Enables 3 monitor hack hud in center
3 monitor hack hud in center - X FOV
3 monitor hack hud in center - Y FOV
3 monitor hack hud in center - Adds position offset in X direction to all left CGF planes
3 monitor hack hud in center - Adds position offset in X direction to all right CGF planes
Offers the LiveCreate MoCap Editor on Editor Startup when 1
Enables post process based anti-aliasing modes. Usage: r_AntialiasingMode [n] 0: NO AA 1: SMAA 1X 2: SMAA 1TX 3: SMAA 2TX 4: SMAA 2X (MGPU) 5: SMAA 4TX 6: FXAA 1X 7: TXAA 2XT1 8: TXAA 4XT1 9: MSAA 2X 10: MSAA 4X 11: MSAA 8X
Enables AA debugging views Usage: r_AntialiasingModeDebug [n]1: Display edge detection2: Zoom image 2x3: Zoom image 2x + display edge detection4: Zoom image 4x, etc
Enables post processed based aa modes stencil culling optimization
Set TAA falloff for high frequencies (high contrast regions). Default 6.0 Bigger value increases temporal stability but also overall image blurriness Smaller value decreases temporal stability but gives overall sharper image
Set TAA falloff for low frequencies (low contrast regions). Default 2.0 Bigger value increases temporal stability but also overall image blurriness Smaller value decreases temporal stability but gives overall sharper image
Enables different TAA sampling mode Usage: r_AntialiasingTAAMode [0: no subsamples, 1: 2x, 2: 4x, 3: 8x, 4: sparse grid 8x8
Enables TAA sharpening.
Armour pulse speed multiplier - default = 1.0
Enables drawing of art profiling information.
Enables budget guidelines for r_artProfile. 0=Outdoor day, 1=Outdoor night, 2=Indoors
Enable/disable render items batching Usage: r_Batching [0/1]
0 - CPU friendly. 1 - GPU friendly. 2 - Automatic.
Toggles light beams. Usage: r_Beams [0/1/2/3] Default is 3 (optimized beams with glow support). Set to 0 to disable beams or 2 to use fake beams. Set 1 for real beams, full resolution (slower). Set to 3 to use optimized and with glow support beams.
Distance between slices. Usage: r_BeamsDistFactor [fValue] Default is 0.01 (0.01 meters between slices).
Toggles light beams helpers drawing. Usage: r_BeamsHelpers [0/1] Default is 0 (disabled helpers). Set to 1 to enable drawing helpers.
Number of volumetric slices allowed per light beam. Usage: r_BeamsMaxSlices [1-300] Default is 200 (high-spec).
Toggles light beams clip type. Usage: r_BeamsSoftClip [0/1] Default is 1 (software clip beams). Set to 0 to enable hardware clipping.
calls debugbreak on illegal behaviour
Sets the display brightness (not supported on PS3). Usage: r_Brightness 0.5 Default is 0.5.
the bank size in MB for buffer pooling
enable/disable lockless buffer updates on platforms that support them
enable/disable runtime defragmentation of dynamic buffers
maximum number of moves the defragmentation system is allowed to perform per frame
enable/disable runtime defragmentation of static buffers
the maximum number of allocations per buffer pool if defragmentation is enabled
enable SLI workaround for buffer pooling
1= enable, 0 = disable Usage: r_CBufferUseNativeDepth [0/1]
Chromatic aberration amount Usage: r_ChromaticAberration [Value]
Cloak fade by distance - default = false
Cloak fade light scale - default = 0.25
Cloak fade end distance squared - default = 25.0
Cloak fade start distance squared - default = 1.0
Cloak fade minimum value (between 0 and 1) - default = 0.2
Cloak heat scale for thermal vision - default = 1.0
Cloak hightlight strength
Cloak interference sparks alpha
Cloak light scale - default = 0.25
Cloak minimum ambient indoors
Cloak minimum ambient outdoors
Cloak min light value - default = 0.0
Cloak refraction fade by distance - default = false
Cloak refraction fade end distance squared - default = 25.0
Cloak refraction fade start distance squared - default = 1.0
Cloak refraction fade minimum value (between 0 and 1) - default = 0.2
Render cloak in thermal vision - default = 0
Cloak sparks alpha
Cloak transition light scale - default = 1.0
Toggles debugging mode for clouds.Usage: r_CloudsDebug [0/1/2] Usage: r_CloudsDebug = 1: render just screen imposters Usage: r_CloudsDebug = 2: render just non-screen imposters Default is 0 (off)
Toggles updating of clouds each frame. Usage: r_CloudsUpdateAlways [0/1] Default is 0 (off)
Sets the color resolution, in bits per pixel. Default is 32. Usage: r_ColorBits [32/24/16/8]
Enables color grading. Usage: r_ColorGrading [0/1]
If called with a parameter it loads a color chart image. This image will overwrite the dynamic color chart blending result and be used during post processing instead. If called with no parameter it displays the name of the previously loaded chart. To reset a previously loaded chart call r_ColorGradingChartImage 0. Usage: r_ColorGradingChartImage [path of color chart image/reset]
Enables color grading via color charts. Usage: r_ColorGradingCharts [0/1]
Enables color grading charts update caching. Usage: r_ColorGradingCharts [0/1/2/etc] Default is 4 (update every 4 frames), 0 - always update, 1- update every other frame
Enables color grading. Usage: r_ColorGradingFilters [0/1]
Enables color grading. Usage: r_ColorGradingLevels [0/1]
Enables color grading. Usage: r_ColorGradingSelectiveColor [0/1]
Enables conditional rendering .
console specific backbuffer resolution - height
console specific backbuffer resolution - width
the bank size in MB for constant buffers pooling
the threshold aftyer which constants buffers will reclaim memory
Sets the display contrast (not supported on PS3). Usage: r_Contrast 0.5 Default is 0.5.
0 - Disabled. 1 - Enabled.
Height of custom resolution rendering
Maximum resolution of custom resolution rendering
Enable/disable preview of custom resolution rendering in viewport(0 - no preview, 1 - scaled to match viewport, 2 - custom resolution clipped to viewport
Width of custom resolution rendering
Enables custom visions, like heatvision, binocular view, etc. Usage: r_CustomVisions [0/1/2/3] Default is 0 (disabled). 1 enables. 2 - cheaper version, no post processing. 3 - cheaper post version
0=off, 1=display various features of the font rendering to verify function and to document usage
Debug view for gbuffer attributes 0 - Disabled 1 - Normals 2 - Gloss/smoothness 3 - Specular color 4 - Diffuse color 5 - Translucency 6 - Baked AO 7 - Subsurface scattering 8 - Specular validation overlay
Enables debug mode (independent from game code) for layer effects Usage: r_DebugLayerEffect [0/1/2/3/etc] Default is 0 (disabled). 1: 1st layer mode, etc
Display dynamic lights for debugging. Usage: r_DebugLights [0/1/2/3] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to display centers of light sources, or set to 2 to display light centers and attenuation spheres, 3 to get light properties to the screen
0=Disable 1=Enable Usage: r_DebugLightVolumes[0/1]
Debug refraction usage. Displays red instead of refraction Usage: r_DebugRefraction Default is 0 (off)
Toggles deferred decals. Usage: r_DeferredDecals [0/1] Default is 1 (enabled), 0 Disabled.
