UI Element Fading In and Out


  1. Copy and paste this code somewhere on the root stage of your Flash asset

// create onEnterFrame function to fade-in the root element (if UI Element is shown up)
// We are using the cry_onShow function, which is called by the engine when the element is made visible.
function cry_onShow()
   _root._alpha = 0; // We set the _root._alpha to 0, because we want to animate it and fade it in over time.
   onEnterFrame = function()
    // Have we reached 100 % alpha ?
      if (_root._alpha < 100)
         // clear onEnterFrame function
         onEnterFrame = function() {};

// create onEnterFrame function to fade-out the root element (if requested by UI System)
// The same for the inverse action. We use the cry_requestHide function called by the engine, when the element is hidden.
function cry_requestHide()
   onEnterFrame = function()
    // If the alpha is greater than 0
      if (_root._alpha > 0)
         // clear onEnterFrame function and notify UI-System that this element does not need to be drawn anymore.
         onEnterFrame = function() {};
     // We call the cry_hideElement fscommand, to tell the engine that this ui element is not visible anymore. 
     // This is an optimization in a form, because the engine doesn't have to draw a transparent UI element enymore :)

2. You can now fade in/out the element by triggering the port show / requestHide if the UI:Display:Display Node.

  • Triggering the show port calls cry_onShow action script function.
  • Triggering the requestHide port calls cry_requestHide action script function.