another solution for the users who prefer creating a custom node without having to create it from scratch. For more information about creating a Flow Graph node, please refer to the Creating a New Flow Node section.
The following applications will need to be installed in order to compile projects and the Engine itself.
Name | Minimum Version | Latest Supported Version | Notes |
Visual Studio | 2015 (All Editions), vc140 compiler | 2017 (All Editions), vc141 compiler | |
Windows SDK | 10.0.15063.0 | 10.0.15063.0 | Early installations of Visual Studio 2015 may have installed 10.0.10150.0 instead. Please note that you have to restart your computer after installing the Windows SDK before attempting to compile the engine. |
CMake | 3.6 | 3.9 |
Create a Plugin CPP project and open the project folder.
For more information about creating a project, please refer to the Creating, Importing & Upgrading Projects page.
Next, in the project folder, right-click on the Plugin.cryproject file and choose Generate solution;
Go to the solution file that has been generated and open the Plugin.sln file; e.g: \MyProject\solutions\win64\Plugin.sln
In the Solution Explorer, open project\Plugin\Plugin.cpp and paste the class & macro shown below just before the last line of the code block, which is CRYREGISTER_SINGLETON_CLASS(CPlugin):
// This is the class that is going to be registered by the REGISTER_FLOW_NODE macro at the bottom
class CFlowSubstringNode : public CFlowBaseNode<eNCT_Singleton>
CFlowSubstringNode(SActivationInfo* pActInfo) {};
virtual void GetConfiguration(SFlowNodeConfig& config)
static const SInputPortConfig in_config[] = {
InputPortConfig_Void("Get", _HELP("Substring, retrieves letters from defined string.")),
InputPortConfig<string>("String", _HELP("String to retrieve letters from")),
InputPortConfig<int>("Int1", _HELP("Start retrieving from")),
InputPortConfig<int>("Int2", _HELP("Number of letters to retrieve")),
{ 0 }
static const SOutputPortConfig out_config[] = {
{ 0 }
config.sDescription = _HELP("Substring");
config.pInputPorts = in_config;
config.pOutputPorts = out_config;
virtual void ProcessEvent(EFlowEvent evt, SActivationInfo* pActInfo)
switch (evt)
case eFE_Activate:
if (IsPortActive(pActInfo, 0))
string str1 = GetPortString(pActInfo, 1);
int int1 = GetPortInt(pActInfo, 2);
int int2 = GetPortInt(pActInfo, 3);
if (int1 + int2 > str1.length())
"Failed to get %d characters starting from %d in a string %d characters long.",
int2, int1, str1.length());
ActivateOutput(pActInfo, 0, str1.substr(int1, int2));
virtual void GetMemoryUsage(ICrySizer* s) const
//Register Flownode (you will need to do this for every FlowNode once)
//The REGISTER_FLOW_NODE Macro takes 2 parameters, the name as first and the class as second parameter.
REGISTER_FLOW_NODE("String:Substring", CFlowSubstringNode)
In this example, the node will be called String:Substring, as indicated in the last line of the code block above.
After copying the code, go to the Plugin.h → CPlugin class on the Solution Explorer and paste the following two lines at the bottom of the public section:
When the process is finished, the code block should look as follows:
#pragma once
#include <CrySystem/ICryPlugin.h>
#include <CryGame/IGameFramework.h>
#include <CryEntitySystem/IEntityClass.h>
class CPlugin
: public Cry::IEnginePlugin
, public ISystemEventListener
CRYGENERATE_SINGLETONCLASS_GUID(CPlugin, "MyPlugin", "2711a23d-3848-4cdd-a95b-e9d88ffa23b0"_cry_guid)
virtual ~CPlugin();
// Cry::IEnginePlugin
virtual bool Initialize(SSystemGlobalEnvironment& env, const SSystemInitParams& initParams) override;
// ~Cry::IEnginePlugin
// ISystemEventListener
virtual void OnSystemEvent(ESystemEvent event, UINT_PTR wparam, UINT_PTR lparam) override;
// ~ISystemEventListener
//Include Flownode Registering and unregistering (just needs to be included once in total)
These two lines will make sure that the Flow Graph node is registered/unregistered and they only need to be included once in total.
After confirming the code position is correct, proceed to the next steps:
Right-click on the GameSDK.cryproject file and Edit it in a plain text editor to add the following reference of the .dll file in the plugins section; keep in mind that the reference code shown below can be different based on the path of the project's bin folder:
"type": "EPluginType::Native",
"path": "bin/win_x64/plugin.dll"
Open the GameSDK.cryproject file in the Sandbox editor. Then proceed to Flow Graph to use the new node;