Display decals debug info. Usage: r_deferredDecalsDebug [0/1]
Enables/Disables ambient processing. Usage: r_DeferredShadingAmbient [0/1/2] 0: no ambient passes (disabled) 1: vis areas and outdoor ambient (default) 2: only outdoor (debug vis areas mode)
Enables/Disables ambient lights. Usage: r_DeferredShadingAmbientLights [0/1] Default is 1 (enabled)
Clear stencil buffer after ambient pass (prevents artifacts on Nvidia hw)
Enables/Disables area lights processing. Usage: r_DeferredShadingAreaLights [0/1] Default is 1 (enabled)
Toggles deferred shading combined depth bounds test + stencil test. Usage: r_DeferredShadingDBTstencil [0/1] Default is 1 (enabled)
Toggles deferred shading debug. Usage: r_DeferredShadingDebug [0/1] 0 disabled (Default) 1: Visualize g-buffer and l-buffers 2: Debug deferred lighting fillrate (brighter colors means more expensive)
Toggles deferred shading depth bounds test. Usage: r_DeferredShadingDepthBoundsTest [0/1] Default is 1 (enabled)
Toggles deferred environment probes rendering. Usage: r_DeferredShadingEnvProbes [0/1] Default is 1 (enabled)
Enables filtering of GBuffer to reduce specular aliasing.
Toggles light buffers format. Usage: r_DeferredShadingLBuffersFmt [0/1] Default is 1 (R11G11B10F), 0: R16G16B16A16F
Toggles light box debug mode. Usage: r_DeferredShadingLightBoxDebug [0/1] Default is 0 (disabled)
Sets deferred shading light intensity threshold for PS3. Usage: r_DeferredShadingLightLodRatio [value] Default is 0.1
Enables/Disables lights processing. Usage: r_DeferredShadingLights [0/1] Default is 1 (enabled)
Sets screen ratio for deferred lights to use stencil (eg: 0.2 - 20% of screen). Usage: r_DeferredShadingLightStencilRatio [value] Default is 0.2
Toggles Light volumes for deferred shading. Usage: r_DeferredShadingLightVolumes [0/1] Default is 1 (enabled)
Toggles deferred shading scissor test. Usage: r_DeferredShadingScissor [0/1] Default is 1 (enabled)
Sorts light by influence Usage: r_DeferredShadingSortLights [0/1] Default is 0 (off)
Toggles deferred subsurface scattering (requires full deferred shading)
Toggles deferred shading stencil pre pass. Usage: r_DeferredShadingStencilPrepass [0/1] Default is 1 (enabled)
Toggles tiled shading using a compute shader 1 - Tiled forward shading for transparent objects 2 - Tiled deferred and forward shading 3 - Tiled deferred and forward shading with debug info 4 - Light coverage visualization
Tiled shading hair quality 0 - Regular forward shading 1 - Tiled shading on selected assets and more accurate probe blending 2 - Full tiled shading with high quality shadow filter
Sets the depth precision, in bits per pixel. Default is 32. Usage: r_DepthBits [32/24/16/8]
Enables depth of field. Usage: r_DepthOfField [0/1/2] Default is 0 (disabled). 1 enables, 2 hdr time of day dof enabled
Sets depth of field bokeh type (only for dof mode 3). Usage: r_DepthOfFieldBokeh [0/1/etc] Default is 0 (isotropic/spherical).
Sets depth of field bokeh quality (samples multiplier). Usage: r_DepthOfFieldBokeh [0/1/etc] Default is 0: ingame quality, 1: high quality mode
Sets dilation width to reduce ghosting artifacts on near objects (can introduce other artifacts)
Distance used for per-pixel detail layers blending. Usage: r_DetailDistance (1-20) Default is 6.
Toggles detail texture overlays. Usage: r_DetailTextures [0/1] Default is 1 (detail textures on).
Toggles debugging information display. Usage: r_DisplayInfo [0=off/1=show/2=enhanced/3=compact]
Set dof min z distance, anything behind this distance will get out focus. (good default value 0.4)
Set dof min z blend multiplier (bigger value means faster blendind transition)
Set dof min z out of focus strenght (good default value - 1.0f)
Default is 40.
Sets the FoV for drawing of near objects. Usage: r_DrawNearFoV [n] Default is 60.
Enable shadows for near objects. Usage: r_DrawNearShadows [0/1]
Default is 0.1.
Sets the renderer driver ( DX11/AUTO/NULL ). Specify in system.cfg like this: r_Driver = "DX11"
Logs a list of fonts currently loaded
Dumps the specified font's texture to a bitmap file Use r_DumpFontTexture to get the loaded font names Usage: r_DumpFontTexture
enables async dip submission on durango
enables async dip submission sync on durango
Height override of shared RT for dynamic texture sources. Takes effect when bigger than 0.
Width override for shared RT for dynamic texture sources. Takes effect when bigger than 0.
Defines if dynamic flash textures are rendered into shared RT Usage: r_DynTexSourceUseSharedRT [0/1]. 0: Use Unique RT for each dynamic flash texture (with alpha support) 1: Use Shared RT for all dynamic flash textures (no alpha support!) Disabled by default. Requires level reload to change.
enable full gpu synchronization for debugging purposes on the every buffer I/O operation (debugging only)
Toggles alt tabbing in and out of fullscreen when the game is not in devmode. Usage: r_enableAltTab [toggle] Notes: Should only be added to system.cfg and requires a restart
Enables aux geometry rendering.
Sets resolution for target environment cubemap, in pixels. Usage: r_EnvCMResolution # where # represents: 0: 64 1: 128 2: 256 Default is 2 (256 by 256 pixels).
Sets the interval between environmental cube map texture updates. Usage: r_EnvCMupdateInterval # Default is 0.1.
Sets resolution for 2d target environment texture, in pixels. Usage: r_EnvTexResolution # where # represents: 0: 64 1: 128 2: 256 3: 512 Default is 3 (512 by 512 pixels).
Sets the interval between environmental 2d texture updates. Usage: r_EnvTexUpdateInterval 0.001 Default is 0.001.
Exclude or ShowOnly the named mesh from the render list. Usage: r_ExcludeShader Name Usage: r_ExcludeShader !Name Sometimes this is useful when debugging.
Exclude the named shader from the render list. Usage: r_ExcludeShader ShaderName Sometimes this is useful when debugging.
Toggles high quality mode for point light shafts. Usage: r_FlareHqShafts [0/1] Default is 1 (on).
Toggles lens flare effect. Usage: r_Flares [0/1] Default is 1 (on).
Set flares chroma shift amount. Usage: r_FlaresChromaShift [n] Default is 6 0 Disables
Set the maximum number of polygon of IrisShaft. Usage : r_FlaresIrisShaftMaxPolyNum [n] Default is 200 0 Infinite
Set the tessellation rate of flares. 1 is the original mesh. Usage : r_FlaresTessellationRatio 0.5 Default is 1.0 Range is from 0 to 1
Texture resolution quality of flash materials. Only used if flash asset is tagged CE_HQR!
