This page holds a list of the available data groups used in Statoscope and the treeview path where the respective information can be accessed.
Path | Description |
/DevBuffers/$/poolAllocatedSize | Amount of space allocated for the device buffer pool |
/DevBuffers/$/poolFrag | Amount of fragmentation in the device buffer pool |
/DevBuffers/$/poolFreeBlocks | Amount of free blocks in the device buffer pool |
/DevBuffers/$/poolFreeMB | Amount of free space in the device buffer pool, measured in MB |
/DevBuffers/$/poolMovingBlocks | Amount of blocks being moved during defragmentation of the device buffer pool |
/DevBuffers/$/poolNumAllocs | Number of allocations present in the device buffer pool |
/DevBuffers/$/poolNumBanks | Number of memory banks allocated for the device buffer pool |
/DevBuffers/$/poolUsageMB | Amount of memory used by the device buffer pool, measured in MB |
Path | Description |
/Overload/currentStats/frameRate | Frame rate calculated from real time needed for a single frame |
/Overload/currentStats/gpuFrameRate | Frame rate calculated from GPU time needed for a single frame |
/Overload/enabled | Whether the OSM is enabled |
/Overload/fbScale | Output scale for the OSM |
/Overload/smoothedStats/frameRate | Frame rate calculated from real time needed for rendering, smoothed over 1 second |
/Overload/smoothedStats/gpuFrameRate | Frame rate calculated from GPU time needed for rendering, smoothed over 1 second |
/Overload/targetFrameRate | Target frame rate |
Path | Description |
/Overview/FrameScaleFactor | Scale factor used by the Viewport. Controlled by the Overload Scene Manager if enabled |
/Overview/GPULoadInMS | Number of milliseconds needed by the GPU for this frame |
/Overview/MTLoadInMS | Number of milliseconds needed by the main thread for this frame |
/Overview/NetTLoadInMS | Number of milliseconds needed by the networking thread for this frame |
/Overview/RTLoadInMS | Number of milliseconds needed by the rendering thread for this frame |
/Overview/frameLengthInMS | Total number of milliseconds needed for this frame |
/Overview/lostProfilerTimeInMS | Number of milliseconds spent for profiling during this frame |
/Overview/numDrawCalls | Number of draw calls in this frame |
/Overview/profilerAdjFrameLengthInMS | Number of milliseconds needed for this frame, excluding profiling time |
Path | Description |
/TexPools/$/n | Shows texture pool activity. Divided into Total, InUse and Free each of which is subcategorized by texture type and size |
Path | Description |
/TexStrm/$/requiredMB | Shows the amount of memory used for each texture stream, measured in MB |
This contains information for each worker, split into blocking and non-blocking tasks.
Path | Description |
/WorkerInformation/Individual/$/$/ExecutionTimeInMS | Number of milliseconds the specified worker spent executing tasks |
/WorkerInformation/Individual/$/$/IdleTimeInMS | Number of milliseconds the specified worker was idle during tasks |
/WorkerInformation/Individual/$/$/NumJobs | Number of jobs executed by the worker |
/WorkerInformation/Individual/$/$/SamplePeriodInMS | Duration of the sample period, measured in milliseconds |
/WorkerInformation/Individual/$/$/UtilPerc | Percentage of the sample period spent executing tasks for this worker |
This contains summarized information on all workers, split into blocking and non-blocking tasks.
Path | Description |
/WorkerInformation/Summary/$/ActiveWorkers | Number of active workers |
/WorkerInformation/Summary/$/AvgUtilPerc | Average percentage of the sample period spent executing tasks on workers |
/WorkerInformation/Summary/$/SamplePeriodInMS | Duration of the sample period, measured in milliseconds |
/WorkerInformation/Summary/$/TotalExecutionPeriodeInMS | Combined time spent executing jobs on workers |
/WorkerInformation/Summary/$/TotalNumberOfJobsExecuted | Number of jobs executed by all workers |
This contains information for each job, split into blocking and non-blocking tasks.
Path | Description |
/JobInformation/Individual/$/$/ExecutionTimeInMS | Number of milliseconds spent executing this job |
/JobInformation/Individual/$/$/NumberOfExecutions | Number of times this job was executed |
This contains information for all jobs, split into blocking and non-blocking tasks.
