Oculus Rift support is now included in CRYENGINE. This article covers the programming side of interacting with a Rift headset. For information on basic use, see Oculus Rift.
This section describes how to access VR in general, but specifically the Oculus from Game Code.
In order to check if the current VR setup is valid, you can check if the VR related pointers are set and valid:
if (IHmdManager* pHmdManager = gEnv->pSystem->GetHmdManager()) // Check, if the HMD Manager exists
if (IHmdDevice* pDevice = pHmdManager->GetHmdDevice()) // Check, if a valid HMD device is connected
if (pDevice->GetClass() == EHmdClass::eHmdClass_Oculus) // Check, if the connected device is an Oculus device)
//your code
IHmdManager pHmdManager = Global.gEnv.pSystem.GetHmdManager ();
if (pHmdManager != null) { // Check, if the HMD Manager exists
IHmdDevice pDevice = pHmdManager.GetHmdDevice ();
if (pDevice != null && pDevice.GetClass() == EHmdClass.eHmdClass_Oculus) { // Check, if a valid Oculus device is connected
// your code
You can retrieve the position and rotation of the HMD device. While the camera will usually be controlled by the ViewSystem directly, this might be useful to setup additional checks and game-play logic that takes the user's head position into consideration. In the following code samples we will assume pDevice to be set according to 'Check VR Support':
// Get the current tracking state
HmdTrackingState state = pDevice->GetLocalTrackingState();
// Either use orientation and position directly, or build a TransformationMatrix from them
Matrix34 HMDtm = Matrix34(Vec3(1, 1, 1), state.pose.orientation, state.pose.position);
// You could not apply the values to an entity. For example, to position the entity 'pEntity' relative to the entity 'pReference':
pEntity->SetWorldTM(pReference->GetWorldTM() * HMDtm);
HmdTrackingState state = pDevice.GetLocalTrackingState();
// Either use orientation and position directly, or build a TransformationMatrix from them
Matrix34 HMDtm = new Matrix34(new Vec3(1, 1, 1), state.pose.orientation, state.pose.position);
// You could not apply the values to an entity. For example, to position the entity 'pEntity' relative to the entity 'pReference':
pEntity.SetWorldTM(pReference.GetWorldTM() * HMDtm);
You can get the controller's tracking states similar to the HMD's tracking state.
// The IHmdController is handling all VR controllers associated with the current VR device.
const IHmdController* pController = pDevice->GetController();
// Make sure the desired controller is connected (the OpenVR implementation in CRYENGINE currently supports controller ID 1 and 2)
if (pController->IsConnected(eHmdController_OpenVR_1))
// Get the current tracking state
HmdTrackingState state = pController->GetLocalTrackingState(eHmdController_OpenVR_1);
// either use orientation and position directly, or build a TransformationMatrix from them
Matrix34 controllerTM = Matrix34(Vec3(1, 1, 1), state.pose.orientation, state.pose.position);
// You could not apply the values to an entity. For example, to position the entity 'pEntity' relative to the entity 'pReference':
pEntity->SetWorldTM(pReference->GetWorldTM() * controllerTM);
// The IHmdController is handling all VR controllers associated with the current VR device.