Enables per-pixel culling for deferred volumetric fog pass. Fog computations for all pixels closer than a given depth value will be skipped. Usage: r_FogDepthTest z with... z = 0, culling disabled z > 0, fixed linear world space culling depth z < 0, optimal culling depth will be computed automatically based on camera direction and fog settings
Enables deferred volumetric fog shadows Usage: r_FogShadows [0/1/2] 0: off 1: standard resolution 2: reduced resolution
Enables volumetric fog shadows for watervolumes
Toggles fullscreen mode. Default is 1 in normal game and 0 in DevMode. Usage: r_Fullscreen [0=window/1=fullscreen]
While in fullscreen activities like notification pop ups of other applications won't cause a mode switch back into windowed mode.
Toggles fullscreen-as-window mode. Fills screen but allows seamless switching. Default is 0. Usage: r_FullscreenWindow [0=locked fullscreen/1=fullscreen as window]
Adjusts the graphics card gamma correction (fast, needs hardware support, affects also HUD and desktop) Usage: r_Gamma 1.0 1 off (default), accepted range on PS3 is 0.8 to 1.25
Threshold after which instancing is used to draw geometry cache pieces
Toggles HW geometry instancing. Usage: r_GeomInstancing [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable geom. instancing.
Toggles HW geometry instancing debug display. Usage: r_GeomInstancingDebug [0/1/2] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to add GPU markers around instanced objects. 2 will visually highlight them as well.
If the instance count gets bigger than the specified value the instancing feature is used. Usage: r_GeomInstancingThreshold [Num] Default is -1 (automatic depending on hardware, used value can be found in the log)
Outputs post effect param value (float) to logUsage: r_setposteffectparamf [posteffectparamname] Example: r_getposteffectparamf HUD3D_FOV
To capture one screenshot (variable is set to 0 after capturing) 0=do not take a screenshot (default), 1=save a screenshot (together with .HDR if enabled), 2=save a screenshot
Toggles the glow effect. Usage: r_Glow [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to enable glow effect.
HDR scene bloom ratio Usage: r_HDRBloomRatio [0..1] range
HDR rendering level (bloom multiplier, tweak together with threshold) Usage: r_HDRBrightLevel [Value] Default is 1.25
HDR rendering bright offset. Usage: r_HDRBrightOffset [Value] Default is 8.0
HDR rendering bright threshold. Usage: r_HDRBrightThreshold [Value] Default is 8.0
Toggles HDR debugging info (to debug HDR/eye adaptation) Usage: r_HDRDebug 0 off (default) 1 show gamma-corrected scene target without HDR processing 2 identify illegal colors (grey=normal, red=NotANumber, green=negative) 3 display internal HDR textures 4 display HDR range adaptation 5 debug merged posts composition mask
HDR rendering eye adaptation base value (smaller values result in brighter adaptation) Usage: r_EyeAdaptationBase [Value]
Enable/Disable eye adaptation caching overframes Usage: r_HDREyeAdaptionCache [value] Default is 0. 0 - always update, 1 - every other frame, 2 - every two frames, etc
HDR rendering eye adaptation interpolation factor (0 means no adaptation to current scene luminance, 1 means full adaptation) Usage: r_HDREyeAdaptionFactor [Value] Default is 0.9
Enable/Disable eye adaptation automated scene key estimation Usage: r_HDREyeAdaptationSceneKeyMode [value] Default is 0 (static). 1 - Full adaptation to scene key. 2 - Auto scene key estimation
HDR rendering eye adaptation speed Usage: r_EyeAdaptationSpeed [Value]
HDR camera grain amount Usage: r_HDRGrainAmount [Value]
Enable/Disable HDR range adaptation (improve precision - minimize banding) Usage: r_HDRRangeAdapt [Value] Default is 1
HDR range adaption speed Usage: r_HDRRangeAdaptationSpeed [Value]
Set range adaptation max adaptation for light buffers (improve precision - minimize banding) Usage: r_HDRRangeAdaptLBufferMax [Value] Default is 0.25f
Set range adaptation max range adaptation for light buffers (improve precision - minimize banding) Usage: r_HDRRangeAdaptLBufferMaxRange [Value] Default is 2.0f
Set HDR range adaptation max adaptation (improve precision - minimize banding) Usage: r_HDRRangeAdaptMax [Value] Default is 1.0f
Set HDR range adaptation max adaptation (improve precision - minimize banding) Usage: r_HDRRangeAdaptMaxRange [Value] Default is 4.0f
Toggles HDR rendering. Usage: r_HDRRendering [0/1] Default is 1 (on), film curve tone mapping. Set to 0 to disable HDR rendering.
HDR texture format. Usage: r_HDRTexFormat [Value] 0:(low precision - cheaper/faster), 1:(high precision) Default is 0
HDR viggneting Usage: r_HDRVignetting [Value] Default is 1 (enabled)
Sets the display height, in pixels. Default is 720. Usage: r_Height [600/768/..]
Stops the sun being drawn during cubemap generation.
Allows to scale the texture resolution of imposters (clouds) Usage: r_ImposterRatio [1..] Default is 1 (1:1 normal). Bigger values can help to save texture space (e.g. value 2 results in 1/4 texture memory usage)
Toggles imposters drawing. Usage: r_ImpostersDraw [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable imposters.
How many kilobytes to update per-frame. Usage: r_ImpostersUpdatePerFrame [1000-30000] Default is 6000 (6 megabytes)
Toggles Light Propagation Volumes. Usage: r_LightPropagationVolumes [0/1] Default is 1 (on)
Logs rendering information to Direct3DLog.txt. Use negative values to log a single frame. Usage: r_Log +/-[0/1/2/3/4] 1: Logs a list of all shaders without profile info. 2: Log contains a list of all shaders with profile info. 3: Logs all API function calls. 4: Highly detailed pipeline log, including all passes, states, lights and pixel/vertex shaders. Default is 0 (off). Use this function carefully, because log files grow very quickly.
Logs shaders info to Direct3DLogShaders.txt 0: off 1: normal 2: extended
Logs streaming info to Direct3DLogStreaming.txt 0: off 1: normal 2: extended
Logs vertex buffers in memory to 'LogVBuffers.txt'. Usage: r_LogVBuffers [0/1] Default is 0 (off).
Logs vid mem information to VidMemLog.txt.
Toggles materials batching. Usage: r_MaterialsBatching [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable.
Max suit pulse speed multiplier - default = 1.0
Activate a special rendering mode that visualize the rendering cost of each pixel by color. 0=off, 1=pixel shader instructions, 2=pass count, 3=vertex shader instructions, 4=overdraw estimation with 360 Hi-Z, Usage: r_MeasureOverdraw [0/1/2/3/4]
Enabled Merging of RenderChunks for ShadowRendering Default is 1 (enabled). 0 disabled
The size of the pool for volatile render data in kilobytes. Disabled by default on PC (mesh data allocated on heap).Enabled by default PS3. Requires app restart to change.
The size of the pool for render data in kilobytes. Disabled by default on PC (mesh data allocated on heap).Enabled by default PS3. Requires app restart to change.
