Specifies the size (in KiB) of the memory pool to be used by the ATL. Usage: s_ATLPoolSize [0/...] Default: 8192 (8 MiB)
Sets the number of preallocated audio events. Usage: s_AudioEventPoolSize [0/...] Default PC: 256, XboxOne: 256, PS4: 256, MAC: 256, Linux: 256, WiiU: 128 IOS: 64 Android: 64
Sets the number of preallocated audio objects and corresponding audio proxies. Usage: s_AudioObjectPoolSize [0/...] Default PC: 512, XboxOne: 512, PS4: 512, MAC: 512, Linux: 512, WiiU: 256 IOS: 128 Android: 128
Can override AudioProxies' init type on a global scale. If set it determines whether AudioProxies initialize synchronously or asynchronously. This is a performance type cvar as asynchronously initializing AudioProxies will have a greatly reduced impact on the calling thread. Be aware though that when set to initialize asynchronously that audio will play back delayed. By how much will greatly depend on the audio thread's work load. 0: AudioProxy specific initialization. 1: All AudioProxies initialize synchronously. 2: All AudioProxies initialize asynchronously. Usage: s_AudioProxiesInitType [0/1/2] Default PC: 0, XboxOne: 0, PS4: 0, MAC: 0, Linux: 0, WiiU: 0 iOS: 0 Android: 0
Holds the name of the AudioSystemImplementation library to be used. Usage: s_AudioSystemImplementationName Default: CryAudioImplWwise
Draws AudioTranslationLayer related debug data to the screen. Usage: s_DrawAudioDebug [0ab...] (flags can be combined) 0: No audio debug info on the screen. a: Draw spheres around active audio objects. b: Show text labels for active audio objects. c: Show trigger names for active audio objects. d: Show current states for active audio objects. e: Show RTPC values for active audio objects. f: Show Environment amounts for active audio objects. g: Draw occlusion rays. h: Show occlusion ray labels. v: List active Events. w: List active Audio Objects. x: Show FileCache Manager debug info.
Allows for filtered display of the different AFCM entries such as Globals, Level Specifics, Game Hints and so on. Usage: s_FileCacheManagerDebugFilter [0ab...] (flags can be combined) Default: 0 (all) a: Globals b: Level Specifics c: Game Hints
Sets the size in KiB the AFCM will allocate on the heap. Usage: s_FileCacheManagerSize [0/...] Default PC: 393216 (384 MiB), XboxOne: 393216 (384 MiB), PS4: 393216 (384 MiB), MAC: 393216 (384 MiB), Linux: 393216 (384 MiB), WiiU: 131072 (128 MiB)
for the sounds, whose distance to the listener is greater than this value, the obstruction is value gets attenuated with distance. Usage: s_FullObstructionMaxDistance [0/...] Default: 5 m
If set to 1, the sound system will continue playing when the Editor or Game window loses focus. Usage: s_IgnoreWindowFocus [0/1] Default: 0 (off)
Obstruction/Occlusion is not calculated for the sounds, whose distance to the listener is greater than this value. Setting this value to 0 disables obstruction/occlusion calculations. Usage: s_OcclusionMaxDistance [0/...] Default: 500 m
Physics rays are processed synchronously for the sounds that are closer to the listener than this value, and asynchronously for the rest (possible performance optimization). Usage: s_OcclusionMaxSyncDistance [0/...] Default: 10 m
Specifies the size (in KiB) of the memory pool to be used by the Audio System Implementation. Usage: s_WwisePrimaryPoolSize [0/...] Default PC: 131072 (128 MiB), Xbox360: 131072 (128 MiB), XboxOne: 131072 (128 MiB), PS3: 131072 (128 MiB), PS4: 131072 (128 MiB), MAC: 131072 (128 MiB), Linux: 131072 (128 MiB), WiiU: 131072 (128 MiB), IOS: 8192 (8 MiB), Android: 8192 (8 MiB)
Specifies the size (in KiB) of the memory pool to be used by the Audio System Implementation. Usage: s_WwiseSecondaryPoolSize [0/...] Default PC: 0, Xbox360: 32768 (32 MiB), XboxOne: 32768 (32 MiB), PS3: 0, PS4: 0, MAC: 0, Linux: 0, WiiU: 0, IOS: 0, Android: 0