Modular Behavior Tree Debugging


There are 2 ways to debug an MBT:

  • In-game visualization: displays its currently executing branches of a specific AI character in game
  • Execution history: logs the execution stacks for a specific or all AI characters

In-game visualization

Use the Slash-Key ("/") on the keyboard or the cvar "ai_DebugAgent centerview" to see what parts of the tree are currently executing in the AI character that is closest to the camera:

  • Currently active branches of the MBT
  • The MBT's timestamps
  • The MBT's variables
  • Events that occurred recently

The numbers next to the currently active branches are the according line numbers in the XML file.

The Slash-Key is just a shortcut for entering "ai_DebugAgent centerview" and is only implemented as such in the GameSDK DLL.

Execution history

The execution history facility allows for writing the execution stacks on a frame-by-frame basis to log files. It's controlled by the cvar:

"ai_LogModularBehaviorTreeExecutionStacks 0/1/2":

  • 0 = do not log
  • 1 = log the execution history only for the agent that is currently debugged (c. f. cvar "ai_DebugAgent centerview")
  • 2 = log the execution history for all AI agents

The log files are plain text files that get written to the directory .\user\mbt_logs.

Each AI agent will store his execution history in a separate file that is named according to his entity name and entity ID (e. g. "mbt_human1_3.txt" will refer to the AI agent named "Human1" whose EntityID = 3).

The content of each log file looks like this: