Set maximum verbosity to 3dengine.dll log messages
pool size for temporary allocations in kb, requires app restart
When not 0 - Force full pre-cache of textures, procedural vegetation and shaders if camera moved for more than X meters in one frame or on new cut scene start
Force auto pre-cache of CGF render meshes. 1=pre-cache all mehes around camera. 2=pre-cache only important ones (twice faster)
Maximum number of parallel streaming tasks during pre-caching
Force auto pre-cache of terrain textures and procedural vegetation
Force auto pre-cache of general textures and shaders
Activates drawing of bounding boxes
Draw brushes
Allow blend with terrain color for brushes
Enable caching nearest cube maps probe picking for alpha blended geometry
Freeze 3dengine camera (good to debug object culling and LOD). The view frustum is drawn in write frame. 0 = off 1 = activated
Move cameras to a certain pos/angle
Rotate camera around Z axis for debugging
will refuse to load any cgf larger than the given filesize (in kb) -1 - 1024 (<0 off (default), >0 filesize limit)
Min LOD for character objects
Perform a visible check in check occlusion job
Size of queue for data send from check occlusion job
Size of queue for data send to check occlusion job
CryWarning for crazy sized COctreeNode m_objectsBoxes
Test COctreeNode visibility
Enable clouds rendering
Activates usage of software coverage buffer. 1 - camera culling only 2 - camera culling and light-to-object check
expanding the AABB's of the objects to test to avoid z-fighting issues in the Coverage buffer
Checking of OBB boxes instead of AABB or bounding rects
Coverage buffer z-biasing
128 - cull only nodes of scene tree and very big brushes 0 - cull all brushes individually
Display content of main camera coverage buffer
Freezes view matrix/-frustum
Debug draw of occluders for coverage buffer
preempting occluder rasterization to avoid stalling in the main thread if rendering is faster
Max time for unlimited AddRenderMesh
maximum amount of polys to rasterize cap, 0 means no limit default is 100000
Use re-projection technique on CBuffer, 1 simple reproject, 2 additional hole filling, 4 using ocm mesh for occlusion checking
Resolution of software coverage buffer
Coverage buffer safe checking for rotation 0=disabled 1=enabled 2=enabled for out of frustum object
1 show only meshes used as occluder, 2 show only meshes not used as occluder
Activates usage of coverage buffer for terrain
expanding the AABB Z axis of terrain to avoid flat terrain flickering
Controls tessellation of terrain mesh
amount of visible pixel that will still identify the object as covered
1 Vladimir's, 2MichaelK's
Shows the cover setups on cfg files
The hw thread number on XENON that the culler will run on, only read at startup
Vegetation activation distance limit; 0 disables visibility-based culling (= unconditional activation)
Draw helpers with information for each object (same number negative hides the text) 1: Name of the used cgf, polycount, used LOD 2: Color coded polygon count 3: Show color coded LODs count, flashing color indicates no Lod 4: Display object texture memory usage 5: Display color coded number of render materials 6: Display ambient color 7: Display tri count, number of render materials, texture memory 8: Free slot 9: Free slot 10: Render geometry with simple lines and triangles 11: Free slot 12: Free slot 13: Display occlusion amount (used during AO computations). Warning: can take a long time to calculate, depending on level size! 15: Display helpers 16: Display debug gun 17: Streaming info (buffer sizes) 18: Free slot 19: Physics proxy triangle count 20: Display object instant texture memory usage 21: Display animated object distance to camera 22: Display object's current LOD vertex count 23: Display shadow casters in red
e_DebugDraw shows only Compound (less efficient) static meshes
e_DebugDraw shows only objects showing lod X
enable logging of Geom preparation
Use different colors for objects affected by different number of lights black:0, blue:1, green:2, red:3 or more, blinking yellow: more then the maximum enabled Obsolete for deferred lights. Use r_DeferredShadingDebug.