Path | Description |
/JobInformation/Summary/$/TotalExecutionTimeInMS | Total number of milliseconds spent executing jobs |
/JobInformation/Summary/$/TotalNumberOfIndividualJobsExecuted | Total number of distinct jobs executed |
/JobInformation/Summary/$/TotalNumberOfJobsExecuted | Total number of jobs executed |
Path | Description |
/StreamingAudio/bandwidthActualKBsecond | Bandwidth used for streaming audio, measured in KB/s |
/StreamingAudio/bandwidthRequestedKBsecond | Bandwidth requested for streaming audio, measured in KB/s |
Path | Description |
/DevBuffer/cb | Amount of KB used in the constant buffer. Only available if CONSTANT_BUFFER_ENABLE_DIRECT_ACCESS is defined as a non-false preprocessor token |
/DevBuffer/cpu_flush | Amount of time spent flushing the CPU |
/DevBuffer/creation_time | Amount of time spent performing other tasks |
/DevBuffer/gpu_flush | Amount of time spent flushing the GPU |
/DevBuffer/io_time | Amount of time spent performing I/O |
/DevBuffer/read_kb | Amount of KB read from pools |
/DevBuffer/written_kb | Amount of KB written to pools |
Statistics on draw calls, organized by CGF and type of rendering. Also covers Scaleform rendering.
Path | Description |
/DrawCalls/$/numInstances | Number of instances for this CGF |
/DrawCalls/$/totalDrawCallCount | Number of draw calls used for the CGF |
Shows network profiling statistics, divided according to traffic source.
Path | Description |
/NetworkProfile/$/calls | Number of calls made for network traffic |
/NetworkProfile/$/rmiBits | Number of bits sent for remote method invocation (RMI) |
/NetworkProfile/$/seqBits | Number of non-RMI bits sent |
/NetworkProfile/$/totalBits | Total number of bits sent |
Path | Description |
/Effects/sumTimeEffects | Total amount of milliseconds spent processing effects |
/Effects/timeAfterHDRPostProcess | Number of milliseconds spent after applying HDR post-processing |
/Effects/timeAfterPostProcess | Number of milliseconds spent after applying post-processing |
/Effects/timeDecal | Number of milliseconds spent applying decal effects |
/Effects/timeDeferredPreProcess | Number of milliseconds spent pre-processing before deferred passes |
/Effects/timeEyeOverlay | Number of milliseconds spent on eye overlay effects |
/Effects/timeGeneral | Number of milliseconds spent on opaque ambient light and shadow passes |
/Effects/timeHDRPostProcess | Number of milliseconds spent applying HDR post-processing |
/Effects/timeHalfResParticles | Number of milliseconds spent applying half-resolution particles |
/Effects/timeInvalid | Number of milliseconds spent on other effects |
/Effects/timeLensOptic | Number of milliseconds spent processing lens optics |
/Effects/timeParticlesThickness | Number of milliseconds spent on particle thickness passes |
/Effects/timePostProcess | Number of milliseconds spent applying post-processing |
/Effects/timePreProcess | Number of milliseconds spent applying pre-processing |
/Effects/timeShadowGen | Number of milliseconds spent generating shadow maps |
/Effects/timeShadowPass | Number of milliseconds spent generating shadow masks |
/Effects/timeSkin | Number of milliseconds spent pre-processing skin rendering |
/Effects/timeTerrainLayer | Number of milliseconds spent processing terrain layers |
/Effects/timeTransparent | Number of milliseconds spent processing transparency |
/Effects/timeWater | Number of milliseconds spent processing water surfaces |
/Effects/timeWaterVolumes | Number of milliseconds spent processing water volumes |
Path | Description |
/frameLengthInMS | Number of milliseconds spent rendering the frame |
/lostProfilerTimeInMS | Number of milliseconds lost to profiling for the frame, or -1 if profiling is disabled |
Path | Description |
/Graphics/GPUFrameLengthInMS | Number of milliseconds spent by the GPU for this frame |
/Graphics/GPUUsageInPercent | Percentage of the frame length where the GPU was busy |
/Graphics/numDrawCalls | Number of regular draw calls for this frame |
/Graphics/numForwardLights | Number of forward lights in this frame |
