

InstantAction is a nickname in the Crysis series given to the infamous "DeathMatch" or "Free For All" type of game mode.

It's rules are simple - every player is an enemy, the player with the highest kill count/score at the end of the match is the winner.

Script - XML

Here you'll find the example InstantAction.xml script that is provided with the SDK. Below it you'll find information on what each of these sections mean.

<Mode name='InstantAction'>
    <StatsRecording class='StandardStatsRecording' />
    <Spawning class='MPRSSpawning' teamGame='0' teamSpawnsType='None' usingLua='0' />
    <Scoring class='StandardScoring'>
            <Event type='PlayerKill' points='200' xp='200' />
    <ScoreRewards enabled='1' />
    <!-- NO ASSIST scoring in instant action -->
    <!-- <AssistScoring class='AssistScoring' maxTimeBetweenAttackAndKillForAssist='7000'  maxAssistScore='99' assistScoreMultiplier='0.5'/> -->
    <PlayerStats class='StandardPlayerStats' />
    <State class='StandardState'>
        <StartStrings startMatch='ui_msg_ia_matchstart' />
    <VictoryConditions class='StandardVictoryConditionsPlayer' killsAsScore='1' />
    <PlayerSetup class='StandardSetup' />
    <DamageHandling class='MPDamageHandling'>
        <Table path='Scripts/GameRules/MPDamageTable.xml' />
    <ActorAction class='MPActorAction' />
    <Spectator class='MPSpectator' eatsActorActions='1' enableFree='0' enableFollow='0' enableKiller='1' timeFromDeathTillAutoSpectate='5000' />

Script - Lua


InstantAction= {};
