
Enable texture overrides.
Usage: r_TexBindMode [0/1/2/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11]
	1 - Force gray non-font maps
	5 - Force flat normal maps
	6 - Force white diffuse maps
	7 - Force diffuse maps to use mipmapdebug texture
	8 - Colour code diffuse maps to show minimum uploaded mip [0:green,1:cyan,2:blue,3:purple,4:magenta,5:yellow,6:orange,7:red,higher:white]
	9 - Colour code diffuse maps to show textures streaming in in green and out in red
	10 - Colour code diffuse maps that have requested a lower mip than the lowest available [-3: red, -2: yellow, -1: green]
	11 - Force white diffuse map and flat normal map
	12 - Visualise textures that have more or less mips in memory than needed
Default is 0 (disabled).