/Graphics/numForwardShadowCastingLights | Number of forward lights casting shadows in this frame |
/Graphics/numGeneralDrawCalls | Number of draw calls for general effects for this frame |
/Graphics/numPostEffects | Number of active post-processing effects in this frame |
/Graphics/numShadowDrawCalls | Number of shadow draw calls for this frame |
/Graphics/numTotalDrawCalls | Number of total draw calls for this frame |
/Graphics/numTransparentDrawCalls | Number of draw calls for transparency effects for this frame |
/Graphics/numTris | Number of triangles for this frame |
Path | Description |
/GPUTimes/Frame | GPU time spent on the overall frame |
/GPUTimes/Lighting | GPU time spent on lighting |
/GPUTimes/Scene | GPU time spent on the overall scene rendering |
/GPUTimes/Shadows | GPU time spent on shadows |
/GPUTimes/VFX | GPU time spent on visual effects |
Path | Description |
/CPUTimes/aiTime | CPU time spent on AI processing, measured in milliseconds |
/CPUTimes/animNumCharacters | Number of character instances processed |
/CPUTimes/animTime | CPU time spent processing animations, measured in milliseconds |
/CPUTimes/flashTime | CPU time spent processing Flash, measured in milliseconds |
/CPUTimes/particleSyncTime | CPU time lost to profiling during particle processing, measured in milliseconds |
/CPUTimes/particleTime | CPU time spent on particle processing, measured in milliseconds |
/CPUTimes/physTime | Real time spent for this frame, measured in milliseconds |
This data is not directly shown as a graph in Statoscope, instead it is displayed as part of the tooltip for graphs.
Path | Description |
/posx | X-position of the camera |
/posy | Y-position of the camera |
/posz | Z-position of the camera |
/rotx | X-rotation of the camera |
/roty | Y-rotation of the camera |
/rotz | Z-rotation of the camera |
Path | Description |
/Memory/mainMemUsageInMB | Main memory used, measured in MB |
/Memory/vidMemUsageInMB | Video memory used, measured in MB |
Path | Description |
/Network/FragmentedBandwidthSent | Fragmented data sent, measured in bits |
/Network/FragmentedPacketsSent | Fragmented data sent, measured in packets |
/Network/LobbyBandwidthSent | Lobby data sent, measured in bits |
/Network/LobbyPacketsSent | Lobby data sent, measured in packets |
/Network/OtherBandwidthSent | Other data sent, measured in bits |
/Network/OtherPacketsSent | Other data sent, measured in packets |
/Network/SeqBandwidthSent | Sequence data sent, measured in bits |
/Network/SeqPacketsSent | Sequence data sent, measured in packets |
/Network/TotalBandwidthRecvd | Total data received, measured in bits |
/Network/TotalBandwidthSent | Total data sent, measured in bits |
/Network/TotalPacketsSent | Total data sent, measured in packets |
Path | Description |
/StreamingObjects/bandwidthActualKBsecond | Bandwidth used for streaming objects, measured in KB/s |
/StreamingObjects/bandwidthRequestedKBsecond | Bandwidth requested for streaming objects, measured in KB/s |
Path | Description |
/Particles/numEmittersActive | Number of active particle emitters |
/Particles/numEmittersAllocated | Number of allocated particle emitters |
/Particles/numEmittersRendered | Number of rendered particle emitters |
/Particles/numParticlesActive | Number of active particles |
/Particles/numParticlesAllocated | Number of allocated particles |
/Particles/numParticlesClipped | Number of clipped particles |
/Particles/numParticlesCollideHit | Number of particles involved in a collision |
/Particles/numParticlesCollideTest | Number of particles tested for collision |
/Particles/numParticlesReiterated | Number of particles that were re-calculated |
/Particles/numParticlesRejected | Number of particles not rendered |
/Particles/numParticlesRendered | Number of particles rendered |
/Particles/particleScreenFractionProcessed | Fraction of the screen pixels that were processed for particles |
/Particles/particleScreenFractionRendered | Fraction of the screen pixels that rendered particles |
Details the amount of time spent in various tasks.
