Data Groups


D: Device Buffer Pool




Amount of space allocated for the device buffer pool


Amount of fragmentation in the device buffer pool


Amount of free blocks in the device buffer pool


Amount of free space in the device buffer pool, measured in MB


Amount of blocks being moved during defragmentation of the device buffer pool


Number of allocations present in the device buffer pool


Number of memory banks allocated for the device buffer pool


Amount of memory used by the device buffer pool, measured in MB

L: Overload Scene Manager (OSM)




Frame rate calculated from real time needed for a single frame


Frame rate calculated from GPU time needed for a single frame


Whether the OSM is enabled


Output scale for the OSM


Frame rate calculated from real time needed for rendering, smoothed over 1 second


Frame rate calculated from GPU time needed for rendering, smoothed over 1 second


Target frame rate

O: Frame Performance Overview




Scale factor used by the Viewport. Controlled by the Overload Scene Manager if enabled


Number of milliseconds needed by the GPU for this frame


Number of milliseconds needed by the main thread for this frame


Number of milliseconds needed by the networking thread for this frame


Number of milliseconds needed by the rendering thread for this frame


Total number of milliseconds needed for this frame


Number of milliseconds spent for profiling during this frame


Number of draw calls in this frame


Number of milliseconds needed for this frame, excluding profiling time

P: Texture Stream Pools




Shows texture pool activity. Divided into Total, InUse and Free each of which is subcategorized by texture type and size

S: Texture Streaming Items




Shows the amount of memory used for each texture stream, measured in MB

W: Individual Worker Information

This contains information for each worker, split into blocking and non-blocking tasks.




Number of milliseconds the specified worker spent executing tasks


Number of milliseconds the specified worker was idle during tasks


Number of jobs executed by the worker


Duration of the sample period, measured in milliseconds


Percentage of the sample period spent executing tasks for this worker

X: Summarized Worker Information

This contains summarized information on all workers, split into blocking and non-blocking tasks.




Number of active workers


Average percentage of the sample period spent executing tasks on workers


Duration of the sample period, measured in milliseconds


Combined time spent executing jobs on workers


Number of jobs executed by all workers

Y: Individual Job Information

This contains information for each job, split into blocking and non-blocking tasks.




Number of milliseconds spent executing this job


Number of times this job was executed

Z: Summarized Job Information

This contains information for all jobs, split into blocking and non-blocking tasks.




Total number of milliseconds spent executing jobs


Total number of distinct jobs executed


Total number of jobs executed

a: Audio Streaming




Bandwidth used for streaming audio, measured in KB/s


Bandwidth requested for streaming audio, measured in KB/s

b: Device Buffer Pool Manager




Amount of KB used in the constant buffer. Only available if CONSTANT_BUFFER_ENABLE_DIRECT_ACCESS is defined as a non-false preprocessor token


Amount of time spent flushing the CPU


Amount of time spent performing other tasks


Amount of time spent flushing the GPU


Amount of time spent performing I/O


Amount of KB read from pools


Amount of KB written to pools

c: Per-CGF GPU Profiling

Statistics on draw calls, organized by CGF and type of rendering. Also covers Scaleform rendering.




Number of instances for this CGF


Number of draw calls used for the CGF

d: Network Profiling

Shows network profiling statistics, divided according to traffic source.




Number of calls made for network traffic


Number of bits sent for remote method invocation (RMI)


Number of non-RMI bits sent


Total number of bits sent

e: Effect Processing




Total amount of milliseconds spent processing effects


Number of milliseconds spent after applying HDR post-processing


Number of milliseconds spent after applying post-processing


Number of milliseconds spent applying decal effects


Number of milliseconds spent pre-processing before deferred passes


Number of milliseconds spent on eye overlay effects


Number of milliseconds spent on opaque ambient light and shadow passes


Number of milliseconds spent applying HDR post-processing


Number of milliseconds spent applying half-resolution particles


Number of milliseconds spent on other effects


Number of milliseconds spent processing lens optics


Number of milliseconds spent on particle thickness passes


Number of milliseconds spent applying post-processing


Number of milliseconds spent applying pre-processing


Number of milliseconds spent generating shadow maps


Number of milliseconds spent generating shadow masks


Number of milliseconds spent pre-processing skin rendering


Number of milliseconds spent processing terrain layers


Number of milliseconds spent processing transparency


Number of milliseconds spent processing water surfaces


Number of milliseconds spent processing water volumes

f: Frame Timing




Number of milliseconds spent rendering the frame


Number of milliseconds lost to profiling for the frame, or -1 if profiling is disabled