IHmdController pController = pDevice.GetController();
// Make sure the desired controller is connected (the OpenVR implementation in CRYENGINE currently supports controller ID 1 and 2)
if (pController.IsConnected(EHmdController.eHmdController_OpenVR_1))
// Get the current tracking state
HmdTrackingState state = pController.GetLocalTrackingState(EHmdController.eHmdController_OpenVR_1);
// either use orientation and position directly, or build a TransformationMatrix from them
Matrix34 controllerTM = new Matrix34(new Vec3(1, 1, 1), state.pose.orientation, state.pose.position);
// You could not apply the values to an entity. For example, to position the entity 'pEntity' relative to the entity 'pReference':
pEntity.SetWorldTM(pReference.GetWorldTM() * controllerTM);
The Oculus Touch controller provides more than just tracking information. It has some buttons, a trigger and a touchpad, and you have several options should you want to react to inputs other than just tracking information:
Name | Type | Description |
otouch_a | Button | |
otouch_b | Button | |
otouch_x | Button | |
otouch_y | Button | |
otouch_l3 | Trigger | Left thumb button (stick). |
otouch_r3 | Trigger | Right thumb button (stick). |
otouch_triggerl_btn | Button | Left trigger button. |
otouch_triggerr_btn | Button | Right trigger button. |
otouch_l1 | Trigger | Left index trigger. |
otouch_r1 | Trigger | Right index trigger. |
otouch_l2 | Trigger | Left hand trigger. |
otouch_r2 | Trigger | Right hand trigger. |
otouch_stickly | Axis | Left stick vertical motion. |
otouch_stickry | Axis | Right stick vertical motion. |
otouch_sticklx | Axis | Left stick horizontal motion. |
otouch_stickrx | Axis | Right stick horizontal motion. |
// The IHmdController is handling all VR controllers associated with the current VR device.
const IHmdController* pController = pDevice->GetController();
// Make sure the desired controller is connected (the OpenVR implementation in CRYENGINE currently supports controller ID 1 and 2)
if (pController->IsConnected(eHmdController_OpenVR_1))
// Is the Application A button pressed?
bool bAppMenuPressed = pController->IsButtonPressed(eHmdController_OculusLeftHand, eKI_Motion_OculusTouch_A);
// or is it touched?
bool bAppMenuTouched = pController->IsButtonTouched(eHmdController_OculusLeftHand, eKI_Motion_OculusTouch_A);
// Is the L2 pressed?
bool bGripPressed = pController->IsButtonPressed(eHmdController_OculusLeftHand, eKI_Motion_OculusTouch_L2);
// or is it touched?
bool bGripTouched = pController->IsButtonTouched(eHmdController_OculusLeftHand, eKI_Motion_OculusTouch_L2);
// Get Trigger value
float fTrigger = pController->GetTriggerValue(eHmdController_OculusRightHand, eKI_Motion_OculusTouch_TriggerBtnR);
// Get the Gesture state
Vec2 vTouchPad = pController->IsGestureTriggered(eHmdController_OculusRightHand, eKI_Motion_OculusTouch_Gesture_ThumbUpR);
// The IHmdController is handling all VR controllers associated with the current VR device.
IHmdController pController = pDevice.GetController();
// Make sure the desired controller is connected (the OpenVR implementation in CRYENGINE currently supports controller ID 1 and 2)
if (pController.IsConnected(EHmdController.eHmdController_OpenVR_1))
// Is the Application A button pressed?
bool bAppMenuPressed = pController.IsButtonPressed(EHmdController.eHmdController_OculusLeftHand, EKeyId.eKI_Motion_OculusTouch_A);
// or is it touched?
bool bAppMenuTouched = pController.IsButtonTouched(EHmdController.eHmdController_OculusLeftHand, EKeyId.eKI_Motion_OculusTouch_A);
// Is the L2 pressed?
bool bGripPressed = pController.IsButtonPressed(EHmdController.eHmdController_OculusLeftHand, EKeyId.eKI_Motion_OculusTouch_L2);
// or is it touched?
bool bGripTouched = pController.IsButtonTouched(EHmdController.eHmdController_OculusLeftHand, EKeyId.eKI_Motion_OculusTouch_L2);
// Get Trigger value
float fTrigger = pController.GetTriggerValue(EHmdController.eHmdController_OculusRightHand, EKeyId.eKI_Motion_OculusTouch_TriggerBtnR);
// Get the Gesture state
Vec2 vTouchPad = pController.GetThumbStickValue(EHmdController.eHmdController_OculusRightHand, EKeyId.eKI_Motion_OculusTouch_Gesture_ThumbUpR);
To activate HRTF plugin support in Wwise, set the AUDIO_HRTF option in CMake.