Path | Description |
/Threads/$/count | Number of times this task was executed |
/Threads/$/peak | Peak amount of time spent executing this task |
/Threads/$/selfTimeInMS | Total amount of milliseconds spent executing this task |
Path | Description |
/Streaming/cgfStreamingMemRequiredInMB | Memory required for streaming CGF's, measured in MB |
/Streaming/cgfStreamingMemUsedInMB | Memory used for streaming CGF's, measured in MB |
/Streaming/cgfStreamingPoolSize | Size of the CGF streaming pool, measured in MB |
/Streaming/tempMemInKB | Temporary memory used for streaming, measured in KB |
Path | Description |
/Threading/MTLoadInMS | Amount of milliseconds where the main thread was busy |
/Threading/MTWaitingForRTInMS | Amount of milliseconds where the main thread was waiting for the render thread |
/Threading/NetThreadTimeInMS | Amount of milliseconds spent by the networking thread |
/Threading/RTFrameLengthInMS | Amount of milliseconds spent by the rendering thread on processing the frame |
/Threading/RTLoadInMS | Amount of milliseconds where the render thread was busy |
/Threading/RTSceneDrawningLengthInMS | Amount of milliseconds spent by the rendering thread on drawing the scene |
/Threading/RTWaitingForGPUInMS | Amount of milliseconds where the render thread was waiting for the GPU |
/Threading/RTWaitingForMTInMS | Amount of milliseconds where the render thread was waiting for the main thread |
The initial $ token is used to categorize markers.
Path | Description |
/UserMarkers/$/name | Name of the marker |
Path | Description |
/VertexData/SkinnedPolyCountZ | Skinned polygon count |
/VertexData/StaticPolyCountZ | Static polygon count |
/VertexData/VegetationPolyCountZ | Vegetation polygon count |
Categorized by the type of physical entity, e.g. static, living, etc.
Path | Description |
/PhysEntities/$/nCalls | Number of function calls to process the entity |
/PhysEntities/$/time | Time spent processing the entity |
/PhysEntities/$/x | X-coordinate of the entity |
/PhysEntities/$/y | Y-coordinate of the entity |
/PhysEntities/$/z | Z-coordinate of the entity |
Path | Description |
/StreamingTextures/amtRequestedJobsMB | Amount of data requested by jobs, measured in MB |
/StreamingTextures/bandwidthActualKBsecond | Actual streaming bandwidth, measured in KB/s |
/StreamingTextures/bandwidthRequestedKBsecond | Requested streaming bandwidth, measured in KB/s |
/StreamingTextures/bias | Bias of the texture streamer |
/StreamingTextures/numRenderedPerSecond | Not enabled |
/StreamingTextures/numRequestedJobs | Number of requested jobs |
/StreamingTextures/numRequestedPerSecond | Not enabled |
/StreamingTextures/numUpdatedPerSecond | Number of updated textures per second |
/StreamingTextures/poolMemUsedMB | Amount of memory used for the texture pool, measured in MB |
/StreamingTextures/poolMemWantedMB | Amount of memory requested for the texture pool, measured in MB |
/StreamingTextures/streamAllocFails | Number of failed stream allocations. Only tracked if TEXSTRM_BYTECENTRIC_MEMORY is defined |
/StreamingTextures/streamPoolHardCreates | Amount of times the streaming pool has allocated non-shared memory |
/StreamingTextures/streamPoolHardFrees | Amount of times the streaming pool has freed non-shared allocations |
/StreamingTextures/streamPoolMemBoundMB | Amount of memory bound and used for the streaming pool, measured in MB |
/StreamingTextures/streamPoolMemInUseMB | Amount of memory used for the streaming pool, measured in MB |
/StreamingTextures/streamPoolMemReservedMB | Amount of memory reserved for the streaming pool, measured in MB |
/StreamingTextures/streamPoolSoftCreates | Amount of times the streaming pool has shared an allocation |
/StreamingTextures/streamPoolSoftFrees | Amount of times the streaming pool has freed a shared allocation |
Network traffic categorized per network channel.
Path | Description |
/Channel/$/BandwidthRecvd | Data received, measured in bits |
/Channel/$/BandwidthSent | Data sent, measured in bits |
/Channel/$/IdealPacketSize | Ideal packet size for this channel, measured in bits |
/Channel/$/MaxPacketSize | Maximum packet size for this channel, measured in bits |
/Channel/$/PacketRate | Rate of packets, measured in bits/s |
/Channel/$/Ping | Ping measurement |
/Channel/$/SentMessages | Number of messages sent by the message queue |
/Channel/$/SparePacketSize | Spare bandwidth available for additional packets, measured in bits |
/Channel/$/UnsentMessages | Number of unsent messages in the message queue |
/Channel/$/UrgentRMIs | Number of urgent remote method invocations. Only available if ENABLE_URGENT_RMIS is defined as a non-false preprocessor token |
/Channel/$/UsedPacketSize | Bandwidth used for packets, measured in bits |