Activates drawing of decals (game decals and hand-placed)
Allows creation of decals by game (like weapon bullets marks)
Clip decal geometry by decal bbox
1 - make all game play decals deferred, 2 - make all game play decals non deferred
Scale decal projection depth
Convert only dynamic decals bigger than X into deferred
1 - switch all non-planar decals placed by level designer to deferred
1 - force to convert all decals to use deferred ones
Use smart hit caching for bullet hits (may cause no decals in some cases)
Allows to increase or reduce decals life time for different specs
Do not create decals on objects having more than X triangles
Maximum number of static decal render mesh updates per frame
Number of frames after which not visible static decals are removed
Combine pieces of decals into one render call
If not zero - new decals will force old decals to fade in X seconds
If zero - new decals will not be spawned if the distance to nearest decals less than X
Avoid spawning decals on the corners or edges of entity geometry
Avoid spawning decals on the corners or edges of entity geometry
Pre-create decals at load time
Less precision for decals outside this range
Enable decal rendering optimization by using scissor
use gray illumination as default
Enable to Perform some physics events deferred as a task/spu job
Enable / Disable morph based deformable objects
Turns On/Off the memory usage icon rendering: 1 on, 0 off.
Objects alphatest_noise_fading out on distance and between lods
Over how many metres transition takes place
At most how near to object MVD dissolve effect triggers (10% of MVD, clamped to this)
At least how near to object MVD dissolve effect triggers (10% of MVD, clamped to this)
[DEPRECATED] The fraction of vegetation sprite draw distance over which to dissolve
[DEPRECATED] The min dist over which vegetation sprites dissolve
Activates dynamic light sources
Convert all lights to deferred (except sun)
Use based on last draw frame visibility test
Sets maximum amount of dynamic light sources
Set maximum number of lights affecting object
Activates drawing of entities and brushes
Defines the level at which entities are spawned. Entities marked with lower level will not be spawned - 0 means no level. Usage: e_EntitySuppressionLevel [0-infinity] Default is 0 (off)
Activates global height/distance based fog
Activates local height/distance based fog volumes
Damping of branch ropes
Stiffness of branch ropes
Maximum lifetime of branch ropes (if there are no collisions)
Damping of branch ropes of broken vegetation
Stiffness of the spongy obstruct geometry
If the wind is sufficiently strong, visible foliage in this view dist will be forcefully activated
[DEPRECATED] Force sprite distance and other values used for some specific screen resolution, 0 means current
Geometry cache stream buffer upper limit size in MB. Default: 128
Show geometry cache debug overlay. Default: 0
Geometry cache debug draw mode 0 = normal 1 = only animated meshes 2 = only static meshes 3 = debug instancing
Set name filter for e_geomCacheDebug
Time in seconds that data will be decoded ahead for geom cache streaming. Default: 0.5
Interpolate between geometry cache frames. Default: 1
Time in seconds maximum that data will be buffered ahead for geom cache streaming. Default: 5.0
Maximum size of geometry cache animated data in MB before always streaming from disk ignoring the memory playback flag. Default: 16
Time in seconds minimum that data will be buffered ahead for geom cache streaming. Default: 2.0
Preferred disk request size for geometry cache streaming in KB. Default: 1024
Activates drawing of geometry caches
Enable/disable global illumination. Default: 1 - enabled
Multiplier for brightness of the global illumination. Default: 25.0 times brighter (temporary)
Ratio of overlapped region between nested cascades. 0.25 means 25% overlapping. Default: 0.25 Min: .1 Max: 2
Sparse temporal caching for RSM rendering. Measured in framed per generation. Default: 7 Min: 0 (disabled)
Sets slope of cascades for global illumination. Default: 2.f
Enable/disable reflective mode for global illumination. Default: 0 - disabled
Maximum number of propagation iterations global illumination The less number of propagation iterations the shorter the light propagation distance. Default: 6. Max: 32
Maximum distance of global illumination in meters. The less the distance the better the quality. Default: 50. Max: 150
Sets number of cascades for global illumination. Default: 1
Offset of GI in front of camera in percents[0;1]. Default: 0.4 Min: 0 Max: 1
Light amplification during each propagation iteration. Default: 3.3 Min: 1 Max: 5
Set the default reflective shadow map size. Default: 256 pixels for PC/128 for consoles, minimum: 64, maximum: 512
Enable/disable secondary occlusion for global illumination. Default: 0 - disabled
Cache sun shadows maps over several frames 0=off, 1=on if MultiGPU is deactivated
Makes first X GSM lods not cached