Enables per object and camera motion blur. Usage: r_MotionBlur [0/1/2/3] Default is 1 (camera motion blur on). 1: camera motion blur 2: camera and object motion blur 3: debug mode
Pack velocity output in g-buffer. Usage: r_MotionBlurGBufferVelocity [0/1] Default is 1 (enabled). 0 - disabled
Sets motion blur max view distance for objects. Usage: r_MotionBlurMaxViewDist [0...1] Default is 16 meters
Set motion blur sample count. Usage: r_MotionBlurQuality [0/1] 0 - low quality, 1 - medium quality, 2 - high quality
Sets motion blur camera shutter speed. Usage: r_MotionBlurShutterSpeed [0...] Default is 13 (1 / 13 th of a second)
Object motion blur velocity threshold. Usage: r_MotionBlurThreshold (val) Default is 0.0001. 0 - disabled
Enables hw multisampling antialiasing. Usage: r_MSAA [0/1] Default: 0 (off). 1: enabled + default reference quality mode
Enable debugging mode for msaa. Usage: r_MSAA_debug N (where N is debug mode > 0) Default: 0. disabled. Note debug modes share target with post processing, disable post processing for correct visualization. 1 disable sample frequency pass 2 visualize sample frequency mask
Quality level used when multisampled antialiasing is enabled. Usage: r_MSAA_quality N (where N is a number >= 0). Attention, N must be supported by given video hardware! Default: 0. Please note that various hardware implements special MSAA modes via certain combinations of r_MSAA_quality and r_MSAA_samples.
Number of subsamples used when hw multisampled antialiasing is enabled. Usage: r_MSAA_samples N (where N is a number >= 0). Attention, N must be supported by given video hardware! Default: 0. Please note that various hardware implements special MSAA modes via certain combinations of r_MSAA_quality and r_MSAA_samples.
Set depth threshold to be used for custom resolve sub-samples masking
Set normals threshold to be used for custom resolve sub-samples masking
0=disabled, 1=extra overhead to allow SLI(NVidia) or Crossfire(ATI), 2(default)=automatic detection (currently SLI only, means off for ATI) should be activated before rendering
0=disabled, 1=enabling rendering in separate thread, 2(default)=automatic detection should be activated before rendering
Toggles nightvision enabling. Usage: r_NightVision [0/1] Default is 2 (HDR). Set to 1 (older version - kept for backward compatibility)Set to 3 to enable debug mode (force enabling).Set to 0 to completely disable nightvision.
Set nightvision ambient color multiplier.
Set nightvision bloom brightlevel.
Set nightvision noise amount based on camera movement.
Set nightvision noise amount blend speed.
Set nightvision final color multiplier for fine tunning.
Set nightvision sonar hints lifetime.
Set nightvision sonar hints color multiplier.
Set nightvision sonar hints radius.
Set nightvision ambient view distance.
Disable drawing of near objects. Usage: r_NoDrawNear [0/1] Default is 0 (near objects are drawn).
Disable entire render pipeline. Usage: r_NoDrawShaders [0/1] Default is 0 (render pipeline enabled). Used for debugging and profiling.
Sets renderer to ignore hardware gamma correction. Usage: r_NoHWGamma [0/1/2] 0 - allow hardware gamma correction 1 - disable hardware gamma correction 2 - disable hardware gamma correction in Editor
Sets the length of displayed vectors. r_NormalsLength 0.2 Default is 0.2 (meters). Used with r_ShowTangents and r_ShowNormals.
Specifies index of the preferred video adapter to be used for rendering (-1=off, loops until first suitable adapter is found). Use this to resolve which video card to use if more than one DX11 capable GPU is available in the system.
Defines the preferred monitor for fullscreen display. Defines the preferred output device for fullscreen display, which can be different from the windowed display device. Usage: r_PreferredMonitor [0=Main Display Window (default)/(1-n) Monitor index]OBS: the output device must be attached to the selected video card. (see r_overrideDXGIAdapter and r_overrideDXGIOutput) OBS2: many video cards support up to 2 devices connected, which would make the maximum index be 1. Usage: r_overrideDXGIFullScreenOutput [0=main display output (default)/(1-n)=display index]
Specifies index of display to use for output (0=primary display).
Enforces specified refresh rate when running in fullscreen (0=off).
Enforces specified scanline order when running in fullscreen. 0=off, 1=progressive, 2=interlaced (upper field first), 3=interlaced (lower field first) Usage: r_overrideScanlineOrder [0/1/2/3]
Changes the size of the overscan borders for the left/right and top/bottom of the screen for adjusting the title safe area. This is for logo placements and text printout to account for the TV overscan and is mostly needed for consoles. If only one value is specified, the overscan borders for left/right and top/bottom are set simultaneously, but you may also specify different percentages for left/right and top/bottom. Usage: r_OverscanBorders [0..25] r_OverscanBorders [0..25] [0..25] Default is 0=off, >0 defines the size of the overscan borders for left/right or top/bottom as percentages of the whole screen size (e.g. 7.5).
Sets the overscan border width scale Usage: r_OverscanBorderScaleX [0.0->0.25]
Sets the overscan border height scale Usage: r_OverscanBorderScaleY [0.0->0.25]
Toggles drawing overscan borders. Usage: r_OverscanBordersDrawDebugView [0=off/1=show]
Global illumination amount for particles without material. Usage: r_ParticlesAmountGI [n]
Particles debugging Usage: 0 disabled 1 particles screen coverage (red = bad, blue = good) 2 particles overdraw (white = really bad, red = bad, blue = good)
Enables (1) or forces (2) rendering of particles in a half-resolution buffer. Usage: r_ParticlesHalfRes [0/1/2]
Sets particle half-res buffer to half (0) or quarter (1) screen size. Usage: r_ParticlesHalfResForce [0/1]
Specifies which particles can be rendered in half resolution. Usage: r_ParticlesHalfResBlendMode [0=alpha / 1=additive]
Enable instanced-vertex rendering. Usage: r_ParticlesInstanceVertices [0/1]
Enables refractive particles. Usage: r_ParticlesRefraction [0/1]
Enables particles soft intersections. Usage: r_ParticlesSoftIsec [0/1]
Enables particle tessellation for higher quality lighting. (DX11 only)
Sets particles tessellation triangle screen space size in pixels (DX11 only)
Max Number of Particle Vertices to support
Enables post processing special effects. Usage: r_PostProcessEffects [0/1/2] Default is 1 (enabled). 2 enables and displays active effects
Enables post processing special effects filters. Usage: r_PostProcessEffectsFilters [0/1] Default is 1 (enabled). 0 disabled
Enables post processing special effects game fx. Usage: r_PostProcessEffectsGameFx [0/1] Default is 1 (enabled). 0 disabled
Toggles 3d hud post processing. Usage: r_PostProcessHUD3D [0/1] Default is 1 (post process hud enabled). 0 Disabled
Enables 3d hud caching overframes. Usage: r_PostProcessHUD3DCache [0/1/2/3] Default is 0 (disabled). 1 Cache every 1 frame. 2 Every 2 frames. Etc
Debug views for 3d hud post processing. Usage: CV_r_PostProcessHUD3DDebugView [0/1/2/3] Default is 0 (disabled). 1 Solid fill. 2 Wire frame. 3 Unwrap mesh onto flash texture
Controls 3D HUD 'Glow' Amount. Usage: r_PostProcessHUD3DGlowAmount [> 0.0] Default is 1.0f, higher = more glow
Controls 3D HUD 'Shadow' Amount. Usage: r_PostProcessHUD3DShadowAmount [> 0.0] Default is 1.7f, higher = darker
Enables stencil clears for flash masks when rendering HUD in 3D post process. Usage: r_PostProcessHUD3DNoStencilClear [0/1] Default is 1 (enabled), 0 disabled
Debug views for Nano Glass post processing. Usage: CV_r_PostProcessNanoGlassDebugView [0/1] Default is 0 (disabled). 1 Wire frame.
