Body Destructibility


Body Destructibility xml files can be found in this folder: GameSDK/Libs/BodyDamage/

Any number of files can be created, usually one per actor type is enough. The naming convention is the following: BodyDestructibility_NameOfCharacter.xml

For example:

  • BodyDestructibility_AlienGrunt.xml
  • BodyDestructibility_CryNetOps.xml

These files will be usually edited by tech artist together with game designers.

They define a mapping of character bones and attachments to destructible 'body parts', destruction events, actor health thresholds and special death events.

File Contents and Structure

Let's explain it with an example. The following is a collapsed version of the body parts setup for the alien grunt.

    <!-- Attachments -->
    <Attachment name="armor_chest_l" >
      <Health ratio="0.05" ratioToDestroyOnDeath="0.01" eventOnDestruction="armor_chest_l_explode" eventOnActorDeath="armor_chest_l_explode" />
        <HitType name="gaussbullet" damageMultiplier="1.0" eventOnDestruction="armor_chest_l_explode" eventOnActorDeath="jelly_explode" />
        <HitType name="mike_burn" damageMultiplier="0" />
        <HitType name="frag" damageMultiplier="0.5" />
    <!-- Bones -->
    <Bone name="Head" >
      <Health ratio="1" ratioToDestroyOnDeath="0" eventOnDestruction="head_explode" eventOnActorDeath="head_explode" />
        <HitType name="mike_burn" damageMultiplier="0.0" />
    <Event name="head_explode" >
        <Attachment name="armor_head" />
        <Attachment name="jelly_alive" />
        <Attachment name="armor_head_tentacles" />
        <Attachment name="eye_left" />
        <Attachment name="eye_right" />
        <Attachment name="jelly_destroyed_head" />
      <Effect name="Crysis2_alien_effects.grunt.jelly_head_explode" />
        <Event name="head_damaged" />
        <Event name="jelly_explode" />
    <HealthRatio ratio="0" bone="" event=""  material="Objects/characters/alien/grunt/grunt_dead" />
    <GibEvent minExplosionDamage="200" probability="0.5" event="aliengrunt_gib" bone="jellyBone" /> <!-- Trigger event, and hide actor -->
    <NonGibEvent event="jelly_boiling_explode" bone="jellyBone" material="Objects/characters/alien/grunt/grunt_dead" />
    <Destruction event="jelly_boiling_explode" bone="jellyBone" />
    <Attachment name="jelly_destroyed_mike_attach" object="Objects/characters/alien/grunt/jelly_destroyed_mike.cdf" animation="jelly_destroyed_mike" alphaTestFadeOutDelay="0.85" alphaTestFadeOutTimeOut="0.25" />


Contains a list of Bones and Bone Attachments that can be destroyed. Each part has a certain amount of health points - when they are depleted a Destruction Event is triggered.

The following parameters are available:

  • Health - ratio: Health points relative to the actor's maximum health points.
  • Health - eventOnDestruction: Event to trigger when the part's health points are depleted.
  • Health - ratioToDestroyOnDeath: Health points for the eventOnActorDeath relative to the actor's maximum health points.
    • Defaults to ratio if undefined.
  • Health - eventOnActorDeath: Event to trigger if the actor dies and the ratioToDestroyOnDeath health points are depleted.
    • This can be used to destroy parts on actor death even if they were not hit by the fatal impact - adds more dismemberment on actor death.
    • Defaults to eventOnDestruction if undefined.
  • HitTypes: Can defined damage multipliers and events per hit type.
    • HitType - damageMultiplier: The damage multiplier for the specified hit type.
    • HitType - eventOnDestruction: Event to trigger when the part is destroyed with this hit type.
    • HitType - eventOnActorDeath: Event to trigger when the actor is killed with this hit type.


Contains a list of Destruction Events that can be triggered by destroyed body parts or actor health thresholds being crossed.

Each event has a enabled/disabled state and can only be triggered if enabled. Once triggered an event will be disabled.

The following parameters are available:

  • AttachmentsToHide: These character attachments will be hidden when the event is triggered.
    • This also be used to disable particle effects that are attached to certain attachments - e.g. the glowing eye trails of our aliens.
  • AttachmentToUnhide: These character attachments will be unhidden when the event is triggered.
  • DisableEvents: These events will be disabled when this event is triggered - e.g. the head on an alien can no longer be destroyed when the whole body already exploded.
  • Effect: This particle effect will be spawned when the event is triggered.
    • The particle effect will be attached to the bone or the parent bone of the attachment that was destroyed.
  • Explosion: This will spawn an explosion at the destroyed part's center - caution: this will also damage the actor that the explosion spawned from!
    • Explosion - damage: Damage at the center of the explosion.
    • Explosion - minRadius: Size of the center of the explosion, where maximum damage is dealt.
    • Explosion - maxRadius: Size of end of the explosion where 0 damage is dealt.
    • Explosion - pressure: Physical pressure of the explosion that pushes physicalized objects away.
    • Explosion - effect: Particle effect for the explosion.
  • ScriptCallback: Specifies a lua script function that will be executed when the event is triggered.
    • The function must be defined inside the actor's lua script.
    • e.g. the alien heavy's rocket launcher gets disabled by its destruction event.
  • ScriptCondition: Specifies a lua script function that will be evaluated before the event happens - the event will only continue if this function returns true.
    • The function must be defined inside the actor's lua script.
    • e.g. the alien tick's biomass sack can only explode if it is filled.
  • StopEvents: these events will be stopped if they are currently running.
    • e.g. can be used to stop bleeding after actor death.


Contains a list of Destruction Events which will happen as the health of the character reaches certain levels.

The following parameters are available:

  • ratio: Health ratio at which the destruction event will be triggered. Value must be in the range (0, 1), 1 representing full health.
  • bone: Defines which character bone location will be used to spawn effects tied to the destruction event.
  • event: Destruction event to be triggered.
  • material: This can be used to change the appareance of the character when a health ratio is reached.


When a character dies by an explosion, two different events can be triggered.

  • GibEvent: If certain conditions are met, the character will be hidden and this event triggered. The user can define the following parameters:
    • minExplosionDamage: Minimum amount of damage that the explosion should have caused to be able to gib the character.
    • probability: A value inside the range (0, 1), which is randomly evaluated at run time to dedice if it should trigger the gib event.
    • event: Destruction event to be triggered.
    • bone: Defines which character bone location will be used to spawn effects tied to the destruction event.
  • NonGibEvent: If the conditions for the gib event are not met, this event will be executed. It triggers a destruction event at a bone location, and optionally a replacement material can be specified.
    • event
    • bone
    • material


The mike death block is a special destruction event for Crysis2. This events triggers a destruction event at a bone location, and additionally it spawns and attaches an extra animated chr to the base character.

Additionally some alpha blend operations are done in the attached chr material.

  • Destruction:
    • event
    • bone
  • Attachment:
    • name: Name of the attachment to attach the chr object.
    • object: chr/cdf object to attach.
    • animation: Animation to play on the attached object.
    • alphaTestFadeOutDelay, alphaTestFadeOutTimeOut, alphaTestFadeOutMaxAlpha: Controls fade out of material on the attached object over time.