How fast to update terrain GSM lod
Cast shadows from terrain
Debug GSM bounds regions calculation
Make last cascade bigger and use less frequent updates
Includes object shadows into last very big shadow frustum
Enable Additive Blending on shadows from terrain
Enable Variance Shadow mapping on shadows from terrain
Number of GSM lods (0..5)
Size of LOD 0 GSM area (in meters)
Range of next GSM lod is previous range multiplied by step
gsm_range_step for last gsm lod containing terrain
Size of Scattering LOD GSM in meters
Show GSM statistics 0=off, 1=enable debug to the screens
0=world axis aligned GSM layout, 1=Rotate GSM frustums depending on view camera
Activates usage of HW occlusion test for objects
Activates usage of HW occlusion test for ocean
Scales the strength of prebroken objects' joints (for tweaking)
Set to number of frames to wait after level load before beginning fps measuring
Set to number of frames to capture for avg fps computation
Allows deferred lighting for registered alpha blended geometry 0 = Off 1 = Enabled 2 = Enabled just for sun light
Display light volumes debug info 0 = Off 1 = Enabled
Affects LOD selection for big objects, small number will switch more objects into lower LOD
Max LOD for objects
Min LOD for objects
LODs with less triangles will not be used
LOD distance ratio for objects
Load and use LOD models for static geometry
Force using LODs even if triangle count do not suit
Will not render CGFs past the given amount of drawcalls (<=0 off (default), >0 draw calls limit)
Far clipping plane distance
1 - use max view distance set by designer for very high spec 0 - for very low spec Values between 0 and 1 - will lerp between high and low spec max view distances
Show runtime merged meshes
Active distance up until merged mesh patches will be streamed in
MergedMesh Bullet approximations lifetime
MergedMesh Bullet approximations size scale
MergedMesh Bullet approximations speed factor
enable debug drawing of runtime merged meshes
distance modifier applied to view dist ratios after which deformables stop updating
Distance fudge factor at which merged meshes turn off animation
merged meshes lod ratio
amount of mainmeory (in kb) that merged meshes are allowed to sustain
percentage of the pool for spines
Enable or disable support for tesselation on mergedmeshes
MergedMeshes use touchbending
merged meshes view dist ratio
Allow game to activate/deactivate object layers
Allow game to create/free physics of objects: 0: Disable; 1: All; 2: Water only.
Render or not all objects
Debug draw of object tree bboxes
Object detail quality
Show instances count
Skip per object occlusion test for very far objects - culling on tree level will handle it
Makes less occluson tests, but it takes more frames to detect invisible objects
Enable occlusion volumes(antiportals)
Controls how far occlusion volumes starts to occlude objects
Specifies the maximum size of vegetation objects that are physicalized on-demand
Turns on on-demand physicalization (0=off, 1=vegetation only[default], 2=brushes only, 3=brushes&vegetation
Writes all effects used and counts to log
Writes all emitters to log
Displays current particle memory usage
Activates drawing of particles
Blend between animated texture frames Usage: e_ParticlesAnimBlend [0/1/2] 0 = Off 1 = On 2 = Force
Cull Particles against the Occlusion Buffer
Cull Particles against the view-frustum
Particle debug flags: to set, + to add, - to remove 1 = show basic stats m = show memory usage r = show reiteration, rejection, and collision stats b = draw bounding boxes and labels, show bounding box stats x = show bounding box stats d = force dynamic bounds and update for all emitters c = disable clipping against water and vis area bounds z = freeze particle system
Set to 1 to dump particle memory informations after map load
Apply global illumination to appropriate particle effects Usage: e_ParticlesGI [0/1/2] 0 = Off 1 = On 2 = Force
Memory Size of Index Pool between Particle and Render Thread
Threshold for minumum particle light color
Threshold for minimum particle light radius
Allows to have light source attached to every particle 0 = Off 1 = Deferred lights
Set particles lights view distance ratio
Multiplier to particle count
Screen size max per particle -- fade out earlier
Screen size max of total particles to draw
Alpha cutoff for rendering particles
Pixel size min per particle -- fade out earlier
Motion blur for particles Usage: e_ParticlesMotionBlur [0/1/2] 0 = Off 1 = On 2 = Force
Enable particle/object collisions for SimpleCollision: 1 = against static objects only, 2 = dynamic also
Particle system pool memory size in KB
Enable preloading of all particle effects at the beginning
1 - always show statistics about particle pools usage 2 - disable the warning message when running out of pool memory
Particles detail quality
Save effects libraries with named fields for future compatibility (compatible with versions >= 24)
