Desired accuracy of LCP CG solver (velocity-related, m/s)
Required LCP CG accuracy that allows to stop if there was no improvement after p_max_LCPCG_fruitless_iters
Desired accuracy of microcontact solver (velocity-related, m/s)
Breakable trees are approximated with capsules of this length (0 disables approximation)
Enables asynchronous rwis to be executed on the spu
Toggles break on validation error. Usage: p_break_on_validation [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Issues DebugBreak() call in case of a physics parameter validation error.
Toggles character IK. Usage: p_characterik [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable inverse kinematics.
Check for physics entities outside world (terrain) grid: 1 - Enable raycasts; 2 - Enable proximity checks; 3 - Both
Show debug info about CollisionClass data for physics objects.
This variable is obsolete.
Culling distance for physics helpers rendering
Sets contacting objects group size before group damping is used.Usage: p_damping_group_size 3 Used for internal tweaking only.
Turns on explosions debug mode
If set, breakable objects will log tensions at the weakest spots
Steps physics system forward when in single step mode. Usage: p_do_step 1 Default is 0 (off). Each 'p_do_step 1' instruction allows the physics system to advance a single step.
Same as p_draw_helpers_num, but encoded in letters Usage [Entity_Types]_[Helper_Types] - [t|s|r|R|l|i|g|a|y|e]_[g|c|b|l|t(#)] Entity Types: t - show terrain s - show static entities r - show sleeping rigid bodies R - show active rigid bodies l - show living entities i - show independent entities g - show triggers a - show areas y - show rays in RayWorldIntersection e - show explosion occlusion maps Helper Types g - show geometry c - show contact points b - show bounding boxes l - show tetrahedra lattices for breakable objects j - show structural joints (will force translucency on the main geometry) t(#) - show bounding volume trees up to the level # f(#) - only show geometries with this bit flag set (multiple f's stack) Example: p_draw_helpers larRis_g - show geometry for static, sleeping, active, independent entities and areas
Toggles display of various physical helpers. The value is a bitmask: bit 0 - show contact points bit 1 - show physical geometry bit 8 - show helpers for static objects bit 9 - show helpers for sleeping physicalized objects (rigid bodies, ragdolls) bit 10 - show helpers for active physicalized objects bit 11 - show helpers for players bit 12 - show helpers for independent entities (alive physical skeletons,particles,ropes) bits 16-31 - level of bounding volume trees to display (if 0, it just shows geometry) Examples: show static objects - 258, show active rigid bodies - 1026, show players - 2050
This variable is obsolete.
Whether to use OBBs rather than AABBs for the entity grid setup for brushes
Toggles fixed time step mode.Usage: p_fixed_timestep [0/1] Forces fixed time step when set to 1. When set to 0, the time step is variable, based on the frame rate.
Toggles fly mode. Usage: p_fly_mode [0/1]
Forces main thread to wait on physics if not completed in time
Specifies the cell number threshold after which GetEntitiesInBox issues a warning
Toggles damping for object groups. Usage: p_group_damping [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Used for internal tweaking only.
Default fraction of damage (tension) accumulated on a breakable joint
Default damage threshold (0..1) for p_joint_damage_accum
Time step used for gravity in breakable joints (larger = stronger gravity effects)
Move the local player next to the corresponding entity in the p_profile_entities list
Limits the number of iterations of lattice tension solver
Specifies whether the energy added by the simple solver is limited (0 or 1)
If set, breakable objects will log tensions at the weakest spots
Maximum number of capsule approximation levels for breakable trees
Clamps character bone velocities estimated from animations
Sets the gap, enforced whenever possible, between contacting physical objects.Usage: p_max_contact_gap 0.01 This variable is used for internal tweaking only.
Sets the safe contact gap for player collisions with the physical environment.Usage: p_max_contact_gap_player 0.01 This variable is used for internal tweaking only.
