

Reloads the UI flash asset.

UIAction.ReloadElement( elementName, instanceID )
elementNameUI Element name as defined in the xml.
instanceIDID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances.


Unloads the UI flash asset.

UIAction.UnloadElement( elementName, instanceID )
elementNameUI Element name as defined in the xml.
instanceIDID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances.


Displays the UI flash asset.

UIAction.ShowElement( elementName, instanceID )
elementNameUI Element name as defined in the xml.
instanceIDID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances.


Hide the UI flash asset.

UIAction.HideElement( elementName, instanceID )
elementNameUI Element name as defined in the xml.
instanceIDID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances.


Send the fade out signal to the UI flash asset.

UIAction.RequestHide( elementName, instanceID )
elementNameUI Element name as defined in the xml.
instanceIDID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances.


Calls a function of the UI flash asset or the UIEventSystem.

UIAction.CallFunction( elementName, instanceID, functionName, [arg1], [arg2], [...] )
elementNameUI Element name as defined in the xml or UIEventSystem name as defined via cpp.
instanceIDID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances. If used on UIEventSystem no instance id is ignored.
functionNameFunction or event name.
argsList of arguments (optional).


Sets a variable of the UI flash asset.

UIAction.SetVariable( elementName, instanceID, varName, value )
elementNameUI Element name as defined in the xml.
instanceIDID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances.
varNameVariable name as defined in the xml.
valueValue to set.


Gets a variable of the UI flash asset.

UIAction.GetVariable( elementName, instanceID, varName )
elementNameUI Element name as defined in the xml.
instanceIDID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances.
varNameVariable name as defined in the xml.


Sets an array of the UI flash asset.

UIAction.SetArray( elementName, instanceID, arrayName, values )
elementNameUI Element name as defined in the xml.
instanceIDID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances.
arrayNameArray name as defined in the xml.
valuesTable of values for the array.


Returns a table with values of the array.

UIAction.GetArray( elementName, instanceID, arrayName )
elementNameUI Element name as defined in the xml.
instanceIDID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances.
arrayNameArray name as defined in the xml.


Call GotoAndPlay on a MovieClip.

UIAction.GotoAndPlay( elementName, instanceID, mcName, frameNum )
elementNameUI Element name as defined in the xml.
instanceIDID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances.
mcNameMovieClip name as defined in the xml.
frameNumframe number.


Call GotoAndStop on a MovieClip.

UIAction.GotoAndStop( elementName, instanceID, mcName, frameNum )
elementNameUI Element name as defined in the xml.
instanceIDID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances.
mcNameMovieClip name as defined in the xml.
frameNumframe number.


Call GotoAndPlay on a MovieClip by frame name.

UIAction.GotoAndPlayFrameName( elementName, instanceID, mcName, frameName )
elementNameUI Element name as defined in the xml.
instanceIDID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances.
mcNameMovieClip name as defined in the xml.
frameNameframe name.


Call GotoAndStop on a MovieClip by frame name.

UIAction.GotoAndStopFrameName( elementName, instanceID, mcName, frameName )
elementNameUI Element name as defined in the xml.
instanceIDID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances.
mcNameMovieClip name as defined in the xml.
frameNameframe name.


Set MovieClip alpha value.

UIAction.SetAlpha( elementName, instanceID, mcName, fAlpha )
elementNameUI Element name as defined in the xml.
instanceIDID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances.
mcNameMovieClip name as defined in the xml.
fAlphaalpha value (0-1).


Get MovieClip alpha value.

UIAction.GetAlpha( elementName, instanceID, mcName )
elementNameUI Element name as defined in the xml.
instanceIDID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances.
mcNameMovieClip name as defined in the xml.


Set MovieClip visible state.

UIAction.SetVisible( elementName, instanceID, mcName, bVisible )
elementNameUI Element name as defined in the xml.
instanceIDID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances.
mcNameMovieClip name as defined in the xml.


Get MovieClip visible state.

UIAction.IsVisible( elementName, instanceID, mcName )
elementNameUI Element name as defined in the xml.
instanceIDID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances.
mcNameMovieClip name as defined in the xml.