Shadows on particles Usage: e_ParticlesShadows [0/1/2] 0 = Off 1 = On 2 = Force
Render a list of Containers not updated by SPU and why
Render appropriate particles with soft intersection Usage: e_ParticlesSoftIntersect [0/1/2] 0 = Off 1 = On 2 = Force
Minimum sort quality for new particle insertion: 0 = basic, 1 = better, 2 = best
Enable particle threading
Allows searching for level-specific version of effects files 0 = Off 1 = Enabled
Memory Size of Vertex Pool between Particle and Render Thread
Enables physicalized foliage 1 - only for dynamic objects 2 - for static and dynamic)
Min size of cell in physical entity grid
Cell size for ocean approximation in physics, 0 assumes flat plane
Maximum allowed triangle count for phys proxies
Activates drawing of visareas content (indoors), values 2,3,4 used for debugging
Enables special processing of big entities like vehicles intersecting portals
Pre-render objects right after level loading
Preload all materials for decals
Preload level materials from level cache pak and resources list
Enable to Prepare deformable objects at load time instead on demand, prevents peaks but increases memory usage
Show procedurally distributed vegetation
Maximum number of instances per chunk
Maximum number of 64x64 meter sectors cached in memory
Maximum distance where procedural objects may be spawn
If 0 - will skip recursive render calls like render into texture
If 0 - will disable occlusion tests for recursive render calls like render into texture
Set all view distances shorter by factor of X
Reload physical properties of all materials
Enable engine rendering
Min distance between physics-proxy and rendermesh before collision is considered a hole
Enables async updating of dynamically updated rendermeshes 0 - performs a synchronous update 1 - performs the update in an async job (default))
Cache RNTmpData at least for X framres
Activates drawing of road objects
Turn Rendering of Ropes on/off
Make screenshot combined up of multiple rendered frames (negative values for multiple frames, positive for a a single frame) 1 highres 2 360 degree panorama 3 Map top-down view see: e_ScreenShotWidth, e_ScreenShotHeight, e_ScreenShotQuality, e_ScreenShotMapCenterX, e_ScreenShotMapCenterY, e_ScreenShotMapSize, e_ScreenShotMinSlices, e_ScreenShotDebug
0 off 1 show stitching borders 2 show overlapping areas
Set output image file format for hires screen shots. Can be JPG or TGA
used for all type highres screenshots made by e_ScreenShot to define the height of the destination image, 1500 default
param for top-down-view screenshot creation, defining the camera height for screenshots, see e_ScreenShotMap defines the y position of the bottom right corner of the screenshot-area on the terrain, 0.0 - 1.0 (1.0 is default)
param for the centerX position of the camera, see e_ScreenShotMap defines the x position of the top left corner of the screenshot-area on the terrain, 0.0 - 1.0 (0.0 is default)
param for the centerX position of the camera, see e_ScreenShotMap defines the y position of the top left corner of the screenshot-area on the terrain, 0.0 - 1.0 (0.0 is default)
param for rotating the orientation through 90 degrees so the screen shot width is along the X axis see e_ScreenShotMap 0 - 1 (0 is default)
param for the size in worldunits of area to make map screenshot, see e_ScreenShotMap defines the x position of the bottom right corner of the screenshot-area on the terrain, 0.0 - 1.0 (1.0 is default)
param for the size in worldunits of area to make map screenshot, see e_ScreenShotMap defines the x position of the bottom right corner of the screenshot-area on the terrain, 0.0 - 1.0 (1.0 is default)
used for all type highres screenshots made by e_ScreenShot to define the amount of sub-screenshots for the width and height to generate the image, the min count will be automatically raised if not sufficient (per screenshot-based)
used for all type highres screenshots made by e_ScreenShot to define the quality 0=fast, 10 .. 30 .. 100 = extra border in percent (soften seams), negative value to debug
used for all type highres screenshots made by e_ScreenShot to define the width of the destination image, 2000 default
Activates drawing of shadows
Shadows slope bias for shadowgen
0=off, 1=visualize sun shadow cascades on screen
View dist ratio for shadow maps casting from objects
View dist ratio for shadow maps casting for light sources
Cloud shadows
Shadows slope bias for shadowgen
Shadows slope bias for shadowgen (high quality mode)
0=off, 2=visualize shadow maps on the screen
Simplifies mesh for shadow map generation by X LOD levels
Simplifies mesh for shadow map generation by X LOD levels, if object is not visible in main frame
Maximum amount of allocated shadow mask textures This limits the number of shadow casting lights overlapping 0=disable limit(unpredictable memory requirements) 1=one texture (4 channels for 4 lights) 2=two textures (8 channels for 8 lights), ...