Enables post processing effects parameters smooth blending Usage: r_PostProcessEffectsParamsBlending [0/1] Default is 1 (enabled).
Sets post processing effects parameters smooth blending time scale Usage: r_PostprocessParamsBlendingTimeScale [scale] Default is 12.0f.
Enables post processing special effects reset. Usage: r_PostProcessEffectsReset [0/1] Default is 0 (disabled). 1 enabled
Toggles predicated tiling mode (X360 only) Usage: r_PredicatedTiling [0/1]
0=disabled, 1=profile each DIP performance (may cause very low frame rate) r_Stats needs to be activated to see the statistics
Enables display of render profiling information. Usage: r_ProfileShaders [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to display profiling of rendered shaders.
Group items by name ignoring RT flags. Usage: r_ProfileShaders [0/1]
Smooth time information. Usage: r_ProfileShadersSmooth [0-10]
Enables rain rendering Usage: r_Rain [0/1/2] 0 - disabled1 - enabled2 - enabled with rain occlusion
Sets rain amount Usage: r_RainAmount
Rain layer distance from camera multiplier
Enable RainDrops effect. Usage: r_RainDropEffect [0/1/2] 0: force off 1: on (default) 2: on (forced)
Toggles rendering rain wetness directly to GBuffer. Usage: r_RainGBuffer [0/1]
Disables rain wet/reflection layer for nearest objects Usage: r_RainIgnoreNearest [0/1]
Sets rain max view distance Usage: r_RainMaxViewDist
Sets maximum view distance (in meters) for deferred rain reflection layer Usage: r_RainMaxViewDist_Deferred [n]
Only objects bigger than this size will occlude rain
Enable calling the resource compiler (rc.exe) to compile TIF file to DDS files if the date check shows that the destination is older or does not exist. Usage: r_RC_AutoInvoke 0 (default is 1)
Uses direct VMEM reads instead of a staging buffer on durango for the reprojection ZBuffer
Toggles reflections. Usage: r_Reflections [0/1] Default is 1 (reflects).
Toggles reflections quality. Usage: r_ReflectionsQuality [0/1/2/3] Default is 0 (terrain only), 1 (terrain + particles), 2 (terrain + particles + brushes), 3 (everything)
Reflect texture slot information from shader
Enables refraction. Usage: r_Refraction [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable.
Do a partial screen resolve before refraction Usage: r_RefractionPartialResolves [0/1] 0: disable 1: enable conservatively (non-optimal) 2: enable (default)
Toggle refraction partial resolves debug display Usage: r_RefractionPartialResolvesDebug [0/1] 0: disable 1: Additive 2d area 2: Bounding boxes 3: Alpha overlay with varying colours
Reloads shaders. Usage: r_ReloadShaders [0/1] Default is 0. Set to 1 to reload shaders.
Controls density of render mesh triangle indexing structures
Size of pool for render targets in MB. Default is 50(MB) for PS3 & XBox 360.
Forces a split in the zpass, to prevent moving object from beeing reprojected
Enables scissor test
Sets post effect param (float)nUsage: r_setposteffectparamf [posteffectparamname, value, forceValue(OPTIONAL)] Example: r_setposteffectparamf HUD3D_FOV 35.0 (Doesn't force value) Example: r_setposteffectparamf HUD3D_FOV 35.0 1 (Forces value)
Disables caching on server side. Usage: r_ShaderCompilerDontCache 0 # Default is 0
Usage: r_ShaderCompilerFolder foldername Default is "". Set to some other value to use this folder when compiling shaders
set user defined port of the shader compile server. Usage: r_ShaderCompilerPort 61453 # Default is 61453
Usage: r_ShaderCompilerServer localhost Default is 8core5
Adds optional CC addresses to shader error emails Usage: r_ShaderEmailCCs "email1@crytek.com;email2@crytek.com" Default is empty
Adds optional tags to shader error emails e.g. own name or build run Usage: r_ShaderEmailTags "some set of tags or text" Default is build version
Enable asynchronous shader activation Usage: r_ShadersAsyncActivation [0/1] 0 = off, (stalling) synchronous shaders activation 1 = on, shaders are activated/streamed asynchronously
Enable asynchronous shader compiling Usage: r_ShadersAsyncCompiling [0/1/2/3] 0 = off, (stalling) shaders compiling 1 = on, shaders are compiled in parallel, missing shaders are rendered in yellow 2 = on, shaders are compiled in parallel, missing shaders are not rendered 3 = on, shaders are compiled in parallel in precache mode
Ensures that 2 shaderCaches built from the same source are binary equal
Automatically reenable shader compilation if outdated shader is detected
Enable special logging when shaders become compiled Usage: r_ShadersDebug [0/1/2/3/4] 1 = assembly into directory Main/{Game}/shaders/cache/d3d9 2 = compiler input into directory Main/{Game}/testcg 3 = compiler input with debug information (useful for PIX etc./{Game}/testcg_1pass 4 = compiler input with debug information, but optimized shaders Default is 0 (off)
Force all cvars to settings, which allow shader editing
0 off, 1 allow shader export during shader cache generation - Currently 360 only.
0 off, 1 import and allow fallback to getBinShader, 2 import, no fallback if import fails (optimal).
Log all shader caches misses on HD (both level and global shader cache misses). 0 = No logging to disk or TTY 1 = Logging to disk only 2 = Logging to disk and TTY (default)
Enables remote shader compilation on dedicated machine
Use lookup table to search for shader instances. Speeds up the process, but uses more memory. Handy for shader generation.