Specifies the maximum contact gap for objects that use the simple solver
Maximum contact number, after which contact reduction mode is activated
Broken pieces with mass<=this limit use debris collision settings
Limits the number of entity grid cells an entity can occupy
Maximum number of contacts that LCPCG solver is allowed to handle
Maximum number of LCP CG iterations w/o improvement (defined by p_min_LCPCGimprovement)
Maximum number of LCP CG iterations
Limits the total number of per-contact iterations during one LCP CG iteration (number of microiters = number of subiters * number of contacts)
Same as p_max_LCPCG_microiters, but for the final LCP CG iteration
Limits the number of LCP CG solver inner iterations (should be of the order of the number of contacts)
Limits the number of LCP CG solver inner iterations during the final iteration (should be of the order of the number of contacts)
Specifies the maximum number of microcontact solver iterations *per contact*
Maximum mass ratio between objects in an island that MC solver is considered safe to handle
Maximum object velocity in an island that MC solver is considered safe to handle
Specifies how many splash events one entity is allowed to generate
Maximum number of contacts lying in one plane between two rigid bodies (the system tries to remove the least important contacts to get to this value)
Same as p_max_plane_contacts, but is effective if total number of contacts is above p_max_contacts
Clamps players' velocities to this value
Could be used to balance RWI perfrmance on SPUs
Limits the number of substeps allowed in variable time step mode. Usage: p_max_substeps 5 Objects that are not allowed to perform time steps beyond some value make several substeps.
Limits the number of substeps large groups of objects can make
Limits the maximum unprojection velocity request
Clamps physicalized objects' velocities to this value
Specifies the maximum step physical world can make (larger steps will be truncated)
Defines a required residual squared length improvement, in fractions of 1
Specifies the minmum number of microcontact solver iterations *per contact set* (this has precedence over p_max_mc_iters)
Used a threshold in some places (namely, to determine when a particle goes to rest, and a sliding condition in microcontact solver)
Draw some debug graphics to help diagnose issues (requires p_draw_helpers to be switch on to work, e.g. p_draw_helpers rR_b)
The maximum amount of time the client is allowed to extrapolate the position based on last received packet.
The amount of time which the client will lag behind received packet updates. High values result in smoother movement but introduces additional lag as a trade-off.
The frequency at which sequence numbers increase per second, higher values add accuracy but go too high and the sequence numbers will wrap round too fast
Group size to be used with p_max_substeps_large_group, in bodies
Specifies the number of jobs for phys.sim.(used by phys job simulation mode)
For this many frames after loading a level, check if the physics gets overloaded and freezes non-player physicalized objects that are slow enough
The number of internal physics threads
Scales the penalty impulse for objects that use the simple solver
Whether living entities are allowed to break static objects with breakable joints
Specifies the size of the pool used for job based phys.sim.(used by SPUs)
Enables group profiling of physical entities
Enables per-entity time step profiling
Enables detailed profiling of physical environment-sampling functions
This variable is obsolete.
Physics proxies with triangle counts >= p_proxy_highlight_threshold+p_proxy_highlight_range will get the maximum highlight
Physics proxies with triangle counts large than this will be highlighted
Fade-out time for ray physics helpers
Rays that take longer then this (in ms) will use different color
Disables rope collisions with meshes having more triangles than this (0-skip the check)
Toggles physics system 'single step' mode.Usage: p_single_step_mode [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to switch physics system (except players) to single step mode. Each step must be explicitly requested with a 'p_do_step' instruction.
Specifies whether to skip furher collision checks between two convex objects using the simple solver when they have enough contacts between them
Range start for splash event distance culling
Range end for splash event distance culling
Minimum water hit force to generate splash events at p_splash_dist0
Minimum water hit force to generate splash events at p_splash_dist1
Minimum water hit velocity to generate splash events at p_splash_dist0
Minimum water hit velocity to generate splash events at p_splash_dist1
Enables synchronous rwis to be executed on the spu. Note: This is mostly used for debugging
Sets the breakable objects structure update interval
Sets physical time step granularity. Usage: p_time_granularity [0..0.1] Used for internal tweaking only.
Requested unprojection velocity is set equal to penetration depth multiplied by this number
Allows to use distance-based contacts (is forced off in multiplayer)
internal solver tweak
Maximum distance at which wireframe is drawn on physics helpers