Set maximum resolution of shadow map 256(faster), 512(medium), 1024(better quality)
Enable/disable shadow-caster test against the occlusion buffer
Clips the caster extrusion to the zero height.
Enable shadows on alphablended
Enable/disable shadows on water
Set size of shadow pool (e_ShadowsPoolSize*e_ShadowsPoolSize)
Shadows slope bias for shadowgen
Shadows slope bias for shadowgen
Shadows slope bias for shadowgen (for high quality mode)
Trigger updates of static shadow map: 0=no update, 1=one update, 2=continuous updates
The lod used for rendering objects into the static shadow map. Set to -1 to disable
Maximum cascade number to render tessellated shadows (0 = no tessellation for sun shadows)
Disable/enable tessellation for local lights shadows
View dist ratio for shadow maps updating for shadowpool
Enables Sketch mode drawing
Activates drawing of skybox and moving cloud layers
Quality of dynamic sky: 1 (very high), 2 (high).
Type of sky used: 0 (static), 1 (dynamic).
Percentage of a full dynamic sky update calculated per frame (0..100].
Sleep X in C3DEngine::Draw
If not zero - start streaming latency unit test
If not zero - restart test X times
Time to stabilize the system before camera movements
Distance to travel
If not zero - shutdown when finished testing
Mip to wait during test
Camera speed during test (meters/sec)
Reference texture name for streaming latency test
1 - occlusion test on render node level, 2 - occlusion test on render mesh level
Enable CGF sub-objects meshes merging
Skip merging of meshes already having acceptable number of triangles per draw call
Use a thread to perform sub-objects meshes merging
Load level CGF's in efficient way
Debug: Controls which cgfs are rendered, based on input string
Debug: Controls how e_StatObjRenderFilter is use. 0=disabled 1=include 2=exclude
Store the mesh if enabled, used for cheat detection purposes (they will be stored by default on the dedi server)
Split edges longer than X meters
Set they way pre-tessellated version of meshes is created: 0 = no pre-tessellation, 1 = load from disk, 2 = generate from normal mesh on loading
Use additinal OBB check for culling
Enable CGF mesh validation during loading
Add a user marker to the perf stat logging for this frame
Allow overriding of cvars in release for fps captures (MP only).
The number of seconds the data writer will stall while trying connect to the telemetry server.
Create a new perflog file per level.
Which data groups are recorded each frame: flags+ enables, flags- disables 0 = none 1 = all f+ = frame lengths e+ = effects m+ = memory s+ = streaming a+ = streaming audio o+ = streaming objects t+ = threading T+ = system threading W+ = Worker Information Individual X+ = Worker Information Summarized Y+ = Job Information Individual Z+ = Job Information Summarized j+ = CPU Times v+ = Vertex data p+ = particles l+ = location c+ = per-cgf gpu profilers y+ = ParticlesColliding w+ = PhysEntities r+ = frame profilers q+ = performance counters u+ = user markers k+ = callstacks n+ = network z+ = channel d+ = network profile
Controls whether all functions are dumped in a profile log.
Controls whether all statoscope is enabled.
Set to include the platform and build number in the log filename.
Set to include the map name in the log filename.
Set to include tag in the log file name.
Set to include the time and date in the log filename.
Which data groups are recorded each frame: flags+ enables, flags- disables 0 = none 1 = all s+ = streaming o+ = streaming objects t+ = streaming textures
Where the Statoscope log gets written to: 0 - file 1 - socket 2 - telemetry server (default)
Max number of funcs to log per frame.
Min func duration (ms) to be logged by statoscope.
Statoscope will take a screen capture when we are GPU limited
How many seconds between Statoscope screenshot captures (-1 to disable).
The number of seconds the data writer will stall before it gives up trying to write data (currently only applies to the telemetry data writer).
