Individual AI

Some parts of this article referring to Behavior Selection Trees and old-style behavior scripts are for CRYENGINE 3.4 or earlier. The Behavior Selection Tree and old-style behavior scripts were deprecated in favor of the Modular Behavior Tree in CRYENGINE 3.5 and beyond.


Dynamic covers, generated offline and adjusted during run time

Example: CoverSurface and HMMWV

(Here ai_DebugDraw=1, ai_DebugDrawCover=2, and [AI/Physics] is on.)

Dynamic tactical points

Example: A very shy civilian who always wants to hide from the player

  • TPS query:

      Name = "Civilian_HideFromEnemy",
        Generation =
          cover_from_attentionTarget_around_puppet = 25
        Conditions =
          reachable = true,
        Weights =
          distance_from_puppet = -1,
  • TPS query referenced in a goalpipe:

      <GoalPipe name="Civilian_HideFromEnemy">
        <TacticalPos name="Civilian_HideFromEnemy"/>
  • Goalpipe selected in a behavior:

    local Behavior = CreateAIBehavior("CivilianIdle",
      Alertness = 0,
      OnEnemySeen = function(self, entity, distance)
        entity:SelectPipe(0, "Civilian_HideFromEnemy");
      OnTPSDestReached = function(self, entity)
        entity:SelectPipe(0, "_first_");
  • Grunt's properties:

  • Useful AI debug draw:
    • ai_DebugTacticalPoints=1
    • ai_StatsTarget=Grunt1
    • ai_TacticalPointsDebugTime=10
  • For more realism, add the following before goalop TacticalPos:

    <Speed id="Sprint"/>

Behavior trees

Example: A civilian who hides from the shooting player

  • New Civilian behavior:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <SelectionTree name="Civilian" type="BehaviorSelectionTree">
          <Variable name="alerted"/>
          <Signal name="OnNoTarget" variable="alerted" value="false"/>
          <Map node="Alerted" target="CivilianAlerted"/>
          <Map node="Idle" target="CivilianIdle"/>
        <Priority name="Root">
          <Leaf name="Alerted" condition="alerted"/>
          <Leaf name="Idle"/>
  • Idle behavior:

    local Behavior = CreateAIBehavior("CivilianIdle",
      Alertness = 0,
      OnBulletRain = function(self, entity, sender, data)
        entity.AI.hostileId =;
        AI.AddPersonallyHostile(, entity.AI.hostileId);
        AI.SetBehaviorVariable(, "alerted", true);
      OnTPSDestReached = function(self, entity)  
        entity:SelectPipe(0, "_first_");  
  • Alerted behavior:

    local Behavior = CreateAIBehavior("CivilianAlerted", "CivilianIdle",
      Alertness = 2,
      Constructor = function(self, entity)
        entity:SelectPipe(0, "Civilian_HideFromEnemy");  
      Destructor = function(self, entity)
        AI.RemovePersonallyHostile(, entity.AI.hostileId);
  • Civilian's properties:

  • Useful AI debug draw:
    • ai_DebugTargetTracksAgent=Grunt1
  • Check out Views:
    • AI Debugger
    • Behavior Selection Tree Editor