To create a basic python plugin, create a folder in <Editor Folder>/Editor/Python/plugins
and create a file called "" there. On Sandbox startup, those files are executed automatically. (though there is no proper editor interface for Python plugins yet).
To create a Sandbox view pane, you can use template code:
from PySide2 import QtWidgets
import SandboxBridge
class TestWindow(QtWidgets.QWidget):
def __init__(self):
super(TestWindow, self).__init__()
self.layout().addWidget(QtWidgets.QPushButton("HELLO SANDBOX, I COME FROM THE WORLD OF PYTHON"))
SandboxBridge.register_window(TestWindow, "Test Window", category="Test", needs_menu_item=True, menu_path="Test", unique=False)
It is also possible to create Sandbox view panes containing Python created panels through the "SandboxPythonBridge" Sandbox plugin. It exposes the function "register_window" directly to Python:
def register_window(window_type, name, category="", needs_menu_item=True, menu_path="", unique=True):
Register a new window type with the Sandbox.
This should only be called once per window type, when your python plugin is initialized.
:param class window_type: The class of your window. This must be a subclass of QWidget.
:param str name: The name of your window.
:param str category: The category of your window.
:param bool needs_menu_item: If true, the window will be displayed in the "tools" submenu of the sandbox filemenu.
:param str menu_path: The path (within the tools menu) to display your tool's menu item. Nested menus can be decalred with forward slahes.
:param bool unique: If true, only one instance of your menu can be displayed at a time. Otherwise, multiple may be opened simultaneously.