Selected shadow map screenspace blurring technique. Usage: r_ShadowBlur [0=no blurring(fastest)/1=blur/2=blur/3=blur without leaking(slower)]
Select shadow map blurriness if r_ShadowBlur is activated. Usage: r_ShadowBluriness [0.1 - 16]
0=disable shadow map updates, 1=enable shadow map updates
Use geometry shader for shadow map generation (DX11 only, don't change at runtime) Usage: r_ShadowGenGS [0=off, 1=on]
0=Use Frustums Mask 1=Regenerate all sides Usage: r_ShadowGenMode [0/1]
Shadow map jittering radius. In PC the only use of this cvar is to instantly see the effects of diferent jittering values, because any value set here will be overwritten by ToD animation (only in PC) as soon as ToD changes. Usage: r_ShadowJittering [0=off]
Process shadow pass
Maximum number of frames a shadow can exist in the pool
Max number of time sliced shadow pool updates allowed per frame
starting kernel size, to avoid blocky shadows. Usage: r_ShadowsAdaptionMin [0.0 for blocky - 1.0 for blury], 0.35 is default
maximum range between caster and reciever to take into account. Usage: r_ShadowsAdaptionRangeClamp [0.0 - 1.0], default 0.01
Select shadow map blurriness if r_ShadowsBias is activated. Usage: r_ShadowsAdaptoinSize [0 for none - 10 for rapidly changing]
Select shadow map blurriness if r_ShadowsBias is activated. Usage: r_ShadowsBias [0.1 - 16]
0=Quad light bounds 1=Use light volumes Usage: r_ShadowsDeferredMode [0/1]
1=use NV Depth Bound extension Usage: r_ShadowsDepthBoundNV [0/1]
1=use Forward prepare depth maps pass Usage: CV_r_ShadowsForwardPass [0/1]
Selects algorithm to use for shadow mask generation: 0 - Disable shadows snapping 1 - Enable shadows snapping
Saves video memory by using lower resolution for shadow masks except first one 0=per pixel shadow mask 1=half resolution shadow mask Usage: r_ShadowsMaskDownScale [0/1]
0=per pixel shadow mask 1=horizontal half resolution shadow mask 2=horizontal and vertical half resolution shadow mask Usage: r_ShadowsMaskResolution [0/1/2]
Nearest shadow map resolution. Default: 4096
Amount of animated jittering for particles shadows. Usage: r_ShadowsParticleJitterAmount [x], 1. is default
Amount of jittering for particles shadows. Usage: r_ShadowsParticleJitterAmount [x], 0.5 is default
Blur kernel size for particles shadows. Usage: r_ShadowsParticleKernelSize [0.0 hard edge - x for blur], 1. is default
Shadow taps on particles affected by normal and intensity (breaks lines and uniformity of shadows). Usage: r_ShadowsParticleNormalEffect [x], 1. is default
1=use PCF for shadows Usage: r_ShadowsPCFiltering [0/1]
Replace all sun cascades above cvar value with static map: 0=no static map, 1=replace first cascade and up, 2=replace second cascade and up,...
Static shadow map resolution. Default: 8192
1=Use Stencil pre-pass for shadows Usage: r_ShadowsStencilPrePass [0/1]
. Usage: r_ShadowsUseClipVolume [0=Disable/1=Enable
0=use R16G16 texture format for depth map, 1=try to use R16 format if supported as render target 2=use R32F texture format for depth map 3=use ATI's DF24 texture format for depth map 4=use NVIDIA's D24S8 texture format for depth map 5=use D16 texture format for depth map Usage: r_ShadowTexFormat [0-5]
Image sharpening amount Usage: r_Sharpening [Value]
Shows usage of statically allocated buffers. Usage: r_ShowBufferUSage [0/1] Default is 0 (off).
Display a dyn. textures, filtered by r_ShowDynTexturesFilter Usage: r_ShowDynTextures 0/1/2 Default is 0. Set to 1 to show all dynamic textures or 2 to display only the ones used in this frame Textures are sorted by memory usage
Usage: r_ShowDynTexturesFilter *end Usage: r_ShowDynTexturesFilter *mid* Usage: r_ShowDynTexturesFilter start* Default is *. Set to 'pattern' to show only specific textures (activate r_ShowDynTextures)
Allows to adjust number of textures shown on the screen Usage: r_ShowDynTexturesMaxCount [1...36] Default is 36
Display light bounds - for debug purpose Usage: r_ShowLightBounds [0=off/1=on]
Toggles visibility of wireframe overlay. Usage: r_ShowLines [0/1] Default is 0 (off).
Shows render multithreading graphs. Usage: r_ShowMT [0/1] Default is 0 (off).
Toggles visibility of normal vectors. Usage: r_ShowNormals [0/1]Default is 0 (off).
Displays render targets - for debug purpose [Usage] r_ShowRenderTarget -l : list all available render targets r_ShowRenderTarget -l hdr : list all available render targets whose name contain 'hdr' r_ShowRenderTarget -nf zpass : show any render targets whose name contain 'zpass' with no filtering in 2x2(default) table r_ShowRenderTarget -c:3 pass : show any render targets whose name contain 'pass' in 3x3 table r_ShowRenderTarget z hdr : show any render targets whose name contain either 'z' or 'hdr' r_ShowRenderTarget scene:rg scene:b : show any render targets whose name contain 'scene' first with red-green channels only and then with a blue channel only r_ShowRenderTarget scenetarget:rgba:2 : show any render targets whose name contain 'scenetarget' with all channels multiplied by 2 r_ShowRenderTarget scene:b hdr:a : show any render targets whose name contain 'scene' with a blue channel only and ones whose name contain 'hdr' with an alpha channel only r_ShowRenderTarget -e $ztarget : show a render target whose name exactly matches '$ztarget' r_ShowRenderTarget -s scene : separately shows each channel of any 'scene' render targets r_ShowRenderTarget -k scene : shows any 'scene' render targets with RGBK decoding r_ShowRenderTarget -a scene : shows any 'scene' render targets with 101110/8888 aliasing
Toggles visibility of three tangent space vectors. Usage: r_ShowTangents [0/1] Default is 0 (off).
Displays loaded texture - for debug purpose
Configures graphic display of frame-times. Usage: r_ShowTimeGraph [0/1/2] 1: Graph displayed as points. 2: Graph displayed as lines.Default is 0 (off).
Enables use of silhouette parallax occlusion mapping. Usage: r_SilhouettePOM [0/1]
Enables snow rendering Usage: r_Snow [0/1/2] 0 - disabled 1 - enabled 2 - enabled with snow occlusion
Enables displacement for snow accumulation Usage: r_SnowDisplacement [0/1] 0 - disabled 1 - enabled
Number of snow flake clusters. Usage: r_SnowFlakeClusters [n]
When enabled, snow renders at half resolution to conserve fill rate. Usage: r_SnowHalfRes [0/1] 0 - disabled 1 - enabled
Toggles post processed soft alpha test for shaders supporting this Usage: r_SoftAlphaTest [0/1] Default is 1 (enabled)
Toggles sonar vision enabling. Usage: r_SonarVision [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Set to 2 to enable debug mode (force enabling). Set to 0 to completely disable sonar vision modes.
Screen space ambient occlusion: 0 - disabled 1 - SSAO technique with normals 2 - SSAO technique with normals and temporal accumulation 3 - Volumetric Obscurance technique with jittering 4 - Volumetric Obscurance technique with jittering and temporal accumulation (Consoles only) 5 - VO variation with multiple radii
Controls how much SSAO affects ambient
Margin for brightening in multi-radii SSAO: 1.0 - no brightening allowed 1.1 - SSAO can make some part of the scene brighter up to 10%, default
SSAO contrast coefficient (higher contrast highlights edges)
Use downscaled computations for SSAO
Scale factor for large radius in multi-radii SSAO
SSAO shader quality[0 - Low spec, 1 - Medium spec, 2 - High spec, 3-3 Highest spec]
Controls size of area tested
Scale factor for small radius in multi-radii SSAO
Temporal SSAO update/convergence speed
Screen Space Directional Occlusion [0/1]
Strength of occlusion applied to probe irradiance
Strength of occlusion applied to light sources
Strength of occlusion applied to probe specular
Enable half resolution depth for SSDO (viewport is still full res) 1 - Enabled all the time 2 - Disabled for small camera FOVs to avoid artifacts
SSDO radius
Max clamped SSDO radius
Min clamped SSDO radius
Glossy screen space reflections [0/1]
Toggles rendering reflections in half resolution
Toggles render statistics. 0=disabled, 1=global render stats, 2=print shaders for selected object, 3=CPU times of render passes and video memory usage, 4=CPU times of render passes, 5=Occlusion query calls (calls to mfDraw/mfReadResult_Now/mfReadResult_Try), 6=display per-instance drawcall count, 8=Info about instanced DIPs, 13=print info about cleared RT's, 15=GPU times, 16=Detailed GPU timings, 17=GPU+CPU times, drawcalls and polys per GPU category, Usage: r_Stats [0/1/n]
Sets the stencil precision, in bits per pixel. Default is 8.
