ItemPackages Scripting


The ItemPackages.xml file allows you to create custom DisplayNames for Items (namely, weapons), depending on what accessories they have equipped.

Script Setup

Open the script from the following location: GameSDK/Scripts/Entities/Items/ItemPackages.xml

The default setup will look something like this:


  <!-- Pistol -->
  <package display_name="@mp_eFlashlightPistol" item="Pistol" setup="Flashlight" />
  <package display_name="@mp_eExplosivePistol" item="Pistol" setup="PistolIncendiaryAmmo" />
  <package display_name="@mp_eAssaultPistol" item="Pistol" setup="Flashlight;PistolIncendiaryAmmo" />

  <!-- Rifle -->
  <package display_name="@mp_eSilencedRifle" item="Rifle" setup="Silencer" />

  <!-- Shotgun -->
  <package display_name="@mp_eSlugShotgun" item="Shotgun" setup="ShotgunSolidAmmo" />


The "package" refers to the collection of both the "item" (weapon) and it's "setup" (accessories).

The "display_name" is similar to what you can define inside the item scripts themselves and is referenced by the localization system.

When an item, for example, the Pistol has an accessory, for example, the Flashlight, the ItemPackages system will override any display names with whatever you define in the script.