g: Graphics




Number of milliseconds spent by the GPU for this frame


Percentage of the frame length where the GPU was busy


Number of regular draw calls for this frame


Number of forward lights in this frame


Number of forward lights casting shadows in this frame


Number of draw calls for general effects for this frame


Number of active post-processing effects in this frame


Number of shadow draw calls for this frame


Number of total draw calls for this frame


Number of draw calls for transparency effects for this frame


Number of triangles for this frame

i: GPU Timing




GPU time spent on the overall frame


GPU time spent on lighting


GPU time spent on the overall scene rendering


GPU time spent on shadows


GPU time spent on visual effects

j: CPU Timing




CPU time spent on AI processing, measured in milliseconds


Number of character instances processed


CPU time spent processing animations, measured in milliseconds


CPU time spent processing Flash, measured in milliseconds


CPU time lost to profiling during particle processing, measured in milliseconds


CPU time spent on particle processing, measured in milliseconds


Real time spent for this frame, measured in milliseconds

l: Camera Location

This data is not directly shown as a graph in Statoscope, instead it is displayed as part of the tooltip for graphs.




X-position of the camera


Y-position of the camera


Z-position of the camera


X-rotation of the camera


Y-rotation of the camera


Z-rotation of the camera

m: Memory Usage




Main memory used, measured in MB


Video memory used, measured in MB

n: Network Traffic




Fragmented data sent, measured in bits


Fragmented data sent, measured in packets


Lobby data sent, measured in bits


Lobby data sent, measured in packets


Other data sent, measured in bits


Other data sent, measured in packets


Sequence data sent, measured in bits


Sequence data sent, measured in packets


Total data received, measured in bits


Total data sent, measured in bits


Total data sent, measured in packets

o: Object Streaming




Bandwidth used for streaming objects, measured in KB/s


Bandwidth requested for streaming objects, measured in KB/s

p: Particles




Number of active particle emitters


Number of allocated particle emitters


Number of rendered particle emitters


Number of active particles


Number of allocated particles


Number of clipped particles


Number of particles involved in a collision


Number of particles tested for collision


Number of particles that were re-calculated


Number of particles not rendered


Number of particles rendered


Fraction of the screen pixels that were processed for particles


Fraction of the screen pixels that rendered particles

r: Frame Profilers

Details the amount of time spent in various tasks.




Number of times this task was executed


Peak amount of time spent executing this task


Total amount of milliseconds spent executing this task

s: Streaming




Memory required for streaming CGF's, measured in MB


Memory used for streaming CGF's, measured in MB


Size of the CGF streaming pool, measured in MB


Temporary memory used for streaming, measured in KB

t: Threading




Amount of milliseconds where the main thread was busy


Amount of milliseconds where the main thread was waiting for the render thread


Amount of milliseconds spent by the networking thread


Amount of milliseconds spent by the rendering thread on processing the frame


Amount of milliseconds where the render thread was busy


Amount of milliseconds spent by the rendering thread on drawing the scene


Amount of milliseconds where the render thread was waiting for the GPU


Amount of milliseconds where the render thread was waiting for the main thread

u: User-defined Markers

The initial $ token is used to categorize markers.




Name of the marker

v: Vertex Counts




Skinned polygon count


Static polygon count


Vegetation polygon count

w: Physical Entity Profiling

Categorized by the type of physical entity, e.g. static, living, etc.




Number of function calls to process the entity


Time spent processing the entity


X-coordinate of the entity


Y-coordinate of the entity


Z-coordinate of the entity

x: Texture Streaming




Amount of data requested by jobs, measured in MB


Actual streaming bandwidth, measured in KB/s


Requested streaming bandwidth, measured in KB/s


Bias of the texture streamer


Not enabled


Number of requested jobs


Not enabled


Number of updated textures per second


Amount of memory used for the texture pool, measured in MB


Amount of memory requested for the texture pool, measured in MB


Number of failed stream allocations. Only tracked if TEXSTRM_BYTECENTRIC_MEMORY is defined


Amount of times the streaming pool has allocated non-shared memory


Amount of times the streaming pool has freed non-shared allocations


Amount of memory bound and used for the streaming pool, measured in MB


Amount of memory used for the streaming pool, measured in MB


Amount of memory reserved for the streaming pool, measured in MB


Amount of times the streaming pool has shared an allocation


Amount of times the streaming pool has freed a shared allocation

z: Network Channel

Network traffic categorized per network channel.




Data received, measured in bits


Data sent, measured in bits


Ideal packet size for this channel, measured in bits


Maximum packet size for this channel, measured in bits


Rate of packets, measured in bits/s


Ping measurement


Number of messages sent by the message queue


Spare bandwidth available for additional packets, measured in bits


Number of unsent messages in the message queue


Number of urgent remote method invocations. Only available if ENABLE_URGENT_RMIS is defined as a non-false preprocessor token


Bandwidth used for packets, measured in bits