Editor Command System

Using commands

Editor commands are used to allow automation and scripting of the editor and should be one of the primary means of extending editor functionality. It is one of the most central systems and making sure all possible actions of your plugin or module are available through commands should be a priority.

Here are things that editor commands can do:

  • All registered commands can be used in Console panel (Tools -> Advanced -> Console).
  • Editor commands not taking any parameters can be bound to a keyboard shortcut (Edit -> Keyboard Shortcuts)
  • Custom commands can be created out of existing commands to make custom shortcuts
  • Commands are the primary means to create menu entries
  • Commands can be used in user-created toolbars

Editor Command

To create a simple command that can be executed via console use REGISTER_EDITOR_COMMAND marco defined in the ICommandManager.h file.

Sample console command

#include <ICommandManager.h>
void SampleCommand()
// the body of the command
REGISTER_EDITOR_COMMAND(SampleCommand, sample, sample_command, CCommandDescription("Sample command description"));

It accepts the following parameters:

  1. Function the needs to be executed.
  2. Module's name the command belongs to.
  3. Command's name.
  4. Command's description.

This command, therefore, can be executed via console by typing "sample.sample_command".

The editor commands are also made available to Python and other scripting languages the Sandbox can interface with.

Python console command

It is also possible to register a command in a way so that it will be possible to access the command via Python eco system, as well as other scripting languages if the Sandbox gets interfaced with new scripting languages. It is not recommended to register Python commands as Editor commands are also made available to Python.

In order to do that one of the following macros can be used: REGISTER_PYTHON_COMMAND or REGISTER_PYTHON_COMMAND_WITH_EXAMPLE. It makes the command accessible through the console as well as other Python tools (like Tools -> Advanced -> Python Interactive Console).

The signature of REGISTER_PYTHON_COMMAND is identical to REGISTER_EDITOR_COMMAND. For REGISTER_PYTHON_COMMAND_WITH_EXAMPLE, it takes one additional parameter which is a string that shows the usage of the command in a Python script.

Sample Python command

void SampleCommand()
// the body of the command
REGISTER_PYTHON_COMMAND_WITH_EXAMPLE(SampleCommand, sample, sample_command, "Sample command description", "sample.sample_command()");

Attaching to menu items

The Registered command can be added to menus as such. Note that CEditor provides helper methods to add commands to its menus.

void showContextMenu()
ICommandManager* pManager = GetIEditorImpl()->GetICommandManager();
QMenu* pMenu = new QMenu();

Setting additional properties

Some additional property can be specified for a command: shortcut displayed text and icon (for UI components).

In order to set them, the REGISTER_EDITOR_UI_COMMAND_DESC macro is to be used. It takes the following parameters:

  1. Module name
  2. Command name
  3. Text to display
  4. Shortcut (of type CKeyboardShortcut). Can also be given as string as there is implicit conversion to CKeyboardShortcut.
  5. Icon to display (formatted string).

There are also some convenience macros in case only one of aforementioned properties needs to be set: REGISTER_EDITOR_COMMAND_SHORTCUT, REGISTER_EDITOR_COMMAND_ICON and REGISTER_EDITOR_COMMAND_TEXT.

Setting additional properties

REGISTER_EDITOR_UI_COMMAND_DESC(general, copy, "Copy", CKeyboardShortcut::StandardKey::Copy, "icons:General/Copy.ico");
REGISTER_EDITOR_COMMAND_SHORTCUT(asset, open_browser, "Alt+F2; Ctrl+Alt+B");
REGISTER_EDITOR_COMMAND_ICON(physics, single_step, "icons:Trackview/trackview_time_pause.ico");
REGISTER_EDITOR_COMMAND_TEXT(terrain, duplicate_layer, "Duplicate Layer");

Engine console command

Engine console commands can also be called from the editor console however they do not allow any editor functionality such as shortcuts or menu usage.

To register a new console command, use macro REGISTER_COMMAND defined in CrySystem/ISystem.h. See CrySystem documentation: Console