Load and use the AI system on the server
Team name for AIs
Automatically download configuration data from a URL
Bit rate on server
Bind the server to a specific IP address
Sets the target CPU usage when running as a dedicated server, or disable this feature if it's zero. Usage: sv_DedicatedCPUPercent [0..100] Default is 0 (disabled).
Sets how much the CPU can vary from sv_DedicateCPU (up or down) without adjusting the framerate. Usage: sv_DedicatedCPUVariance [5..50] Default is 10.
Sets the maximum update rate when running as a dedicated server. Usage: sv_DedicatedMaxRate [5..500] Default is 30.
Enables/disables dumping of level and player statistics, positions, etc. to files
Time period of statistics dumping in milliseconds
The game rules that the server should use
The game rules that the server default to when disconnecting
Experimental timeout in ms to stop interpolating client inputs since last update.
Set for LAN games
Sequence of levels to load after each game ends
Bypasses game object layer filtering to load all layers of objects for a multiplayer level
The map the server should load
Maximum memory a dedicated server is allowed to use
Maximum number of players allowed to join server.
Maximum number of players allowed to be spectators during the game.
Time to wait before considering a channel stalled
Pacifist mode (only works on dedicated server)
Packet rate on server
Server password
Server address
Enable statistics report, for official servers only.
Which input devices to require at connection (dontcare, none, gamepad, keyboard)
Restarts the round.
Broadcasts a message to all clients.
Makes all other connected machines execute a console command.
Server name will be displayed in server list. If empty, machine name will be used.
Enables time of day simulation.
Sets time of day changing speed.
Sets time of day start time.
Timeout for fully disconnecting timeout connections
The duration of the kickban in minutes.
Voting cooldown
Enable voting system. Vote kicking is for dedicated servers only
The minimum number of votes required, on top of sv_votingRatio. Set to 0 to not use
Part of player's votes needed for successful vote.
Voting timeout