Set MovieClip position.

UIAction.SetPos( elementName, instanceID, mcName, vPos )
elementNameUI Element name as defined in the xml.
instanceIDID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances.
mcNameMovieClip name as defined in the xml.


Get MovieClip position.

UIAction.GetPos( elementName, instanceID, mcName )
elementNameUI Element name as defined in the xml.
instanceIDID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances.
mcNameMovieClip name as defined in the xml.


Set MovieClip rotation.

UIAction.SetRotation( elementName, instanceID, mcName, vRotation )
elementNameUI Element name as defined in the xml.
instanceIDID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances.
mcNameMovieClip name as defined in the xml.


Get MovieClip rotation.

UIAction.GetRotation( elementName, instanceID, mcName )
elementNameUI Element name as defined in the xml.
instanceIDID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances
mcNameMovieClip name as defined in the xml.


Set MovieClip scale.

UIAction.SetScale( elementName, instanceID, mcName, vScale )
elementNameUI Element name as defined in the xml.
instanceIDID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances.
mcNameMovieClip name as defined in the xml.


Get MovieClip scale.

UIAction.GetScale( elementName, instanceID, mcName  )
elementNameUI Element name as defined in the xml.
instanceIDID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances.
mcNameMovieClip name as defined in the xml.


Starts a UI Action.

UIAction.StartAction( actionName, arguments )
actionNameUI Action name.
argumentsarguments to pass to this action.


Ends a UI Action. This can be only used withing a UIAction Lua script!

UIAction.EndAction( table, disable, arguments )
tablemust be "self".
disableif true this action gets disabled on end.
argumentsarguments to return from this action.


Enables the UI Action.

UIAction.EnableAction( actionName )
actionNameUI Action name.


Disables the UI Action.

UIAction.DisableAction( actionName )
actionNameUI Action name.


Register a callback function for a UIElement event. Callback Function must have form: CallbackName(elementName, instanceId, eventName, argTable)

UIAction.RegisterElementListener( table, elementName, instanceID, eventName, callbackFunctionName )
tablethe script that receives the callback (can be "self" to refer the current script).
elementNameUI Element name as defined in the xml.
instanceIDID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances.
eventNameName of the event that is fired from the UI Element - if empty string it will receive all events!
callbackFunctionNamename of the script function that will receive the callback.


Register a callback function for a UIAction event. Callback Function must have form: CallbackName(actionName, eventName, argTable)

UIAction.RegisterActionListener( table, actionName, eventName, callbackFunctionName )
tablethe script that receives the callback (can be "self" to refer the current script).
actionNameUI Action name.
eventNameName of the event that is fired from the UI Action (can be "OnStart" or "OnEnd") - if empty string it will receive all events!
callbackFunctionNamename of the script function that will receive the callback.


Register a callback function for a UIEventSystem event. Callback Function must have form: CallbackName(actionName, eventName, argTable)

UIAction.RegisterEventSystemListener( table, eventSystem, eventName, callbackFunctionName )
tablethe script that receives the callback (can be "self" to refer the current script).
eventSystemUI Event System name
eventNameName of the event that is fired from the UI EventSystem - if empty string it will receive all events!
callbackFunctionNamename of the script function that will receive the callback.


Unregister callback functions for a UIElement event.

UIAction.UnregisterElementListener( table, callbackFunctionName )
tablethe script that receives the callback (can be "self" to refer the current script).
callbackFunctionNamename of the script function that receives the callback. if "" all callbacks for this script will be removed.


Unregister callback functions for a UIAction event.

UIAction.UnregisterActionListener( table, callbackFunctionName )
tablethe script that receives the callback (can be "self" to refer the current script).
callbackFunctionNamename of the script function that receives the callback. if "" all callbacks for this script will be removed.


Unregister callback functions for a UIEventSystem event.

UIAction.UnregisterEventSystemListener( table, callbackFunctionName )
tablethe script that receives the callback (can be "self" to refer the current script).
callbackFunctionNamename of the script function that receives the callback. if "" all callbacks for this script will be removed.