Sets stereo device (only possible before app start) Usage: r_StereoDevice [0/1/2/3/4] 0: No stereo support (default) 1: Frame compatible formats (side-by-side, interlaced, anaglyph) 2: HDMI 1.4 (PS3 and Xbox 360 only) 3: Stereo driver (PC only, NVidia or AMD) 4: Dualhead (PC only, two projectors or iZ3D screen) 100: Auto-detect device for platform
Maximum separation between stereo images in percentage of the screen.
Flip eyes in stereo mode. Usage: r_StereoFlipEyes [0=off/1=on] 0: don't flip 1: flip
Additional adjustment to the graphics card gamma correction when Stereo is enabled. Usage: r_StereoGammaAdjustment [offset]0: off
Distance to plane where hud stereo parallax converges to zero. If not zero, HUD needs to be rendered two times.
Sets stereo rendering mode. Usage: r_StereoMode [0=off/1/2] 1: Dual rendering 2: Post Stereo
Scale for near geometry (weapon) that gets pushed into the screen
Sets stereo output. Output depends on the stereo monitor Usage: r_StereoOutput [0=off/1/2/3/4/5/6/7] 0: Standard 1: IZ3D 2: Checkerboard (not supported on X360) 3: Above and Below (not supported) 4: Side by Side 5: Line by Line (Interlaced) 6: Anaglyph 7: VR Headset (Oculus Rift)
Distance to plane where stereo parallax converges to zero.
Multiplier which influences the strength of the stereo effect.
Enables sun shafts. Usage: r_sunshafts [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable.
Use supersampled antialiasing(1 - 1x1 no SSAA, 2 - 2x2, 3 - 3x3 ...)
Filter method to use when resolving supersampled output 0 - Box filter 1 - Tent filter 2 - Gaussian filter 3 - Lanczos filter
7=Activate terrain AO deferred passes
Controls sky light fading in tree canopy in Z direction
1 - Factor visualizing. Default is 0
Desired triangle size for screen-space tessellation. Default is 10.
Enable texture overrides. Usage: r_TexBindMode [0/1/2/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11] 1 - Force gray non-font maps 5 - Force flat normal maps 6 - Force white diffuse maps 7 - Force diffuse maps to use mipmapdebug texture 8 - Colour code diffuse maps to show minimum uploaded mip [0:green,1:cyan,2:blue,3:purple,4:magenta,5:yellow,6:orange,7:red,higher:white] 9 - Colour code diffuse maps to show textures streaming in in green and out in red 10 - Colour code diffuse maps that have requested a lower mip than the lowest available [-3: red, -2: yellow, -1: green] 11 - Force white diffuse map and flat normal map 12 - Visualise textures that have more or less mips in memory than needed Default is 0 (disabled).
Enables visualization of the color coded "texels per meter" ratio for objects in view. The checkerboard pattern displayed represents the mapping of the assigned diffuse texture onto the object's uv space. One block in the pattern represents 8x8 texels. Usage: r_TexelsPerMeter [n] (where n is the desired number of texels per meter; 0 = off)
Configures texture information logging. Usage: r_TexLog # where # represents: 0: Texture logging off 1: Texture information logged to screen 2: All loaded textures logged to 'UsedTextures.txt' 3: Missing textures logged to 'MissingTextures.txt
Specifies the maximum level allowed for anisotropic texture filtering.
Specifies the minimum level allowed for anisotropic texture filtering. 0(default) means abiding by the filtering setting in each material, except possibly being capped by r_TexMaxAnisotropy.
Disables anisotropic filtering on alpha-tested geometry like vegetation.
Disables loading of textures. Usage: r_TexNoLoad [0/1] When 1 texture loading is disabled.
Defines which texture compressor is used (fallback is DirectX) Usage: r_TextureCompressor [0/1] 0 uses nvDXT, 1 uses Squish if possible
Controls dynamic LOD system for textures used in materials. Usage: r_TextureLodDistanceRatio [-1, 0 and bigger] Default is -1 (completely off). Value 0 will set full LOD to all textures used in frame. Values bigger than 0 will activate texture LOD selection depending on distance to the objects.
Enabled skipping lower mips for X360.
Enables direct streaming of textures from disk during game. Usage: r_TexturesStreaming [0/1/2] Default is 0 (off). All textures save in native format with mips in a cache file. Textures are then loaded into texture memory from the cache.
Enables textures streaming debug mode. (Log uploads and remove unnecessary mip levels) Usage: r_TexturesStreamingDebug [0/1/2] Default is 0 (off).1 - texture streaming log.2 - Show textures hit-parade based on streaming priorities3 - Show textures hit-parade based on the memory consumed
Dump content of current texture streaming debug screen into log
Filters displayed textures by name in texture streaming debug mode
Filters displayed textures by loaded mip in texture streaming debug mode
Filters displayed textures by size in texture streaming debug mode
When enabled textures will be uploaded through a deferred context.
Load time optimisation. When enabled, textures flagged as non-streaming will still be streamed during level load, but will have a high priority stream request added in RT_Precache. Once streamed in, the texture will remain resident
Enable texture streaming update job
Maximum number of tasks submitted to streaming system. Usage: r_TexturesStreamingMaxRequestedJobs [jobs number] Default is 32 jobs
Maximum amount of texture data requested from streaming system in MB. Usage: r_TexturesStreamingMaxRequestedMB [size] Default is 2.0(MB)
Minimal read portion in KB. Usage: r_TexturesStreamingMinReadSizeKB [size] Default is 32(KB)
Minimum number of mips a texture should be able to use after applying r_texturesstreamingSkipMips.
Controls how texture LOD depends from distance to the objects. Increasing this value will reduce amount of memory required for textures. Usage: r_TexturesStreamingMipBias [-4..0..4] Default is 0.
Clamp the texture mip level to certain value when streaming from DVD. 1 will never allow highest mips to be loaded for example. Usage: r_TexturesStreamingMipClampDVD [0..4] Default is 1.
Controls how the new texture MIP appears after being streamed in. This variable influences only a visual quality of appearing texture details. Usage: r_TexturesStreamingMipFading [0/1] Default is 1 (enabled).
Disable uploading data into texture from system memory. Useful for debug purposes. Usage: r_TexturesStreamingNoUpload [0/1] Default is 0 (off).
Don't store system memory copy of texture. Applicable only for PC and PS3. On Xenon it's on[1] by default and cannot be changed. Usage: r_TexturesStreamingOnlyVideo [0/1] Default is 0 (off) for PC and PS3, 1(on always) for XBox 360.
Postpone loading of high res mipmaps to improve resolution ballance of texture streaming. Usage: r_TexturesStreamingPostponeMips [0/1] Default is 1 (on).
