Enables/Disables auto turrets aquiring targets.
Enables/Disables auto turrets aquiring TAC shells as targets
Toggles key buffering. Usage: i_bufferedkeys [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to process buffered key strokes.
Toggles input event debugging. Usage: i_debug [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to spam console with key events (only press and release).
Displays info about the item params memory usage
Displays info on the MP flowgraph node
Displays info about projectile status, where available.
Displays info about current recoil
Enable item sound debugging
Displays info about current spread
Enable GunTurret debugging. Values: 0: off 1: basics 2: prediction 3: sweeping 4: searching 5: deviation 6: Always Hostile (will shoot at you)
Displays info about weapon actions that are happening (1 shows only new actions, 2 shows you when duplicate actions are called)
Displays info about the weapon params memory usage
Use zoom mode spread/recoil mods
render controller's digital button pressed info Usage: 0 (off), 1(on)Default is 0. Value must be >=0
Command to execute on primary DebugGun fire
Command to execute on secondary DebugGun fire
Drops the current selected item!
Dumps statistics related to the weapon ammo pool.
Length of time from failed detonation until deletion
Multiplier to current velocity upon a failed detonation
Multiplier to use for deselecting prev weapon when switching to a fast select
Enables a fog volume on flashlight attachments
Enables shadows on flashlight attachments
Enable/Disable force feedback output.
Gives all available items to the player!
Sets specified ammo to the specified amount in the player's inventory. Usage: i_giveammo PistolBullet 999
Gives special debug items to the player!
Gives specified item to the player!
Switches on trajectory display
Trajectory display dashes length
Trajectory gaps length
Trajectory display resolution
Use real geometry instead of AuxGeom to render the trajectory
Weapons on the ground should be highlighted. 0 = Off, 1 = Heavy weapons only, 2 = All weapons
Fraction of time through deslection animation to physicalise and detach weapon
x value for local impulse direction
y value for local impulse direction
z value for local impulse direction
Players inventory capacity
If no zooming is allowed whilst falling then unzoom after you've fallen for this amount of time
Whether players can use weapon ironsights whilst falling (Only if whilst jumping is disabled)
Whether players can use weapon ironsights whilst jumping
Display item memory stats on screen
1 = Draws skeleton on screen 2 = Draws colour + depth buffers on screen 3 = Draws both skeleton and buffers
Allow connection to Xbox for Kinect input. Usage: 0 = disabled, 1 = allow connection, 2 = force connection (don't try local Kinect on system) Default is 1
Usage: force set a specific Xbox Game IP to connect to for Kinect input (use default xbox from neighbourhood when empty) Default is empty
Port used to connect to Xbox for Kinect input. Default is 62455 (random value different than remote compiler)
Trend correction factor for double exponential smoothing.
Maximum deviation radius from prediction for double exponential smoothing.
Radius to determine jitter correction for double exponential smoothing.
Prediction factor for double exponential smoothing.
Smoothing factor for double exponential smoothing.
Distance used to determine if kinect skeleton has moved in the play space.
Kinect skeleton tracking smooth type: 0 = not smoothed, 1 = using Double Exponential Smoothing
Distance from hit to position the aim dot
Enable/Disable lights spawned during item effects.
List action maps/filters on screen (1 = list all, 2 = list blocked inputs only)
List all item names matching the string provided as parameter.
Max number of items lying around in a level (<= 0 means no limit). Only works in multiplayer.
Max number of items lying around in a level (<= 0 means no limit). Only works in singleplayer.
Set mouse acceleration, 0.0 means no acceleration. Usage: i_mouse_accel [float number] (usually a small number, 0.1 is a good one) Default is 0.0 (off)
Set mouse max mouse delta when using acceleration. Usage: i_mouse_accel_max [float number] Default is 100.0
Toggles mouse input buffering. Usage: i_mouse_buffered [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to process buffered mouse input.
Set mouse inertia. It is disabled (0.0) by default. Usage: i_mouse_inertia [float number] Default is 0.0
Set mouse smoothing value, also if 0 (disabled) there will be a simple average between the old and the actual input. Usage: i_mouse_smooth [float number] (1.0 = very very smooth, 30 = almost instant) Default is 0.0
Enable/Disable particles spawned during item effects.
Enables precaching of items during level loading.
Enable/Disable ammo reject effects during weapon firing.
Reloads item scripts.
Saves weapon offset
1 = Enable seated skeleton tracking
Use Kinect
The time taken to enter/exit the in fiction customization menu
Number of XInput controllers to process Usage: i_xinput [0/1/2/3/4] Default is 1.
deadzonehandling Usage: i_xinput_deadzone_handling 0/1 (0 - old deadzone/ 1 - new deadzone) Default is 1. Value must be >=0.
Number of ms between device polls in polling thread Usage: i_xinput_poll_time 500 Default is 1000ms. Value must be >=0.