Enable streaming of static render meshes
Draw helpers and other debug information about CGF streaming 1: Draw color coded boxes for objects taking more than e_StreamCgfDebugMinObjSize, also shows are the LOD's stored in single CGF or were split into several CGF's 2: Trace into console every loading and unloading operation 3: Print list of currently active objects taking more than e_StreamCgfDebugMinObjSize KB
Show only items containing specified text
Generate and show mesh streaming heat map 1: Generate heat map for entire level 2: Show last heat map
Threshold for objects debugging in KB
Update streaming priorities for near objects every second frame
Update streaming priorities when camera moves more than this value
Maximum number of files requested from streaming system per update
Maximum number of files simultaneously requested from streaming system
Render mesh cache size in MB
Use node distance as entity distance for far nodex
Priority boost for visible objects 0 - visible objects has no priority over invisible objects, camera direction does not affect streaming 1 - visible objects has highest priority, in case of trashing will produce even more trashing
Use preducted camera position for streaming priority updates
Draw ball at predicted position
Always include outside octrees in streaming
Radius of stream prediction box
Prediction distance for streaming, affects far objects
Prediction distance for streaming, affets LOD of objects
Maximum number visareas and portals to traverse.
Use mesh texture mapping density info for textures streaming
Maximum amount of time to spend for scene streaming priority update in milliseconds
Save basic information about streaming performance on level start into XML
Activates sun light source
Sun dir snap control
Sun dir snap control
Activates drawing of terrain ground
Activate deferred terrain ambient occlusion
Show terrain nodes bboxes
Allows in-game terrain surface deformations
Activates drawing of detail materials on terrain ground
Shows number of materials in use per terrain sector
Max view distance of terrain XY materials
Max view distance of terrain Z materials
1 - render only sector where camera is and objects registered in sector 00 2 - render only sector where camera is
Set heightmap LOD
Rises LOD for distant terrain sectors with holes, prevents too strong distortions of holes on distance
Use terrain normal map for base pass if available
heightmap occlusion culling with time coherency 0=off, 1=on
Draw sphere on every terrain height sample
Max length of ray (for version 1)
Max number of tests per ray (for version 0)
Density of rays
Controls density of rays depending on distance to the object
Initial size of single step (in heightmap units)
Step size scale on every next step (for version 1)
0 - old, 1 - new
Adjust terrain base texture resolution on distance
Specifies number of textures in terrain base texture streaming pool
HW geometry tessellation 0 = not allowed, 1 = allowed
Maximum distance from camera in meters to allow tessellation, also affects distance-based displacement fadeout
Enables texel density debug 1: Objects texel density 2: Objects texel density with colored mipmaps 3: Terrain texel density 4: Terrain texel density with colored mipmaps
Specifies budget, in MB, at which point 360 texture streaming warning is displayed.
Specifies budget, in MB, at which point PS3 texture streaming warning is displayed.
Current Time of Day
Display time of day current values on screen
Time of Day change speed
Console material visualization mode. Enable before level loading to be in effect. -1 = fully disabled (default) 0 = enabled but renders regular materials only 1 = enabled and renders console materials where available
Activates drawing of distributed objects like trees
0 - no align, 1 - full align
Allow alpha blending for vegetations
Logs information about number of bones in each vegetation object loaded
Minimal size of static object, smaller objects will be not rendered
Activates vegetation spherical skinning support
[DEPRECATED] Activates drawing of sprites instead of distributed objects at far distance
[DEPRECATED] Activates batch processing for sprites, optimizes CPU usage in case of dense vegetation
[DEPRECATED] Clamps SpriteDistRatio setting in vegetation properties
[DEPRECATED] Allows changing distance on what vegetation switch into sprite
[DEPRECATED] Sets minimal distance when distributed object can be replaced with sprite
[DEPRECATED] [0-1] amount to factor in scale of sprites in sprite switch distance.
Allow blend with terrain color for vegetations
Affects max view distance for big objects, small number will render less objects
Min distance on what far objects will be culled out
View distance ratio for objects
View distance ratio for special marked objects (Players,AI,Vehicles)
View distance ratio for detail objects
View distance ratio for light sources
View distance ratio for portals
View distance ratio for vegetation
Self shadow intensity of volume objects [0..1].
Activates drawing of ocean. 1: use usual rendering path 2: use fast rendering path with merged fog
Activates drawing bottom of ocean
Activates fft based ocean
Set tessellation amount
Set tessellation on x axis - 0 means not used
Set tessellation on y axis - 0 means not used
Set the swath width for the boustrophedonic mesh stripping
Activates drawing of water volumes 1: use usual rendering path 2: use fast rendering path with merged fog
Activates drawing of water waves
Sets water waves tessellation amount
Wind cutoff distance for bending (linearly attentuated to that distance)
Debug only: simulates multi-segment behavior in the editor