Threshold used to postpone high resolution mipmap loads in KB. Usage: r_TexturesStreamingPostponeThresholdKB [size] Default is 1024(KB)
Threshold used to postpone high resolution mipmaps. Usage: r_texturesstreamingPostponeThresholdMip [count] Default is 1
Number of precache rounds to include in active streamed texture lists. Default is 1
Toggle for resident textures streaming support. Usage: r_TexturesStreamingResidencyEnabled [toggle]Default is 0, 1 for enabled
Ratio for textures to become resident. Usage: r_TexturesStreamingResidencyThrottle [ratio]Default is 0.5Max is 1.0 means textures will become resident sooner, Min 0.0 means textures will not become resident
Time to keep textures resident for before allowing them to be removed from memory. Usage: r_TexturesStreamingResidencyTime [Time] Default is 10 seconds
Time limit to use for mip thrashing calculation in seconds. Usage: r_TexturesStreamingResidencyTimeTestLimit [time]Default is 5 seconds
Number of top mips to ignore when streaming.
Force unloading of all textures and suppress new stream tasks. Default is 0
Force only synchronous texture streaming. All textures will be streamed in the main thread. Useful for debug purposes. Usage: r_TexturesStreamingSync [0/1] Default is 0 (off).
Texture streaming update type. Default is 0
Enabled CPU (1), GPU(2) and disable (0) textures stream pool defragmentation.
Specify the limit (in bytes) that defrag update will stop
Specify the maximum number of blocks to move per defragmentation update
Size of secondary pool for textures in MB.
Size of pool for textures streaming in MB. If r_TexturesStreaming is set to 2, this parameter is chosen automatically for PC. Default is 384(MB) for PC, 80(MB) for PS3 & XBox 360.
Toggles termal vision enabling. Usage: r_ThermalVision [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Set to 2 to enable debug mode (force enabling). Set to 0 to completely disable termal vision modes.
Sets thermal vision cloaked-object flicker random max intensity. Usage: r_ThermalVisionViewCloakFlickerMaxIntensity [0.0+] When looking at a refracting (cloaked) object sets the min scaling factor at which the object displays hot in thermal vision
Sets thermal vision cloaked-object flicker random min intensity. Usage: r_ThermalVisionViewCloakFlickerMinIntensity [0.0+] When looking at a refracting (cloaked) object sets the min scaling factor at which the object displays hot in thermal vision
Sets thermal vision cloaked-object flicker primary frequency. Usage: r_ThermalVisionViewCloakFrequencyPrimary [1+] When looking at a refracting (cloaked) object sets the inverse frequency of the primary sine wave for the objects heat. Higher = slower
Sets thermal vision cloaked-object flicker secondary frequency. Usage: r_ThermalVisionViewCloakFrequencySecondary [1+] When looking at a refracting (cloaked) object sets the inverse frequency of the secondary sine wave for the objects heat. Higher = slower
Toggles thermal vision distance attenuation. Default is 150 (meters)
the bank size in MB for the transient pool
Write approximate depth for certain transparent objects before post effects Usage: r_TranspDepthFixup [0/1] Default is 1 (enabled)
Render just diffuse texture with no lighting (for most materials).
Toggles alpha blended objects. Usage: r_UseAlphaBlend [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable all alpha blended object.
Global displacement amount. Default is 0.4f.
Toggles using ESRAM for render targets (Durango only) Usage: r_UseESRAM [0/1]
Toggles HW skinning. Usage: r_UseHWSkinning [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable HW-skinning.
Enables material layers rendering. Usage: r_UseMaterialLayers [0/1/2] Default is 2 (optimized). Set to 1 for enabling but with optimization disabled (for debug).
Enables motion blur merged with dof. Usage: r_UseMergedPosts [0/1/2] Default is 1. 1: fastest mode - half res rendering 2: full res rendering mode (tbd) 3: quality mode, hdr + fullres (tbd)
Uses a seperate RT to render models for the ModelHud Renderer
0=Disable 1=Enable Usage: r_UseShadowsPool[0/1]
Toggles g-buffer pass. Usage: r_UseZPass [0/1/2] 0: Disable Z-pass (not recommended, this disables any g-buffer rendering) 1: Enable Z-pass (g-buffer only) 2: Enable Z-pass (g-buffer and additional Z-prepass)
0=disabled, 1=validate each DIP (meshes consistency, shaders, declarations, etc)
Activate shadow map blur. Usage: r_VarianceShadowMapBlurAmount [0=deactivate, >0 to specify blur amount (1=normal)]
Toggles vertical sync. 0: Disabled 1: Enabled 2: Enabled, use asynchronous swaps on X360
Toggles under water caustics. Usage: r_WaterCaustics [0/1] Default is 1 (enabled).
Toggles under water caustics deferred pass. Usage: r_WaterCausticsDeferred [0/1/2] Default is 0 (disabled). 1 - enables. 2 - enables with stencil pre-pass
Toggles under water caustics max distance. Usage: r_WaterCausticsDistance Default is 100.0 meters
Enables under water god rays. Usage: r_WaterGodRays [0/1] Default is 1 (enabled).
Set the amount of distortion when underwater. Usage: r_WaterGodRaysDistortion [n] Default is 1.
Toggles water reflections. Usage: r_WaterReflections [0/1] Default is 1 (water reflects).
Toggles water reflections.multi-gpu support Usage: r_WaterReflectionsMGPU [0/1/2] Default is 0 (single render update), 1 (multiple render updates)
Activates water reflections if visible pixels above a certain threshold.
Activates update distance multiplier when water mostly occluded.
Activates update factor multiplier when water mostly occluded.
Activates water reflections quality setting. Usage: r_WaterReflectionsQuality [0/1/2/3] Default is 0 (terrain only), 1 (terrain + particles), 2 (terrain + particles + brushes), 3 (everything)
Activates water reflections use min distance offset.
Enables hw water tessellation. Usage: r_WaterTessellationHW [0/1]
Distance factor for water reflected texture updating. Usage: r_WaterUpdateFactor 0.01 Default is 0.01. 0 means update every frame
Enables water updating on separate thread (when MT supported). Usage: r_WaterUpdateThread [0/1/2/3/4/n] Default is 5 (enabled and on 5 hw thread).
Toggles advanced water caustics for watervolumes. Usage: r_WaterVolumeCaustics [0/1] Default is 0 (disabled). 1 - enables.
Density/resolution of watervolume caustic grid. Usage: r_WaterVolumeCausticsDensity [16/256] Default is 256
Maximum distance in which caustics are visible. Usage: r_WaterVolumeCausticsMaxDist [n] Default is 35
Resolution of watervoluem caustics texture. Usage: r_WaterVolumeCausticsRes [n] Default is 1024
Distance in which to snap the vertex grid/projection (to avoid aliasing). Usage: r_WaterVolumeCausticsSnapFactor [n] Default is 1.0
Sets the display width, in pixels. Default is 1280. Usage: r_Width [800/1024/..]
Toggles wireframe rendering mode
Controls anti z-fighting measures in shaders (scaling homogeneous z).
Controls anti z-fighting measures in shaders (extrusion along normal in world units).
Toggles Z pass depth sorting. Usage: r_ZPassDepthSorting [0/1/2] 0: No depth sorting 1: Sort by depth layers (default) 2: Sort by distance
Set ZPrepass max dist. Usage: r_ZPrepassMaxDist (16.0f default) [distance in meters]